animal hoarding

The tragedy of animal hoardingandhow can you help stop it?| ||58


Many people have never heard of pet hoarding in a home, and that's understandable. It is also unfortunate because many dogs, cats and other animals die or suffer every day because of this pernicious and growing social problem. If you are one of the people who have never heard of pet hoarding, consider the following facts in order to educate yourself and be part of the solution to the problem:

What is -what animal hoarding

When people acquire more animals than they can care for, are unwilling to care for the ones they own, or neglect or mistreat a large number of animals, they are said to engage in animal abuse. In some cities and towns, this practice is against the law, and it should be. What types of animals are hoarded? Usually these are dogs and cats, but some people hoard exotic pets, farm animals, rodents, birds, snakes, frogs and more.

He It is common to own one or more pets, as do many people. But when the owner is not able to provide sufficient care to several animals in the house, the situation is defined as “NOE syndrome”. Remember that "care" is not just about feeding the animals, but also ensuring that they have adequate food, water, adequate veterinary care, and protection from abuse.

Unfortunately, hoarders are often in denial about their own behavior, often not realizing that the animals they own are unhealthy, poorly nourished, and living in unsanitary conditions. Additionally, a person who hoards animals usually has no idea how that hoarding may affect the general health of the community, the hygiene of the residence, or other people who live in the same home.

How does this syndrome affect the community?

This syndrome of keeping many animals affects many individuals, groups and of course animals that are victims of abuse. Some houses in which a large number of animals are kept have had to be condemned due to very unsanitary conditions. Situations like these can lead to community health problems when animal numbers remain uncontrolled for a long period of time.

Similarly, children and other loved ones who live in the home can become seriously ill when sanitary conditions reach dangerous levels. There have been numerous cases in France where not only the owners, but also their young children, suffered from fairly advanced illnesses affecting the lungs, blood, skin and other bodily systems.

The Communities are affected in many ways other than those mentioned above. Initially, when a collector's animals are taken by a local health agency or law enforcement, someone must provide veterinary care and shelter to the victims. These efforts cost money. Animal rescue organizations may face financial difficulties due to thecoût high cost of caring for dozens or even hundreds of animals removed from a collector.

The time and effort of local law enforcement is another direct expense attributable to this number of animals, as is the veterinary care provided by local veterinarians. People often do not realize that hoarding animals in a home is a very costly crime and that the community, in one way or another, ends up paying for itprice.

And the law?

Most of these laws are worded in such a way as to make “animal neglect” the primary crime rather than simply keeping multiple animals, as many law-abiding citizens do. In France, animal abuse is illegal, but the penalties are often rather lax, do not require the convicted hoarder to pay costs associated with caring for the abused animals, and do not require the abuser to submit to any mental health assessment.

How do you spot a pet hoarder in a home?

Surprisingly, most people who hoard pets believe they are doing nothing wrong . In fact, they usually think they are helping the animals they own. It's actually quite common for smart people who hoard animals to come across as caring, friendly people who just want to help stray cats and dogs. Hoarders come in all ages, ethnicities, and income levels, and can be men or women. Ironically, most hoarders are in complete denial of the harm they cause to the animals they raise.

Everyone should know the signs that often give away an animal hoarder, including the following:|| |95

  • La maison est en assez mauvais état, généralement sale, avec des fenêtres cassées et des trous dans plusieurs murs. Il y a souvent beaucoup de désordre et plusieurs couloirs et portes bloqués d’encombrants.
  • Hoarders usually do not know how many animals live in the house, which often smells strongly of animal droppings, vomit and ammonia.
  • Rodents may be present and there are usually many fleas in the house.
  • Most animals are afraid of strangers, appear very tired and appear under -fed.
  • The owner claims that all the animals are well cared for even though the opposite is obvious.
  • The hoarder is generally a solitary person and appears to be in poor health.|| |108

Pourquoi ces personnes commettent-ils ce crime horrible ?

People who hoard animals in their homes often suffer from severe depression, extreme loneliness, paranoia, various types of delusional thoughts, as well as a wide range of other mental health problems. Although this situation is sad in itself, the result is that several animals suffer abuse from hoarders each year. this situation creates a health risk for themselves, their children and anyone else living with them.

What does the future look like?

Several departments have now services that provide monitoring and assistance for the accumulation of animals. Unfortunately, only a few departments and towns have people adequately trained in this NOE syndrome, but the good news is that it is increasingly common for towns and county councils to make animal hoarding a priority, provide for the care of the animals while the owner is helped and allow social workers to set up the removal and care of the animals. Additionally, many new laws in this category require a local animal shelter to obtain full custody of victimized animals, so that owners can never regain custody and start the cycle again.

Many Advocacy organizations are lobbying lawmakers at the national and state levels to provide harsher penalties for those convicted of animal abuse crimes, but also to provide for mandatory psychological examinations for those found guilty. Indeed, many people who mistreat animals have psychological problems but never receive help or flatly refuse to accept the help offered to them. 

If you would like to participate in the work on this issue and perhaps become an advocate for animal victims, see the following section. It details how everyone can get involved. And rest assured that help is needed. National and local organizations need committed volunteers to make phone calls, send emails, contact legislators, and raise awareness of this serious issue.

How can you help combat animal hoarding?

The first thing you should do is report a problem of large numbers of animals to the local police if you think someone is keeping more animals than they can care for. Then, if you would like to join the fight against this serious public health and animal welfare problem, contact your local animal shelter or your local CCAS to ask what type of assistance they need. These organizations can always point you in the right direction and often offer local solutions.

Here are some additional resources:

Consult the SPA association. They work to reduce all abuse against humans and animals.

The SPA association has a website that is both educational and can help you find solutions for animals living in a cluttered and dirty house.

CCAS in your municipality can provide assistance for a major cleaning of a house soiled by feces and animal urine.

You You can also contact us if you are faced with this situation. Our team in your region is trained and qualified in cleaning and clearing out houses cluttered by animals.

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