How to clean, disinfect, decontaminate a place after a death

Cleaning services following a death


First of all it must be said thatcleaning up after death of a crime scene or a trauma scene generally requires removing the presence of human blood and other dangerous biological waste that has occurred following a major accident, an accidentaldeath, a suicide, an unassisted death, a murder or even a natural death.

Une équipe de nettoyage décès

Cleaning servicescleaning after death

Not to mention our special equipment and adequate techniques are also necessary for deal with all the residue left behind by forensic doctors, firefighters, police, etc. these are residues such asfingerprint powder, cayenne pepper, tear gas, etc.

Why call on professionals ?

First of all, quickly forget that you can take care ofcleaning your house yourself.Already you do not have enough emotional distance to take on this task yourself, and you are not sure that you will be able to eliminate all the waste, both the arduous work and long.

As well as the crime scene, a potential pool of very infectious bacteria, even more so when the death occurred several hours ago.

In any case the risk of contamination too high. So it is better to leave this task to professionals.

So to contact professionals for cleaning after death click on this link:Request a free quote

Précaution à observer sur un lieu de décès

Due to a high rate of contamination, it is better to observe certain precautionary measures before entering a place of death. People carrying certain diseases and infections (HIV, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, etc.).

In addition, certain infectious materials (blood, body fluid, fecal and organic matter) may be found on the ground; on the walls and sometimes are invisible to the naked eye.

If possible, wear gloves and a disposable mask. Avoid coming into direct contact with liquid materials present at the scene of death as much as possible. Isolate the scene of death by closing doors and windows.

Eliminate odors


For a knowledgeable disaster restoration technician, a smell of Humidity very often indicates a mold problem.

Theneutralization of odors from a crime scene follows the theory of stereochemistry which states that an unpleasant odor is complemented by other more powerful complementary odors, giving an overall neutral effect.

The odor can be diluted by forced ventilation using a negative pressure hood. This approach also makes it possible to eliminate certain contaminants. Odors can also be eliminated by oxidation.

So oxidizing agents such as hydrogen or peroxide, or hydroxyl generators108 ou d’ozone. Des parfums et des agents masquant peuvent être utilisés si l’odeur persiste.

Blood Cleanup

To remove blood when cleaning after death, use products containing oxygen active. This type of product effectively eliminates traces of blood on the floor, cotton fabrics, etc. However, be sure to take the necessary precautions.

Cleaning sensitive surfaces

There is the ACS aqueous cleaning solution for cleaning sensitive areas. This solution eliminates grease and fingerprints thanks to a mixture of surfactant elements mainly used when cleaning sensitive surfaces such as laptops, DVD players, LCD screens, etc.

Votre préstation denettoyage suite à un décès est déductible des impots?

All our cleaning, disinfection and decontamination services are tax deductible. Our accounting office will send you a certificate with your paid invoice.


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