Our ethical charter

This charter sets out the ethical and professional principles which guide the attitude and action of the staff selected by Grand Nettoyage.

Our motto: “What you want others to do for you, do that also for them.” »

The management in the first place as well as each employee of Grand Nettoyage, whether or not working in the beneficiaries' homes, whatever their level of skill or responsibility, must observe a strict obligation of confidentiality. .

Indeed, intervening in an activity directly linked to the privacy of the person through their home, it is essential that the findings made at home are not disclosed except in the context of a sharing of information limited to what is strictly necessary between the different stakeholders for the same beneficiary.

Moreover, in order to build a lasting bond that respects the individual, the stakeholder must:

  1. seek agreement regarding all actions to be undertaken,
  2. adopt a general attitude of respect implying reserve and discretion at all times during the intervention: respect for the person, their fundamental rights, respect for their property, respect for their private living space, their privacy, respect for their private life, respect for their culture, their life choices,
  3. testify to the person concerned by the cleaning or to their surroundings benevolent and understanding and avoid anything that could hurt her or undermine her dignity, in particular, in the case of cleaning afterdeath or of people with behavioral disorders (Diogenes syndrome, syllogomania…)
  4. be attentive to the well-being of the beneficiary and respect for their lifestyle within the limits of the contract of commitment.

We pay particular attention to the recruitment of our staff by carrying out a rigorous selection.

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