Cleaner Tips

Astuces cleaners

10Cleaner Tips for Busy Moms That Work!

As a Busy Mom, You Know That Life can quickly become hectic! Between work, caring for the kids, and managing daily chores, it's hard to find the time to keep the house clean and tidy. That's why we're giving you the cleaning tips put together by our house cleaners and clearers to get moms ahead.

I like the house to be clean, but when things start to pile up , anxiety arises and nothing is done at all. It's hard as a working mom to find time to take care of cleaning chores, spend quality time with the kids AND cook dinner!

Today we are going to share a realistic cleaning schedule to help you know how to always have a clean home, despite your busy professional life.

Like most busy working mothers, you're probablystruggling with how to do housework while taking care of your family and work responsibilities.

Or you're probably tired of spending all your precious free time on household and look for a way out.

As a working mother myself, I know how overwhelming it can be to have to carry both work and endless household responsibilities on one's shoulders. And if you don't know how to find balance, I hate to say this, but burnout can become a reality.

That's whyit's important to have a printable cleaning schedule for working moms.You'll know what tasks to do and when to do them.

Read on to familiarize yourself with the best cleaning tips for moms who work to make everyday life much easier.

How to Create a Cleaning Routine for a Busy Mom:

  • Prioritize What You Want to Do.
  • Always declutter first.
  • Schedule cleaning time daily.
  • Start slowly.
  • Involve members of your family in cleaning your home.
  • Follow the one minute rule.
  • Divide cleaning tasks into smaller, manageable tasks.
  • Utilisez une minuterie.
  • Use a cleaning basket.
  • Get cleaning tools that help you work faster.


How can working mothers keep their homes clean?

That's when our teams of cleaners and clearers came up with the idea of ​​creating the best cleaning and decluttering tips. One that has worked for our many customers who we have helped clear their homes.

With this new cleaning schedule, you can now keep track of household chores, kids and weekly and monthly chores, AND keeping a clean house!

This article is not just about the perfect daily routine, it's also aboutmaking a schedule cleaning tips for working mothers and a routine that works for you.

You need to figure out what works well for you to help you clean up your messy house

Even for mothers who work from home and always seem to have everything in order better than you, their secret weapon is just that: a program of tips from our cleaners for working moms that fits their situation.

But that doesn't mean you have to tackle everything at once to keep your home clean. And it's also not a good idea to put any form of cleaning on hold while waiting for the "perfect time" to clean up your messy house.

Rely on a cleaning schedule for mothers who work is a game-changer because you will have an idea of ​​the tasks to be accomplished on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. In this way,you will manage to keep your house clean every day despite your busy professional life.



The 10 best CLEANING HACKS for a working mom

As working moms, we all want to have a clean home, be there for our family members, while still giving our messy homes the attention they deserve.

Here arelife-changing tips that will help you maintain an organized home and keep you from feeling too overwhelmed through household responsibilities:

Tip #1: Prioritize what you want to do

Even if coming back to a tidy house is something you and every other working mom wants, that doesn't mean you have to spend hours cleaning your house every other day (who wants to do that).

You have toprioritize cleaning tasks in order to avoid always taking care of tasks that take up your time and energy on a daily basis. If you're not sure how to prioritize tasks on your to-do list, ask yourself these questions:

  • Which household chores will make me feel less stressed?
  • Which household chores housework do I really want to do?
  • What housework tasks don't need to be done right now?

What we're trying to say is is to clean on your own terms: prioritize housework tasks based on the time you have, tasks you would be very relieved to complete, and tasks that won't ruin your entire day because of how energy - they were consuming.


Tips #2 If you need to declutter, always do it first

As long as you have children under your roof, we're pretty sure thatdecluttering will be part of your cleaning schedule. Before cleaning any room in your house, make sure to declutter it first.

This is a golden rule in the world of cleaning, which you must follow because decluttering first will help you clean much faster.

Think about it this way: if you vacuumed your cluttered bedroom floor, wouldn't you feel frustrated doing pausing every three seconds to clear each item of clutter you encounter?

So if you have a long to-do list, make sure decluttering is at the top. If you need help decluttering, our team can help you clear, declutter, tidy and clean your cluttered home.


Tip #3: Schedule time to cleaning every day

To make your house look clean and organized every other day, you need to work on it daily. Create a daily cleaning routine that isn't too overwhelming.

