Helping a hoarder clean house

Aider accumulateur nettoyer maison

How to help a hoarder clean his house


Compulsive hoarding disorder is a challenge for the person and their loved ones, especially if the person denies the problem. Part of healing from the disorder is helping the hoarder clean upcluttered and dirty house – a daunting task full of mess.

Use this list of he systematic steps to help the hoarder clean their home and minimize the stress of this monumental, life-changing task. Learn how to prepare with an effective plan, start cleaning and tidying, and finish with a safe home and emotional support.

9 Steps to Helping a Hoarder Clean Their Home


Learn About Diogenes Syndrome

Understanding the complexity of compulsive hoarding disorder is essential to effectively helping Diogenes Syndrome during the process of cleaning. Start by understanding the five stages of compulsive hoarding. Each stage describes the severity of compulsive hoarding and the complex emotional component. With this understanding, you will be able to approach your Diogenes Syndrome illness prepared to lead conversations and equipped to handle the magnitude of compulsive hoarding and disorder.

Next, you must access the hoarder's home and note the clutter, possible dangers and general layout. By learning about compulsive hoarding, you can make appropriate plans based on the person's level of hoarding.

Develop a cleaning plan

After assessing the home, you can help create a detailed cleaning plan. As items pile up, the clutter can become overwhelming. A clear action plan will keep everyone on track and motivated.

You will need to determine which rooms to start in, what supplies are needed, a timeline for completion, whether housekeeping help is necessary and how to sort it all. The quickest way to help the hoarder clean his house is to take some time off. However, this approach does not help the accumulator; she's just cleaning her house.

If this course of action seems impossible, hire a third-party service to help you. Hoarder cleaning services our cleaners and removers approach compulsive hoarding situations with patience and sensitivity. They will work with you to clear the home of trash and junk quickly, discreetly and efficiently.

Take Safety Precautions

Pay attention to common hazards associated with cluttered homes when you assess the situation and make a plan. Large piles of boxes and crates can create dangerous physical structures, and someone could be injured or trapped when these large piles move and fall.

Be prepared to manage biohazards. Pet droppings and rotting food are often lost in the clutter of the home and become hazardous waste if left uncleaned for a long time. Special care is needed if chemicals are kept in the home. For example, contaminated, expired, or improperly stored cleaning chemicals can become a chemical hazard.

Chemicals increase fire risks. Be sure to include escape routes in your plan, which can block exits. You should also plan for rat, insect or mouse infestations, as food waste and cozy hiding places create an attractive home for these animals. These critters can also carry diseases and become dangerous. If you encounter this kind of situation, it is essential to have someone to call for help, such as an exterminator.

Gather cleaning supplies

Cleaning supplies are essential for cleaning the house of a compulsive hoarder. After you gain access to the home sooner, you may know if you need specialized cleaning products for chemical or biological hazards. If any have been found but not identified, or if these hazards are suspected, play it safe and be prepared to deal with them.

You should bring several disposable gloves, masks and safety glasses . Look for all-purpose cleaners, disinfectant sprays, mildew removers, and degreasers for cleaning solutions. Add scrub brushes, brooms and rags to use the solutions.

Remember to bring enough trash bags, crates and moving boxes. A shovel, stepladder and hand tools can also come in handy. By arriving prepared, you'll avoid the frustrations of having to run to the store while cleaning.

Start with a small room

To clean a hoarder's house, it is more practical to start with a small piece, or the first piece. It will be easier to tackle it and see visible progress, which is encouraging as you work. Clearing a house of trash may seem impossible, so it's best to choose a small, manageable room, like a closet, bathroom, or guest bedroom.

Make sure there are paths to Access to the space is clear. You may need to declutter and clear a path wide enough to walk around and move items safely. Starting in a small room is an achievable goal to create momentum for everyone involved in the cleaning process. Once one of the small rooms is cleared and cleaned from top to bottom, you can move on to the next one.

Need help with a Diogenes syndrome cleaning?

Our team can help you with your cluttered and dirty house cleaning needs.

