Clearance price M³

Encombrants les plus débarrasser

Clearance price of in 2024


Intéressé par les prix de débarras en M³ ?


If you need a house clearance, our guide revealsall thePrice clearance M³ of house in 2024, the different types of clearance work and much more!


Whether you aremoving or dealing with aclearance following an inheritance, you will want toperhapsconsider hiring a professional clearance service.

Clearance clearance companies charge different prices per M³. Some will charge you by volume, while others will charge you by weight, and still others may accept a fixedcost.

Rates clearance costs can vary depending on several factors.

Generally, the cost ofclearance will be determined by the number of items you need to get rid of . Clearance prices start from €280 for a particularly small clearance, which equates to 3 M³or a quarter of a utility.

Some examples of clearance prices per M³?

Clearance pricesstart between €280 and €500 for a small clearance, which is equivalent to up to 4 M³, or half of a utility.

Clearing your house will cost you between750€ and 1800€ if you have an average clearance of up to 50 M³, or three quarters of the loading of a large van.

Finally, if you are planning a large house clearance volume of up to 100 M³ or a full van, expect to pay between €1500 and €3500.

However, different regions of France are known to be more expensive, which can have an impact on the price per M³.

For this, do not hesitate to contact us for information on house clearance prices in different regions.


At what additional costs can you wait for you?

Some home clearance companies will advise you that if the items are unnecessary, additional charges may apply to dispose of them in a manner that complies with waste disposal regulations.

This is especially true for household appliances such asrefrigerators, which must be disposed of properly to avoid leaving behind toxic or other hazardous waste .

These fees are known as theWaste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive, and if a company does not mention them, be wary because they won't just throw away your toxic bulky items and leave you with a legal headache.

They must also have professional qualifications, such as a waste license, and be members of a professional association such as the Chamber of Commerce.

When looking for a clearance company, look for professional companies with the appropriate qualifications.


Clearance price M³ in 2024

The table below shows the average prices moyens of clearing out a house in 2024:

Thanks to our our know-how and our experience our team is trained to optimize the volume. All the furniture is broken and put into boards so as not to clutter the recycling center. Sorting will be done on site to preserve household appliances, small furniture, dishes and various objects will be given to the nearest associations. Each gesture of our team is studied in order to optimize time and volume, which allows us to quickly process your house clearance.

Volume size Average cost of M3
Petit débarras environ 2 M³  à 3 M³ 280 € – 500 €
Medium storage room 5 M³ to 20M³ 750 € – 1800 €
Large clearance from 50 M³ 1500 € – 3500 €



What are the additional costs of a clearance?

When clearing a house, there are usually additional costs which will increase the total price.

Here we will look at some of the most common jobs that can be carried out alongside house clearances.| ||177

Coût de débroussaillage du jardin

Grass, weeds, shrubs, hedges, trees and other plants are all removed by garden cleaning crews. They will remove all debris from the yard with a combination of sturdy tools and extensive knowledge.

Depending on your needs, your garden will be kept spotless and ready for use, or it will be landscaped. All waste, boards, rubble and miscellaneous items will be collected and disposed of responsibly, saving you any additional work you may want to do after your house has been cleared.

Garden clearance costs between 1| ||18445 € et 1500 € depending on the volume to be cleared. Garden clearing, at its most basic level, involves cutting back invasive grass, weeds and bushes. They will also reduce any cover, making the area look nice and tidy.

Depending on whether the waste is hazardous or not, more difficult jobs may require hazardous waste removal, which can be done for a fee. additional costs. If a garden clearance team is unable to remove your bulky items, you may need to pay for specialist removal before work begins.

On average, garden clearance will cost between | ||190290 € les 2M³et 1500 € les 30 M³ . However, if the work requires more labor and requires the removal of large or bulky objects, its clearance could cost€400 the 5 M³ or more.

Garden clearance is generally invoiced on a fixed basis, based on a quote provided after an initial on-site visit, by photos or video. The professional's estimate of the duration of the work will be taken into account in the quote.

The work may be billed by the hour in certain situations, but if this is the case, you must request a estimate of the total number of hours it will take.

Due to the obvious differences between living and operating costs, the price of any service you wish to hire will always reflect location. While each company is free to set its rates based on specific work, the cost of garden clearance varies depending on where you live.

In the North East, garden removal costs between790€ for 4 M³ and 3200 € for 50M³, while in the south it can cost between590€ for 4 M³ and 2550 € for 50M³. Approximately550€ for 4 M³ to 3800 € for 50 M³ is the national average.


Cellar clearance price

The price of a 2 M³ cellar clearance is from €250 with dusting of walls, ceiling and floor.

Débarras grenier

Price for clearing an attic is from €390 per 3 M³ with dusting of walls, ceiling and floors.

Garage clearance

Le prix d’un débarras d’un garage est à partir de 320€ les 3 M³ .


Cost of carpet cleaning

The cost of Cleaning by a professional carpet cleaning company is determined by the size of the space being cleaned. A small room, for example, costs between€20 and €100, but a large room costs between€40 and €150, and cleaning the landing and stairs costs between€70 and €290.