Accomplishing simple daily tasks, like a quick decluttering session, for example, will make a huge difference in the cleanliness of your home.|| |181

Et il est important de not overload your day. Otherwise, you'll end up feeling too exhausted to focus on other work or family responsibilities.

Don't set a cleaning schedule where you have to clean 2 hours a day. No one wants to do that, it becomes too overwhelming and you will be put off cleaning before you even start!

This is why a cleaning schedulerealistic pour les mères qui travaillent peut faire une énorme différence dans votre vie !

Changing your morning routine to incorporate some daily cleaning tasks can be helpful.

Maybe could you get up 15 minutes earlier and unload the dishwasher before the kids get up!


Tip #4: Start slowly

The only sure way to check off all the tasks on your cleaning schedule is tostart slowly while working on other, more important tasks. 

Don't jump straight into tedious tasks: complete the easy tasks first.

This way, even if you abandon the exhausting tasks halfway, you will be happy to having already accomplished something (by completing the easy tasks) and not beating yourself up for not having done everything.

Here are someeasy cleaning tasks you can do in 15 minutes or less.

  • Wipe your kitchen counters.
  • Clean the toilet bowl.
  • Put in the washing machine.|| |216
  • Passez l’aspirateur dans une pièce.
  • Make the beds.


Tip #5 Involve your children and your partner in the cleaning

Having a system in which your family members, including young children, are involved in your cleaning schedule has benefits for both them and you.

Itwill relieve you of the burden of solo cleaning, make cleaning time more fun, and inspire your children to become responsible people.

Here are someexamples of tasks that you can delegate to your whole family:

  • Let your partner help you fold the laundry, unload the dishwasher or clean your pet's litter box and food bowls.|| |236
  • Apprenez à vos enfants à mettre les vêtements dans le panier, à faire leur propre lessive (enfants plus âgés) et à faire leur propre lit.
  • Let your children clean their own room.| ||240
  • Assurez-vous qu’ils ramassent les jouets éparpillés et les placent dans leur panier désigné après utilisation
  • Have your kids or spouse take out the trash.

Aujourd’hui, les enfants ont 12 et 13 ans et ils peuvent faire bien plus. Un des enfants vide le lave-vaisselle tous les matins et le remplit. Un aitre enfant passe l’aspirateur et nettoie toute la maison tous les samedis. Il sort également les poubelles et ils sont tous deux responsables de garder leur propre chambre propre. Ils font également leur propre lessive s’ils en ont le temps.

I thinkit's important for kids to know how to do their own laundry . We don't want them to arrive at university not knowing how to do anything.

A working mother and there are only so many hours in the day to carry out cleaning tasks. We don't want to spend the weekend cleaning, so their help is essential.

As working mothers, it's important that we also have free time and can spend time with our family. It is therefore absolutely essential that we have help with our cleaning schedule.


Tip #6 Follow the one minute rule

The one-minute rule is pretty simple:If a particular task might take you a minute or less, solve it immediately.

This rule may seem pointless, but you'd be surprised to see how effective it can be when applied.

Let's say you've had a pretty chaotic morning where you just can't decide what to wear. You left some clothes on the floor after changing several times, and it's the first thing you see when you enter your room that evening.

Instead of throwing the clean clothes on chair in your room to fold them another day, fold them and put them in the closet immediately – it will only take a minute or less.

But if you just ignore the mess (in leaving the clothes on the chair), you will be tempted to repeat this process the next morning when you no longer know what to wear.

By the time the weekend rolls around, you will have a pile of clean clothes laid out on the chair in your room. And that means you'll spend a lot of time cleaning up the mess.

Theone minute rule will save you from having to do bigger cleanups later. 

We do the same when we bring mail home, we open it right away and decide where it goes.


Tip #7: Divide your cleaning list into several smaller tasks

To avoid constantly putting off certain tasks because they seem too big,prenez l’habitude de diviser votre to-do liste en plusieurs  petites tâches. 

For example, instead of just saying “Clean all the windows,” write something like “Clean the living room windows today, or organize the top shelf of the pantry, etc.| ||286

Cette astuce vous aidera à visualiser la tâche la plus importante de votre programme de nettoyage sous forme de tâches gérables que vous pouvez effectuer « une par une ». Il vous sera plus facile de démarrer, ce qui est mieux que de reporter complètement toute la tâche.

Doing this is a big help to working mothers trying to keep a clean house!! Cleaning the living room window might take 5 minutes, but cleaning all the windows will take much longer!


Tips #8: Use a timer and only focus on one only thing

Have you ever heard of a concept called time blocking?

