3D in Loire – Saint-étienne

Société de désinsectisation Saint-Étienne

Major cleaning, a 3 in 1 solution:Rat control – Disinfection – Disinfestation

The Cleanliness and hygiene are essential priorities for any business or home. However, maintaining a healthy and safe environment can be a daunting challenge, especially with the constant threat of pests. Rats, insects and other pests can not only cause property damage, but also represent a danger to public health. It is in this context that Grand-nettoyage intervenes with an innovative and complete solution: our 3 in 1 service of Rodent Control,Disinfection and Disinfestation.

Avec des années d’expérience et un savoir-faire éprouvé, Grand-nettoyage se positionne comme un leader dans le domaine de la lutte contre les nuisibles. Notre approche intégrée vise à offrir à nos clients une tranquillité d’esprit totale, en s’attaquant aux problèmes à la source et en adoptant des méthodes respectueuses de l’environnement.

Not just homes but also specific places

We work in condominiums, both in the common areas and in the apartments, but our know-how also allows us to work in more specific places such as laboratories and various businesses. Regarding rodent control, we target the most common pests: sewer rats, black rats and mice. Infestations by these pests are responsible for the depredation of food, the transmission of diseases, and the degradation of equipment and installations.

Thanks to our experience and our know-how, we quickly determine which products to use to find the right solution to your pest problems. We use various products such as grain bags, bait blocks, cardboard or plastic bait boxes, glue plates and glue tubes.

The type of solution to setting up is not done on a whim. We determine the type of solution to implement according to different criteria such as: the type of rodent and its habits, as well as the study of the environment.

In addition, our know-how and our skills techniques allow us to disinfect all types of premises with high-performance products. A poorly maintained garbage disposal column promotes the proliferation of insects, but also bacteria, germs of all kinds and bad odors.

Désinfection 3D d'une maison à saint-Étienne.

Another case of intervention in disinfection ofLarge cleaning

Apart from rats, cockroaches and other pests, Grand-nettoyage also intervenes in various cases of disinfection to ensure a healthy and secure environment. Our disinfection services are essential after incidents such as illnesses,deaths, water damage, or even in unsanitary premises. In the event ofdeath, complete disinfection of the premises is essential to eliminate biological risks and restore a safe environment. After water damage, disinfection is crucial to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria. Finally, in unsanitary premises, thorough disinfection is essential. This is to eradicate germs and restore healthy living conditions. Each situation requires a specific approach and suitable products to eliminate health risks and restore optimal hygienic conditions.

Cockroaches, cockroaches and cockroaches are particularly prolific insects. They thrive in warm, humid environments, often close to water and food sources. These insects are capable of carrying various pathogenic germs, including viruses and many bacteria. They infiltrate by all available means, in particular by circulating along technical ducts and empty garbage columns. Consequently, they can quickly infest an entire building.

Grand-nettoyage has the necessary expertise and solutions. We assure you a clean and safe environment.

A new product for breathtaking results

In the interest of constant evolution and progress, we are now using a new type of product. It comes in the form of Goliath gel insecticide, effectively baits and eliminates cockroaches with greater comfort.

From now on, there is no need to empty cupboards, clear under-sinks, dismantle plinths, etc.| ||93De plus, ce produit est

  • Odorless
  • Safe for people with respiratory problems and for infants
  • Safe for pets

It allows clean and precise application by our experienced technicians. 

No place, even clean, is safe from infestation by these pests. We therefore offer you an application as a preventative measure.

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certification biocide

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