How to get rid of cockroaches

How to get rid of a cockroach infestation? 

Heat and availability of food in your home or business can attract cockroaches, and once they enter your home, they can breed quickly and cause an infestation that can be very damaging to the health of your family. To help you deal with the potential threat of an infestation, we have put together this cockroach fact sheet to provide you with all the information you need.

Types of Cockroaches|| |60

Les cafards peuvent être trouvés partout dans le monde car ils peuvent vivre de presque rien. En France, les espèces de cafards que nous rencontrerons comprennent :

Oriental cockroaches:

this type oriental cockroaches like moist environments and can be found in drains and around your outdoor trash cans .

German Cockroaches:

They thrive in high humidity conditions and can be found in warm areas of the home, including your bathroom and your kitchen.

Brown-banded cockroaches:

 adapt to an environment that provides them with a reasonable food supply.


How do cockroaches get in?

Roaches can get into your home in several ways. In some cases, cockroaches spread from neighboring homes and can enter through any holes in your walls and floors, especially those around water and drain pipes and electrical cables. Cockroaches can also easily be brought into your home through food and packaging purchased from infested commercial premises, as well as second-hand goods, especially electrical appliances, that have previously been in an infested home.

The egg capsules of German cockroaches are the size of a small bean but can contain up to forty eggs. First instar cockroaches are smaller than an ant when they hatch. As a result, cockroaches can be brought into your home unnoticed and go unnoticed for several weeks or months before their numbers begin to multiply.

Health Risks Related to Cockroaches|| |86

Les espèces de cafards qui infestent nos maisons sont des nuisibles d’intérieur qui partagent une association étroite avec les humains, se nourrissant de notre nourriture et de nos déchets. Ce sont de sérieux nuisibles pour la santé publique et sont connus pour propager des germes et des maladies par contamination, ce qui signifie que tout ce qu’un cafard touche peut potentiellement vous rendre malade. Il existe un certain nombre de risques sanitaires très graves qui peuvent être attribués à la présence de cafards, dont la plupart sont associés à une intoxication alimentaire :

  • Salmonella:  

    Roaches spread salmonella bacteria which can be potentially fatal. Symptoms usually disappear within 4 to 7 days without treatment, but in some cases contracting salmonella can lead to severe dehydration and hospitalization.

  • E. Coli:

  • Cockroaches spread E. Coli, another bacteria responsible for life-threatening food poisoning.
  • Asthma:

  • Feces of Cockroaches can trigger an allergic reaction in people with asthma.

If you develop any of the listed symptoms associated with food poisoning, you are strongly advised to consult a doctor or health professional. health:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Cramps and abdominal discomfort.
  • Diarrhea
  • Weakness and lack of energy
  • Muscle fatigue
  • A high fever
  • Chills

Signs that you may have a cockroach infestation

Les cafards sont principalement nocturnes et aiment se cacher dans de petites fissures et crevasses pendant la journée. Cela signifie que les premières infestations peuvent se reproduire et se multiplier complètement inaperçues pendant un certain temps.

Cockroaches also produce aggregation pheromone, a chemical that attracts cockroaches to each other. They therefore tend to gather in groups in suitable shelters, with most infestations consisting of several groups.

Cockroaches are usually found in the kitchen where there is food, but they are usually found in the kitchen where there is food. Also often found in bathrooms, ventilation closets, living rooms, bedrooms or wherever there is heat and food. To identify an infestation, look for signs of their presence:

  • Live cockroaches 

    – Using a flashlight, carefully examine your House. The most common places for cockroaches to be found are behind the refrigerator and freezer, where they are attracted to the heat of motors, under the kitchen sink, and under or around kitchen appliances such as ovens. microwaves and kettles. If you find a cockroach shelter, you will often find a number of cockroaches of varying sizes, namely adult males and females, as well as juvenile nymphs of varying sizes.

  • Night Inspections

    – If you survey your property at night, you are more likely to see cockroaches foraging because that is when they come out to feed.

  • Cockroach Feces

    – Depending on what the cockroaches have been feeding on, their feces can be liquid or solid. Solid feces appear as numerous small black droppings, less than 1 mm, and liquid feces appear as small dark spots.

  • An unpleasant, undetectable odor

    – Cockroach infestations give off a recognizable smell, but this is only really noticeable where there are large numbers of cockroaches, so you'll probably see them before you smell them.