It basically involvessetting a reasonable time limit for completing a task particular and to concentrate fully on this task in this period of time. 

This is a great concept for a busy working mother, as it gives you a “fake deadline”: it will push you to focus on completing specific tasks without leaving anything else bother you. This way, you won't always feel like you've wasted an entire day doing nothing.

In addition to making you feel accomplished, time blocking will also free you from the urge to leave one task unfinished, only to move on to another, then also leave it halfway… and the cycle continues.

Here's how it works.

Avec le blocage du temps, vous entrerez « dans la zone de nettoyage », où vous serez productif à 100 %. Vous préférez vous concentrer et accomplir deux ou trois tâches plutôt que de « ne rien faire » (et par rien, on entend passer d’une tâche de nettoyage à une autre sans vraiment terminer chacune d’elles).

Si le temps imparti pour une certaine tâche est de plusieurs minutes, vous pouvez faire une courte pause, puis reprendre la tâche.

Here is an example: Set a timer for 20 minutes and start working in the nursery .

Here are small cleaning tasks that you can focus on for 20 minutes, but when the timer goes off, you're done, go!

  • Change the crib mattress sheet .
  • Get rid of or donate baby clothes that no longer fit.
  • Empty the trash.
  • Pick up any toys, books or anything whether on the floor.
  • Organize or stock the supplies you need (diapers, wet wipes, etc.)

Adding similar tasks to your cleaning schedule to working mothers will greatly benefit you because you will know what to do when you have free time.


Tip #9: Use Cleaning Carts

Lorsque vous vous êtes complètement immergé dans une tâche particulière – vous savez, musique à fond, frottement pendant que vous effectuez quelques mouvements, aucune distraction – le moyen le plus rapide d’éclater votre bulle de nettoyage est d’aller et venir pour rechercher votre favori. produit ou équipement de nettoyage parce que vous ne semblez pas vous rappeler où vous l’avez placé la dernière fois.

It happens to the best of us…..

A box cleaning caddy is a simple rack in which you keep all the supplies you need to clean a particular area of ​​your home.

With a caddy, you will carry all the supplies you need in one go , which is a good thing since you won't have to make multiple trips to different rooms in the middle of a cleaning session trying to collect your supplies.

Having a cleaning cart for each area is a game changer.

For example, have a cart with all your bathroom cleaning supplies (which you can then store in a convenient location around bathroom), another that strictly contains all your kitchen cleaning products, and so on.

Having everything you need where you want it, when you want it — Perfect!

If you have a large house, you might have a few cleaning carts: one in the kitchen and one upstairs in the bathroom.


Tip #10 Have cleaning tools that allow for faster cleaning

Get cleaning supplies that will help you complete your tasks quickly and efficiently.

Avec un horaire de travail chargé et une famille à charge, qui veut passer toute la journée à faire le ménage ?

With a mop with such a long handle, it will be easier for you to clean your ceiling and your fixtures more quickly and without much difficulty.

And with a vacuum cleaner, you can easily clean the areas of your floor that your upright vacuum cleaner cannot reach.


When is the right time to clean?

The truth is that there is no clear answer to this question, because it depends on your personal schedule.

If your mornings aren't filled with too many obligations, commit to doing a little cleaning and organizing in the morning before you start your full-time job. But if you almost never have time to do a quick clean in the morning, you can do it in the evening.

The most important thing is to have a daily routine: it doesn't matter if you prefer to clean the morning or evening.

Be smart when it comes to determining what time works for you. You can easily fold your clothes while watching TV in the evening or clean a kitchen sink in the morning before leaving the house. Wipe down your bathroom surfaces before bed or before going to work.

When creating a schedule for working mothers, you may need to try several different schedules to see what works for you.


How to Create a Busy Mom Cleaning Routine That Works for You

We know all too well the stress that comes with trying to decide when and what to clean as a work-from-home mom. That's why I'm convinced that having asimple cleaning schedule (and sticking to it) will make a huge difference in your life, when you're juggling work, time spent with family and housework.

And since I recognize that every busy mom is different, don't hesitate to fit this schedule in at the time that suits you best. It's essential that you have a cleaning schedule that works for you!

What we mean is thatif you're a morning person and you have more free time to complete a few tasks before getting ready for work,follow this schedule for your morning cleanups . If you aremore energetic in the evening,refer to this schedule for your evening cleanses.|| |393

Programme de nettoyage quotidien pour les mères qui travaillent

Having a daily routine will help prevent a buildup of messes in your home. And the good thing is that these daily cleaning tasks only take a few minutes and will help you have a tidy home.