If you need the carpet cleaned and carpet in your living room, expect to pay between€90 and €190, while an open-plan living room with dining area would cost between 120€ and 290€.

If you prefer to have all your rugs and carpets cleaned, the cost will vary depending on the type and size of your home. For example, cleaning a carpet in a two-bedroom terraced house will cost between220€ and 460€ depending on the soiling.

Carpet cleaning in a three bedroom semi-detached house will cost between290€ and €540, while a four-bedroom detached house will cost between€390 and €770 depending on the condition of the carpet.|| |251

Ces frais varient en fonction de l’entreprise de nettoyage de moquette que vous engagez et selon que vous avez besoin ou non des nettoyeurs de tapis pour déplacer des meubles, ce qui augmentera les coûts de main-d’œuvre. Le coût final sera déterminé par l’état de vos tapis et moquettes, puisque plus il y a de taches et de déversements, plus il faudra de temps pour les nettoyer.

Most cleaning companies charge per square meter of the room or house they clean, with prices ranging from€2 per M2 to €2.50 per M2per square meter.|| |257

Les spécialistes du nettoyage de moquette, quant à eux, facturent un coût journalier minimum d’environ €550 for around 50 M3, which is usual in the north of France. French carpet cleaning companies, on the other hand, charge up to€600 per day.

Cleaning a carpet takes approximately one half hour for a small or large bedroom, up to an hour for a regular living room and 4 to 7 hours to clean all rooms in a 3 bedroom detached house.

Weight increases the cost of house clearance

The cost of recycling household waste varies considerably; companies are charged by weight and are generally charged for a minimum of one tonne; this can range from€290 to €390 per ton depending on the area and the recycling center.

Most companies use vans for accessibility reasons and typically carry up to 1.5 tonnes. Many items you find in your home are not included in these fees, and home clearance companies will have to pay extra to recycle bulky items. Here are some items that may be charged due to their weight.

All electrical items, such as a kettle, toaster, iron, radio, etc., have a price minimum recycling fee of€1 to €10 per item, which varies depending on the size of the product.

Keep in mind that Extremely low clearance prices are often too good to be true. Clearance companies will have to pay a fee for the proper disposal of the waste they dispose of to you. Some unreliable people will simply take your bulky items and dump them somewhere in the dump, which you could be penalized for if they find out. Bulky items placed in wild dumps, on sidewalks, on the edges of vacant lots, on the edges of woods or elsewhere are prohibited by law and especially for the environment.

Instead of that, before calling on a house clearance specialist, make sure you pay a fair price for the clearance of your house or garage and consult the confirmation from the municipality's recycling center or the professional recycling and recycling center responsible of all items cleared.

Costs of a professional cleaning for a house

A professional will likely be more expensive, with hourly rates ranging from35 € to €55 which are deductible tax credit. Although this is the most expensive choice, it also offers the assurance that your home is thoroughly cleaned after a clearance. With a cleaning professional you can negotiate a cleaning package with your house clearance. For a clearance and dusting and cleaning of a house starts from €1600.

On the other hand, an independent cleaner will probably be more affordable, with hourly rates ranging from 22 € to 25 € per hour.

The decision depends on your tastes and your willingness to pay a little more for a little more security and to finish this quickly service.

How long does it take to empty a house?

One thing all house clearancers have in common is that they are all unique, requiring various circumstances to be taken into account. Clearing out is a major operation that can take a whole day, or even longer if the family has a lot of stuff.

Small house clearances can be done in as little as half a day, in depending on the size of the house and the number of items to be removed.



The most important are the density of the contents, parking and possible restricted access to certain areas of the house. A decent clearance company should take 8 to 14 hours or a full day using a team of two or three men to clear and clean a typical two to three bedroom house with an average amount of furniture, belongings, trash and rubbish.

This would involve sorting, boxing smaller items, sorting waste and recyclables on site and, if they are good clearers, leaving the clean, tidy and cleaned house. The house must be completely emptied of all furniture, waste and miscellaneous objects, with the exception of accessories, equipment and household appliances, all of which can be removed on request.

Advantages of a clearance of cluttered house

Débarras maison encombrée et sale

Cluttered and dirty house clearance. a tailor-made service

When your environment is regularly tidy and clean, it promotes excellent health and a feeling of happiness. It may be yourhome or your workplace, but living and working in a hygienic and clean atmosphere not only keeps people healthy, but improves also productivity and overall quality of life.

We are often too preoccupied with other things to ensure that our home or office is cleaned regularly. This disregard leads to the accumulation of waste over time.

It is both unpleasant and harmful for all parties involved. This is why a clearance ofcluttered and dirty house is necessary! Here we will go over all the benefits of clearing out a cluttered house.


It is easy to believe that hiring outside help for a task like clearing out is too expensive. However, nothing could be further from the truth and the money you spend on clearance services could be considered an investment.

A bulky waste removal company saves you time and money by collecting, transporting, storing and recycling waste yourself.