  • Over 10 years of experience working with accumulators
  • A local team of cleaners and clearancers|| |114
  • Approche sensible et discrète
  • Complete moving and sorting service
  • Donation and recycling to local associations

Remove rubbish

As you clean each room, you will likely encounter and accumulate a lot of trash. Follow safety precautions appropriate for the type of trash can: wear gloves and masks to minimize harmful exposures, provide adequate ventilation in areas, and watch out for hidden sharp objects like broken glass.

To manage waste:

  1. Designate sorting areas for different types of waste, such as hazardous waste, recyclables, and household trash.
  2. Label bags or trash cans for each type of waste.
  3. Remove waste from the house.
  4. Take your regular waste to the recycling center, recycle recyclable materials at a recycling center and dispose of hazardous waste in waste management facilities.

Cleaning up trash

Only certain things in a hoarder's home are trash. You will likely come across many salvageable items that can be kept outside the home, but do not belong in a recycling center. As these items are removed from the house, make a separate pile to clean and sort them. Include the accumulator in the choice of what you will do with these objects that are not waste.

Donate objects in good condition and useful to others. Sell ​​the valuables the hoarder is willing to part with, which can help him recoup thecleaning costsof his house. However, if the hoarder has difficulty parting with their items, enlisting the help of a professional organizer or therapist can help with this process.

Make repairs

Structural damage, electrical problems, plumbing problems, and daily wear and tear are common in homes where stuff is hoarded. Often it is difficult for the accumulator to move around the house and notice that a repair is needed, so the problems remain unclear. Depending on the degree of damage, there may be unstable floors and exposed wiring, which can be dangerous.

Start by tackling structural issues, including foundations, floors, walls and roof. Next, tackle electrical and plumbing issues like leaky faucets, broken appliances and faulty wiring. A contractor can help you complete complex repairs, while regular upkeep and maintenance will be necessary to maintain a healthy and safe living space.

Provide support and monitoring

Les personnes qui accumulent sont attachées à leurs biens et le processus de nettoyage peut être très émotionnel. L’accumulation compulsive est un acte physique qui reflète des problèmes psychologiques sous-jacents. Encouragez la personne qui accumule à suivre ou à poursuivre une thérapie et des conseils. Des séances de thérapie régulières peuvent aider à prévenir les rechutes en développant des stratégies d’adaptation et en abordant le problème sous-jacent.

Connect the person with Diogenes syndrome with support groups focused on Diogenes syndrome disorders outside of therapy. This involvement will help him feel connected and validated. You can also schedule follow-up visits to their home to assess their living environment. You will be able to identify if new problems arise and provide further encouragement.


Frequently Asked Questions

How to Help a Hoarder to clean their house?

Offer the hoarder empathetic support and encourage them to gradually declutter their home. Keep the accumulator involved in decision-making while prioritizing their safety and well-being. Help him seek out therapy, professional organizations, and support groups. Be available for follow-up visits after cleaning to check on their progress and provide support.

How long does it take to clean a collector's house?

Le temps nécessaire pour nettoyer la maison d’un accumulateur varie en fonction de plusieurs facteurs. Il peut aller de quelques jours à quelques semaines, selon le niveau d’accumulation, la quantité d’encombrement, la taille de la maison et la rapidité du processus de nettoyage. Pour les professionnels le désencombrement et le nettoyage d’une maison encombrée et sale se fait en quelques jours.

Need cleaning services for Diogenes syndrome?

We can help you !

Helping a hoarder clean their house is a huge task that requires determination, patience and empathy. It is therefore useful to prepare yourself for this task with a detailed action plan. Consider safety hazards and cleaning supplies needed to make cleaning more effective for everyone. Then, start cleaning one room at a time, paying attention to trash, trash, and salvageable items. Then their home repairs can begin.

If cleaning every room and making a detailed plan seems too much to handle on your own, confirm your municipality and give us a call. Our dedicated team will provide supportive, non-judgmental cleaning services  for Diogenes Syndrome situations in the area.

We can help, contact us 👇


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