In this schedule, I have simply listed the cleaning tasks typical daily tasks you can complete when you're short on time.

These are tasks you can complete in less than thirty minutes! This is why I highly recommend having a daily routine: you'll have peace at work knowing that you've left some things neat and tidy.

Daily Tasks to Focus on Every Morning:| ||405

  • Faites rapidement votre lit 

Starting your day in order by making the bed will put you in the mood for other small tasks to come. Plus, you'll be glad you did it when you finally get into a well-made bed after a long, busy day.

  • Wipe the sink after brushing your teeth

Once you have finished brushing, quickly wipe down the sink using a clean microfiber cloth (or soft sponge) and liquid dish soap.

These daily cleanings will ensure that your sink isn't caked in dry toothpaste spills or gunk that will take time to remove when you finally decide to deep clean it.

  • Empty the dishwasher

Empty all the clean dishes you loaded in the dishwasher the night before.

  • Clean up after breakfast

Instead of leaving used utensils on the table after breakfast, throw them in the dishwasher and wipe up any spills on the table before leaving for work. This means you won't find yourself in a disaster when you get home from work.


After work:

When you get home from work (or if you're taking a short break while working from home), here are some household chores you can accomplish in a few minutes:

  • Load the washing machine and let it run while you do something else.| ||446
  • Prenez environ cinq minutes pour passer l’aspirateur dans une pièce très sale. Ne vous souciez pas de rendre les sols étincelants ou de nettoyer les plinthes : éliminez simplement la saleté visible.
  • Quickly wipe down the refrigerator shelves using a clean microfiber cloth dampened with water. Don't worry about soaking the removable shelves and rearranging items in the fridge (save them for a day of deep cleaning).
  • Have kids pick up toys from the floor and put them away put back in their place.

In the evenings

Here are some more tips on things that can be accomplished in the evening.

  • Fold laundry while you watch television

When you settle down to watch your favorite show in the evening, consider folding a load of laundry while you watch TV. You will be surprised how quickly you accomplished this task.

  • Pick up toys

Rather than leaving toys scattered everywhere, ask your children to pick up all the toys that are lying around and toss them in their toy basket before going to bed. Getting them to do this daily will help them get into a regular routine.

  • Fill a washing machine with a new load

Run a new machine and let it work. All that's left to do is put the clean load in the dryer in the morning. We do this with towels, dishcloths, socks, etc., because it's not a big deal if they stay overnight.

Finding the time to clean your laundry daily will save you from having to spending time cleaning a huge load of dirty clothes at the end of a busy work week.

  • Fill and start your dishwasher (and wipe down the kitchen counters)|| |490

S’il y a une pile d’assiettes sales dans l’évier, chargez-les dans le lave-vaisselle, puis essuyez rapidement tout dégât sur les comptoirs de votre cuisine.

Schedule Weekly Cleaning Tasks for Working Moms

These weekly cleaning tasks may take a little longer. This is why it is best to carry out one weekly cleaning task per day. During the week, you effectively clean the entire house.

Incorporating this weekly schedule is a great idea, as it will help ensure that you don't have as many exhausting tasks to complete during the weekend. end, when it's family time. Trust me, it makes a big difference!

You can complete each weekly task in the morning or evening, as you wish, as long as it is done on a weekly basis, no matter when! It all depends on what time you feel most energetic.

Generally speaking, each of these weekly tasks can take around 15 to 30 minutes to complete. Don’t hesitate to adjust the tasks according to the cleaning schedule that suits you!

Here are examples of cleaning schedules for a working mother:

Monday: Tips for cleaning mirrors and glass doors

Try to block out the time: schedule a specific amount of time to clean these glass surfaces and concentrate fully on this task in the allotted time.

Tuesday:Cleaner tips Dusty rooms

Allow time to dust flat surfaces of your room (and those of your children's rooms) using a dry microfiber cloth. This will ensure the bedrooms aren't too dusty at the end of the busy week.

Wednesday: Vacuum the master bedroom (and other rooms, if you can)

Vacuum your bedroom and two other high-traffic rooms to prevent excess dust, dust bunnies, and debris buildup from taking over your floors for days.

Thursday: Cleaner Tips Cleaning the kitchen

Wipe down dusty kitchen appliances and furniture and quickly clean the stove and microwave. Wipe down interior/exterior kitchen cabinets. Next, sweep or vacuum the kitchen floor.