There is also the risk of keeping garbage or unsanitary waste, which could lead to the spread of pests and pathogens. In other words, the money you spend on professional junk removal services is well worth the time and work you save by doing it yourself.


Clean your home or office from trash or debris accumulated over time would take a lot of time. This could be annoying, especially if it is nearby throughout your home or workplace. You can ensure that waste disposal activities are carried out quickly and efficiently by hiring the services of a rubbish removal and cleaning companyDiogenes syndrome.|| |335

Une entreprise compétente d’enlèvement des déchets discutera normalement avec vous pour déterminer le meilleur moment pour nettoyer et débarrasser les déchets, permettant ainsi à votre organisation de fonctionner sans interruption. Nos compagnons débarrasseurs et nettoyeurs sont discrets et bienveillant.


In the cleaning and clearance process, recycling is crucial. When cleaning any home or office, a variety of waste and rubbish is sorted, which must be separated before being sent to landfill. This is exactly what a professional clearance company does, ensuring that waste is properly disposed of.

There are different methods for dealing with, for example, old electrical waste and dirt. Consider how long sorting and disposal would take if you did it yourself. You can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and ensure that your waste and bulky items are properly disposed of by using a Diogenes syndrome house clearance service.


Work or live in a dirty and cluttered atmosphere is not only unpleasant, but also extremely detrimental to the immediate environment. Indeed, such situations tend to damage local flora and fauna, clutter the area and even injure people who live nearby.

The most effective solution to deal with it is to Hire a professional cleaning agency to clean your home or office regularly. This prevents the accumulation of hazardous waste in and around your home or business.

Eliminates hidden dirt

There is visible dirt that makes things dirty and causes allergies , and there are dirt which are not visible to the naked eye but which are nevertheless harmful.

After a few weeks of use, your bedspread, for example, may no longer have stains . It does, however, harbor a variety of microorganisms as well as microscopic dirt, which is primarily dead skin.

On the other hand, most people tend to neglect removing dirt until so that it becomes clearly visible. On the other hand, a professional clearance service prevents germs and microparticles from entering your bed and other areas.

Deduction Tax Credit

Nettoyage désinfection par un crédit d'impôt

Deduction tax credit for cleaning and disinfection

Call on our home clearance services and benefit from our approval for a tax credit deduction for cleaning. Hire our local team in your area to certify certibiocide allows you to pest control if you have acockroach, bedbugs or rodent infestation. For clearance following an inheritance you can pay for the service through your notary.


Q: How long does it take to empty a house?

R : Le débarras est une opération importante qui peut prendre une journée entière, voire plus si la famille a beaucoup de choses. Les petits débarras de la maison peuvent être effectués en aussi peu qu’une demi-journée, en fonction de la taille de la maison et du nombre d’éléments à retirer. Pour le débarras maison à la suite d’un syndrome de Diogène il faut compter plusieurs jours selon le volume à débarrasser.

Q: Does the owner have to be present for the house clearance?

A: It is up to you whether you wish to be present for the entire duration of the clearing and cleaning of the house; however, if there are items you want to keep but do not want to be there, let the company know before the clearance begins, and they will store them separately while the rest of the house is cleared.| ||375

Faites savoir à l’entreprise si vous souhaitez que toute la maison soit nettoyée, y compris les moquettes, lessivage des murs et plafonds, les appareils électroménagers ou les fenêtres avec les encadrements, et on s’occupera de tout.

Q: Why do I need permission from your tenant to empty a house?

A: House clearances are commonly used to empty a house for new tenants by removing unwanted items left by previous tenants. Clearance services are widely used by individuals and real estate agencies to ensure that the house, apartment or premises is ready to be lived in again.

Q: What is required to clear out a house?

A: All waste, rubbish, furniture, light bulbs and other objects you no longer want must be removed by the moving company. You should find a tidy house or apartment when you leave.

Q: Can you clear out a cluttered and dirty house?

A: Our extreme clearance and cleaning team clears and cleans a cluttered and dirty house. If the house is infested with pests, a complete disinfestation is carried out.

Q: How can I prepare to clear out my house?

  • Sorting: Separate the things you keep and those to give to associations
  • Group electronics together
  • Assemble fixed decorative elements
  • Be careful of sharp, fragile objects
  • Informer l’équipe si présence de nuisible, de la poussière et d’autres situations qui pourraient les affecter
  • Keep in mind what you want to keep
  • Or simply cross-check your personal effects, or your objects that you wish to keep. And our team will take care of sorting, dumping and cleaning.

Q: How to carry out free clearance?

A: For free clearance of a house, you must leave all the contents of the house with valuables, trinkets, free items, dishes. If the contents have the value of jewelry, trinkets, the clearance company may cost you nothing.

Q: Is home clearance tax deductible?

R : For a tax credit deduction for a house clearance service, the acts of sorting, tidying up, gardening, dusting and cleaning are deductible. You can benefit from a 50% tax credit for clearing your garden. A tax credit deduction for tidying up your cellar and attic. The house clearance company must be SAP approved.


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certification biocide

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