  • Mues et capsules d’œufs (oothèque) 

    – Cockroach nymphs lose their exoskeleton as they grow and reach adulthood. Many skin sheds occur during a cockroach infestation. Female cockroaches also carry and drop egg capsules, called oothecae, which contain many eggs.

Preventing a Cockroach Infestation

As with any pest, it is best to Prevention is better than cure when it comes to fighting an infestation. Maintaining a good level of hygiene in the home, storing food in airtight containers and disposing of food waste promptly, as well as sealing all cracks in your home will help make your home uninhabitable for cockroaches and prevent an infestation.| ||169

De plus, si vous achetez votre nourriture et vos biens auprès d’entreprises réputées, vous risquez moins de ramener des cafards chez vous lors de vos courses, et il est toujours préférable d’éviter les équipements d’occasion (en particulier les appareils électriques et de cuisine) d’origine inconnue si vous voulez éviter le risque d’introduire une infestation de cafards dans votre maison.


How to get rid of cockroaches

To get rid of a cockroach infestation, it is best to focus your efforts on eliminating the elements that encourage their development. You can start with:

  • A Deep Cleaning:

    Not only will a deep cleaning help prevent cockroaches, but it will definitely make your home hygienic again. Cockroaches can leave behind grease marks, skin particles and droppings – so let's get rid of them and any food residue that can cause them to run around your home. Wipe your kitchen counters, clean the floor well and never leave dirty dishes in your sink. It may seem like a lot of effort, but a clean house means no roaches

  • Seal Cracks:

    If you find an entrance, seal it. Whether you find gaps between your cupboards, your baseboards, your doors or your walls, it is an entry point for these pests!

  • Remove their food sources:

    Take out your trash regularly and don't leave open food in your home. It's a good habit and will prevent you from sharing your meals with cockroaches.

  • Fix these leaks:

    you know there is a faucet outside that drip, you know, the one attached to the pipe or maybe the one under the sink. Wherever there is a leak, it's time to strengthen your home's cockroach protection. Drain any standing water down your sinks and don't overwater your houseplants – we don't want to encourage and keep these pests alive.

Unfortunately, it's not easy to get rid of of a cockroach infestation without the help of a professional service. Cockroach infestations consist of multiple harborages, some of which can be very deep, making them difficult to locate and eliminate. Although there are over-the-counter insecticides for amateur use, cockroach infestations can be resisted by methods that are not 100% effective. Which means your infestation will rebound as the eggs hatch and the roaches reproduce.

The best method is to use the steps above to help prevent roaches while also hiring a pest removal service to ensure they are eradicated for good.


Cockroach FAQ

Are Cockroaches Dangerous/A health hazard?

Cockroaches are found near stale water, trash cans and sewage. Although cockroaches are not immediately dangerous, they can pose a health hazard to you and your family. The presence of cockroaches in a restaurant kitchen would shut down an establishment, so you know they are a health hazard wherever they are.

Cockroaches will make you- Will they sick or harm you?

Roaches will make no effort to harm you, but their presence in the house can make you sick if you eat food off a counter where they rushed to.

Can cockroaches bite/hurt/make you sick?

They don't bite, but they are unsanitary and pathogens that they carry can make you sick.

How many eggs will a cockroach lay?

At the height of their fertility, cockroaches can lay two eggs in a week, which can contain between 30 and 40 eggs. Once laid, an egg hatches within the next 100 days.

How do cockroaches multiply?

After mating, the female cockroach can store sperm and it can be used to produce multiple litters.

Where do cockroaches come from?

Cockroaches generally enjoy outdoor living where they can feast on sewage and waste materials. decomposition, but every now and then a welcoming home that offers sweet or starchy foods is a quick stop in paradise.

Where do cockroaches live/hide/nest?

If you have cockroaches in abundance, chances are they are nesting in a crack or crevice in your home. This is why it is important to completely seal your home to prevent pests from entering.

Cockroach Control

If you have found cockroaches in your home, it is likely that others are coming. You don't know if your cockroach is female and she may be ready to lay eggs and make a nest in your welcoming home. Put an end to your cockroach infestation immediately and call our local cockroach pest control professionals who will eliminate your problem for good.

Calling a professional pest control company is the best way to ensure that your cockroach problem is completely eradicated. Our team is fully accredited with accreditation and is also approved by SERvuce State. We also have over 10 years of experience in all aspects of disinfestation of dirty and cluttered homes. This allows us to help you fight your infestation quickly and effectively.


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