Apartment clearance

Une équipe locale de débarras appartement

Why use an apartment clearance service?

There are several explanations for using anservice de débarras pour un appartement. These explanations generally lead to important, sometimes stressful life stages. This is why our clearance experts are qualified to assist you during these rare moments of clearing an apartment.


How can you empty the apartment?

For over 15 years we have been helping youdébarrasser votre appartement in the best conditions: advice, search for professionals and good tips. Our apartment clearers declutter your mess, tidy and clean after each service.

Une société de débarras d'appartement

Apartment clearance by a local team





Clearing an apartment in preparation for a move

Theapartment clearance service can be requested as part ofa main move. This moment in life, moving, can be done for favorable reasons (spouse reunification, newborn, new job, transfer, etc.) but also for unfavorable reasons (separation, divorce,death|| |154 du conjoint, perte d’emploi, …). Le plus fréquent, selon les statistiques, ce sont les raisons défavorables qui poussent les Français à vider leur appartement avant de déménager.

Separations and divorces, for example, are frequently valid reasons for using a | ||157service de débarras. Couples in the process of breaking up, wishing to end life together in their home, may be led, for financial or emotional reasons, to part with a few objects evoking their past life.

In addition, if you are considering a long-distance move (especially overseas) or a move to a furnished apartment, you may need to hire an apartment clearance service. A long distance move is usually expensive and you may not be able to move all of your belongings. In the second case, you would not have space for your furniture in an already furnished apartment. You will therefore have to get rid of it!

By opting for aclearance service before your move, you will reduce the volume of your move, which, in addition to being convenient, you will save a lot of money. In fact, by reducing the volume to be moved, you will save money during your move, especially if you call on a moving specialist.

The formula forse getting rid of your apartmentis therefore very interesting depending on your moving project, whether you want to move or not. It can allow you to move more peacefully and at a lower cost!



Clearing out an apartment in the context of an inheritance

A moment in life which is even more shocking than moving: the death of a loved one. The apartment is then free and you have to start emptying it! Since the deceased person is usually a relative or friend,the task of emptying the apartment is usually emotionally difficult to handle. Don't be surprised either by the accumulation of objects in the apartment, which can be significant if the person has lived in the apartment for a very long time, or in the event ofclearance following the death of an elderly person. In these cases, the work of clearing the apartment is more important and using acleaning company to manage this mission may be appropriate. In addition, do not worry if the house toto be cleared is unsanitary. Please note that, according to annual statistics, 5 to 7% of the clearance linked to a death or succession takes place in houses orunsanitary apartments: elderly or sick people, possibly suffering fromDiogenes syndrome, which manifests itself through neglected lifestyle habits and a clear lack of hygiene.

Clearance can also be requested when a parent leaves for a retirement home, in which case you should think aboutemptying the apartment for sale or rental.

The best is to entrust this work to a professional who will take care of everything, discreetly and seriously.


Clearing apartment for a person suffering from Diogenes syndrome

Le Diogenes syndrome is a syndrome described by Clark in 1975 which designates a behavioral disorder leading to reckless or even unhealthy life situations. This syndrome is a form of compulsive hoarding orsyllogomania. Elderly and isolated people are the most affected by this Diogenes disease. This mode of behavior can also be favored by the economic problems of the person suffering from Diogenes syndrome. It must be taken into account that there are specific treatments to stop this syndrome.


Is emptying an apartment tax deductible?

The tasks which can be deductible from taxes are: Sorting, tidying upmess, clearing out and cleaning after getting rid of bulky items your apartment. 

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