how to reduce your carbon footprint bulky items

Sorting our bulky items to reduce the carbon footprint


Each year we get rid of bulky items landfill, it is becoming increasingly important to be aware of how our actions can affect the environment around us. When you are considering clearing out a house following a move, an inheritance or acleaning ofDiogenes syndrome it While you should consider different ways to be more environmentally friendly, deciding what to focus on first can be daunting. A great way to start is to learn about your carbon footprint and how you can improve it to protect our planet. Check out our bog page on how to reduce your carbon footprint below!

What is a carbon footprint?

According to  Nature. org, “a carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) generated by our actions.” These actions include anything that directly creates emissions of these types of gases, such as the burning of fossil fuels during transportation, the creation of new items or products, as well as the consumption of electricity.

Good While our carbon footprint typically focuses on greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, it can also include nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). The carbon footprint can be used by both individuals and businesses, making it a great starting point for thinking about how best to protect the environment. The foods you eat, the clothes you buy and the energy you use daily are examples of factors that can influence it.

Origins of the concept of carbon footprint

D’où vient le concept d’empreinte carbone ? Ses origines remontent au début des années 1990, lorsqu’un écologiste canadien, William Rees, et un urbaniste régional suisse, Mathis Wackernagel, ont inventé le concept d’empreinte écologique alors qu’ils étudiaient à l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique. Plutôt que de se concentrer sur les impacts d’une personne ou d’une entreprise individuelle, l’empreinte écologique se concentre sur la surface totale nécessaire pour subvenir aux besoins d’une population. L’ Encyclopédie Britannica note que cela inclut différentes activités telles que « l’utilisation de l’eau et la superficie des terres utilisées pour la production alimentaire ».


Our global carbon footprint

The carbon footprint can increase due to carbon dioxide emissions at the individual level, and it all adds up to a larger global impact. The average carbon footprint worldwide is around four tonnes. However, per capita carbon emissions can change dramatically between countries. In France, the average carbon footprint of a single person is 9 tons ofCO2ep/year calculated in 2019. Carbon emissions in the United States are among the highest in the world! As global emissions have increased rapidly in recent decades, it is important to think about how we can create positive change.

Greenhouse gases impact global emissions

The three main greenhouse gases that have increased the most due to human activity are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. These three greenhouse gases have increased significantly in the Earth's atmosphere since the industrial revolution. Average household CO2 emissions per year in France are 7.5 tonnes in 2021. The increase in these gases has increased by 20 to 250% since pre-industrial times, much more than it has since almost a million years! For example, human activity currently releases “more than 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year,” according to data for France. Transportation, power generation, heating and livestock are some of the many sources of greenhouse gas emissions, and our use of all of these examples has grown as our world has grown. industrialize over the years.

Reducing carbon emissions for climate change

Why is it so important to reduce carbon emissions? The simple answer: for the planet! The increase in greenhouse gas emissions over the years has led to a significant increase in the Earth's surface temperature. According to Our World In Data, to have the best chance of avoiding a 2℃ rise in global temperatures, the average global carbon footprint per year must fall to less than two tons by 2050. Although this seems like a huge reduction to be achieved in a short time, reducing the individual carbon footprint from 9 tonnes to two tonnes does not happen overnight! When we make small changes to our actions, like eating less meat, taking fewer connecting flights, and drying our clothes on a line, it can make a significant difference.

In an effort to manage carbon emissions released into the air, many initiatives have been created to support the reduction of emissions, such as the Paris Climate Agreement. With our clearance teams we aim to donate and recycle wherever possible, improving the life cycle of the items we remove and minimizing their impact on the environment. Some of our France region teams are presenting various ways to help the environment by making donations to associations in the nearest towns, diverting items from landfills and supporting the reuse of good quality items. Whether individuals, businesses or governments around the world, it is important for all of us to take action to minimize carbon emissions.


Calcul de l’empreinte carbone

Now that you know the importance of minimizing your carbon emissions, where do you start? The best way is to start on your own. So, how do you calculate your carbon footprint?

Your carbon footprint is a calculation of the amount of greenhouse gas emissions you produce during your daily life. These greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, fluorinated gases, etc. But how to calculate your carbon footprint? It’s more practical than you think! The best way to calculate your carbon footprint is to use a carbon footprint calculator. You can find many different options online, but we find the  calculator at  to be a great resource. By knowing your carbon footprint, you are able to motivate yourself and set a goal for what you would like it to be!

10 tips for reducing your carbon footprint

Now that you know what a carbon footprint is and how to calculate yours, you may be wondering, “What can I do to reduce my carbon footprint?” There are several ways to reduce your carbon footprint. To get started, take inspiration from these 10 simple tips!

  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables:Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your meals and consider growing your own vegetables if possible. According to the  Climate Action Business Association, growing your own vegetables can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 68kg of emissions per year.
  2. Buy some energy-efficient appliances: When you need to buy new appliances like refrigerators or washing machines, opt for more energy-efficient options.
  3. Remember the 3 Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle ! With our teams of in-house clearancers we recycle recyclable materials and donate items to be donated, so that your unwanted items can, hopefully, find a second home!
  4. Avoid driving your car: if possible, use other modes of transportation than your car. Not only is cycling to work sometimes healthier for you, but it will also reduce emissions when you travel. Taking the bus when possible also saves you from having to park in dense city centers!
  5. Reduce Your Meat Intake:A fun way to reduce meat consumption at every meal, especially beef, can be to participate in “Meatless Mondays” to experiment with new recipes while eating less food of animal origin. Meat, cheese and eggs have the highest carbon footprint of food production, so reducing your consumption will also help reduce your carbon footprint.
  6. Carbon Offset Air Travel: Although traveling in Flying can be essential, consider contributing to carbon credits and offset programs when you fly. These initiatives will invest in environmental projects that will reduce emissions and ultimately help balance your carbon footprint.
  7. Bring reusable shopping bags:Bring your own reusable bags to the grocery store and Avoid products with excessive plastic packaging. A good tip is to invest in reusable cloth bags for your fruits and vegetables, so you don't have to use the plastic bags provided at most grocery stores. Don't forget your bags at home!
  8. Avoid fast fashion: that cute top can be tempting, but try to avoid fast fashion purchases when possible and opt for quality clothing , Ethically manufactured or second hand items. Although theprice may seem attractive at first, the majority of fast fashion clothing is not made to last and will result in multiple repurchases over the lifespan of the item. 'a quality item.
  9. Use the air conditioning less while driving: Although it may be impossible to completely avoid using the air conditioning on hot summer days, use it less often or at a lower setting will help reduce emissions!
  10. Switch to energy-efficient bulbs:Replace incandescent bulbs and CFLs with LEDs when they burn out. By slowly swapping out your bulbs, it will not only reduce your carbon footprint, but it will also help reduce your energy bill.


As our climate and environment continue to change being affected by greenhouse gas emissions, it is important to take steps to reduce our carbon footprint in our daily lives. Whether it's biking to work on a sunny day, bringing your reusable bag to the grocery store, or making sure your unwanted items are properly disposed of, every little change can have a bigger impact on our contributions to carbon emissions. When we have to empty a cluttered house, empty a cellar, clear out an attic or a barn we must sort before throwing it into the recycling center. No matter how old you are, the environment will always be an important part of our lives. Together, let's make the world a greener place!

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