Friday: Tips for cleaning and tidying up the living room

Eliminate all the clutter and waste from your living room, dust it furniture surfaces, spruce up cushions, and give the carpet a quick vacuum.

If you can do a little bit every day, it will go a long way toward keeping your home clean. Get our printable weekly cleaning schedule, it will help you create your work schedule.


Monthly schedulecleaners tips for working moms|| |532

Ces tâches mensuelles impliquent un nettoyage en profondeur : vous vous attaquerez aux coins et recoins que vous ne nettoyez pas habituellement lors de vos tâches de nettoyage quotidiennes et hebdomadaires.

Remember that you are free to add your own monthly cleaning tasks to this cleaning schedule. I also suggest you deep clean one area at a time and break the whole task into smaller, manageable tasks.

For example, you can deep clean your bedroom in the first week of month of deep cleaning, then deep clean your kids' room the second week, and so on.

And don't stress: deep clean at your own pace. If you are burdened with work and family responsibilities and barely have time to do a deep cleaning, consider hiring professional deep cleaning services or simply shift them to a better time that suits you.| ||540

Voici some examples of typical monthly tasks to include in your monthly cleaning schedule:

Week 1 of the monthcleaners tips in the kitchen

Break down the tasks. In other words, write down the kitchen tasks you will complete each day during this week.

For example:

  • Deep clean and organize storage -eat
  • Deep clean your oven, don't forget the hood
  • Deep clean the kitchen windows
  • Deep clean the kitchen sink , including under the sink
  • Vacuum and clean the kitchen floor.
  • Wash the kitchen trash cans (an older child can help with this task cleaning)

Week 2: living room cleaners tips

  • Clean the ceiling, ceiling fans, light fixtures and walls
  • Dust and deep clean your wall decor
  • Vacuum the sofa and deep clean the cushions (and removable sofa covers)
  • Deep clean the floors and baseboards
  • Nettoyer en profondeur la moquette et les moquettes du salon


Week 3: bathroom tips and cleaners

Deep clean toilets, rugs bathroom, shower curtains, bath towels, bathtub, shower head, bathroom mirrors, bathroom counters and the inside of medicine cabinets.

Week 4 in progress: bedroom and other room cleaners

  • Deep clean picture frames.
  • Deep clean bedroom furniture.
  • Nettoyer le lit et les draps.
  • Clean the closets.
  • Clean the floors.

Here is the printable cleaning

Here our simple printable cleaning schedule to help you plan your time.

Bottom of form

Steps to Using a Printable Weekly Cleaning Schedule for Working Moms

Ready to use our Home Cleaning Tips and organize your life?

Start by printing our cleaning program for working moms (free download). Sign up to receive the freebie and you'll find these downloadable cleaning schedule pages in your inbox.

I encourage you to start with the daily cleaning schedule so you can establish a cleaning routine daily for a clean home. Then try the weekly cleaning schedule and work your way up to the monthly cleaning schedule.

It is important that you take small steps and determinewhich cleaning schedule you suitable.

Print the printable cleaning schedule and start filling it out slowly so you don't overwhelm yourself.

Best Cleaning Schedule for Working Moms


So, busy moms, I hope this realistic cleaning schedule will guide you in establishing a cleaning routine that fits your busy schedule.

Sans un programme de nettoyage pour une mère qui travaille, maintenir une maison propre peut sembler une bataille difficile qui met votre santé mentale à l’épreuve de plusieurs manières.

But I am convinced that, just like this schedule changed everything for me as a working mom, it will do the same for you too. You will be able to keep your home clean even with your hectic professional life.

And with your life now organized, thanks to this cleaning program for working mom and tips that I've shared, you'll have time to focus on other important things besides keeping your home clean, like taking care of yourself and spending quality time with family!

|| |633

Foire aux questions (FAQ)

How many hours should you spend on household chores?

It depends on a few key things: the size of your household and how clean you want your house to be.

But generally speaking, the most you should spend on housework each working day is about 1.5 hours. It's best that the daily tasks you do take up no more than an hour and a half of your time to avoid burning out every other day.

I'm not talking about the fact that you're blocking 1 .5 hour of your day to clean, this includes taking 5 minutes to load the dishwasher, or 10 minutes to wipe down the counters or fold a load of laundry.

I know my cleaning schedule for working moms will help you create a realistic cleaning schedule that works for you!


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