how to get rid of cockroaches

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How do I get rid of cockroaches in my house?

Cockroaches are small, gross insects found all over the world, but they are more common in apartments and houses. If you see cockroaches around your home or kitchen furniture, don't hesitate to call a professional: How to Get Rid of Cockroaches Quickly These pests will help prevent them from coming back!

If you have Having trouble getting rid of cockroaches, call the professionals at Our local team offers professional cockroach control services to those who live in and are tired of having their space invaded by these pesky creatures!

In this article, we will share the best and the quickest way to get rid of cockroaches for good. We've put together everything you need to know about your different options to make pest control as easy as possible!

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What Types of Cockroaches Are There? -it in my house in France?

Cockroaches are a diverse group of insects that can be found all over the world, with over 4000 different species identities so far, only a few some of them live in France.

The German cockroach, the oriental cockroach, the brown-banded cockroach and the American cockroach are the most common in France and all can carry various diseases in the man.

Inside your home, there are few types of cockroaches to worry about. Some can be small and slimy while others can reach up to 2 centimeters in length with wings that flap rapidly when disturbed by movement or light around them!

C t's undeniable, cockroaches are the worst! Learn to identify the different species of these pesky insects so you can get rid of them for good.

German Cockroaches

German Cockroaches are easy to identify thanks to their 2 dark bands that run across the thorax. They can grow up to 15 mm long, but typically only live about 12 to 15 months after reaching adulthood due to high mortality rates from infestation by bacteria or other insects.

The German cockroach is the most common cockroach in France, and for good reason: it can reproduce quickly, with each egg case producing 20 to 40 baby critters! Even just one female could mean that over 30,000 little pests will pop up next to your house by the end of the year.

A single German nymph can grow into an entire colony if nothing happens. is done over time – so make sure you find a solution before then.

German cockroaches are one of the few species whose females carry their "ootheca" eggs with them until until they are ready to hatch. This means that an infestation can spread easily and be difficult to contain, since it is difficult to find them all.

All cockroaches have flat, broad bodies with long hind legs and antennae . The German version tends to be a lighter brown than most because it has two dark parallel bands running down from the head to the wingtips; this makes them easier to distinguish when identifying to the species level!


How to get rid of brown banded cockroaches?

The Adult brown-banded cockroaches are approximately 10 to 15 mm long and have a brown abdomen with yellow stripes.

Brown-banded cockroaches are a common species of insect that likes to hang out in warm, dry like walls or electronic devices like refrigerators.


It is a flying cockroach, but this species hates water and does not like living in damp places or damp. They are usually nocturnal, so you will probably never see one during the day!

Male and female cockroaches have light yellow bands on their wings and abdomen.



American cockroaches

Bien que la blatte américaine ne soit pas l’espèce de cafard la plus répandue en France. C’est l’un des plus anciens – avec une durée de vie d’environ deux ans.

One of the largest harmful cockroaches to invade homes in France, adult males of American cockroaches can measure up to 30 to 40 millimeters long and have a reddish-brown coloring.

The American cockroach, commonly called the palmetto bug, spreads quickly.

The American cockroach prefers dark, damp, quiet areas and can be found in basements, kitchens and bathrooms of homes.

Oriental Cockroaches

Dark brown or black in color , an adult oriental cockroach is approximately 20 to 30 mm long. These insects are highly adapted to survive in the natural environment.

They thrive in cool, moist areas such as basements and sewers that contain food sources like trash or animal litter. leaves. Oriental cockroaches are most often found near these types of places where they feed on what is available to them in each location.

What attracts cockroaches to my house?

Whatever type of cockroaches you have in your home, one thing is certain: they are not wanted.

Cockroaches and other pests are simply not worth it the punishment. They can trigger allergies, spread disease, create an unsanitary living environment insalubre, not to mention how they crawl around your home and make you smell!

Cockroaches are attracted to many different things. The first step to getting rid of them is understanding exactly what attracts these pests and how to avoid putting anything else like food or trash outside, which will keep them away for good!

Voici quelques-uns des plus courants

  1. Food sources

Roaches are omnivores, they will eat anything. They love starchy foods and sweets as well as fatty foods and meats! An easy source of food for these scavengers is dirty dishes in the sink or pet food on your floor, which can attract them to places you don't want them to go.

  1. Abri

Roaches can enter homes for many reasons, but they generally seek shelter and food. Cockroach species vary in their preferred living space: some like to hide behind frames while others prefer moist places under sinks or inside toilets!

Fresh air outdoors might make you think that all insects hibernate until the weather is warmer, but that's not the case with cockroaches.

In fact, they will do anything to stay warm and will even venture inside under large appliances or in forgotten corners of basements!


  1. Location

If you're wondering "why Do I have cockroaches in my clean house? » Cockroaches can be a little more frustrating to get rid of, even if you've taken care not to attract them in the first place.

If you've ever seen an American cockroach, it's no surprise that these Insects can live in almost any environment. And while they're not necessarily picky about where their home is clean or dirty — as long as there's food available to them — if conditions at home aren't hygienic enough to meet your needs? Cockroaches will find a way into cracks and crevices around windows to seal gaps between doors leaving them open

I'm sure we've all had those moments where we wake up to see three little monsters scurrying across our bedroom floor just before landing on an unsuspecting victim below…


  1. Water

Roaches are surprisingly persistent animals. They can enter even the most hygienic homes in search of water. This is why it is so important to prevent your pipes from leaking and ensure that all faucets are working properly at all times!

How to get rid of cockroaches naturally?

With With a few home remedies, you can get rid of those pesky cockroaches without chemicals! There are several that do not harm children or pets.

  1. Diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth is an excellent insecticide. It is made from fossilized algae, which is stinging and dehydrating to cockroaches when they come into contact with them!

Diatomaceous earth is a great way to get rid of pesky cockroaches. Sprinkle it lightly on any surfaces where you've noticed them gathering or leaving their marks, and watch them disappear within 24 hours!

Benefits: Not only affordable, but also safe for children and pets!

Cons:messy, requires reapplication, you will need to locate and dispose of dead cockroaches after each treatment|| |199

  1. Desinsectiser les cafards par le bicarbonate de soude

One of the most common DIY pest control solutions is baking soda. Cockroaches hate it and will leave your house looking for an escape route once they've been poisoned by this easy-to-kill cockroach killer!

Dice some onions with baking soda baking soda (to release their smell), then place them where insects are known or suspected!

The cockroaches become so excited by eating the baking soda that their stomachs explode, killing them.|| |209

Avantages : Effective, non-toxic, affordable

Disadvantages:Pets can consume the onion mixture (onions are toxic to dogs), messy, requires you to locate and eliminate dead cockroaches.

  1. How to get rid of cockroaches with Boric Acid

The Boric acid, a compound naturally found in fruits and plants, is made up of two parts: water with boron.

It's harmless to humans and pets, but deadly to cockroaches. Boric acid is a good choice for eliminating cockroaches because it sticks to their legs and wings, causing them enormous discomfort. When ingested by the cockroach in powder form, borates act on its nervous system causing paralysis before quickly killing these pests!


To use acid boric to get rid of cockroaches, sprinkle it lightly on a paper plate. Put a spoonful of peanut butter in the middle of the plate and place it all where you have noticed cockroach activity.

Pros: Effective, affordable, natural, no toxic, easy

Cons: Can be messy, requires multiple applications or treatments, may not be ideal for homes with pets or small children, requires you to track down and eliminate dead cockroaches. 

  1. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are a great way to keep cockroaches away. Lemon oil, especially lemons, will do the trick! Simply add 10 drops of juice to yourcleaning solution when cleaning or let it dry on its own and watch the cockroaches scurry away from you as if they don't want to. not participate in our fight against them.

Pros:Effective, affordable, ideal for homes with children and pets

Cons: || |250Ne tue pas les cafards, mais les dissuade

  1. Essential oils

Essential oils are an excellent natural cockroach repellent. For best results, purchase peppermint or lemongrass essential oil and mix it with a little water. Spray the mixture wherever you have seen cockroaches.

Pros:Effective, affordable, safe for children and pets, non-toxic

Disadvantages:Does not kill cockroaches

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How do I get rid of cockroaches in my house?


  1. Use glue strips to identify areas with problems

A common way to get rid of cockroaches is to trap them with glue. The smell of these traps attracts and immobilizes any cockroach that steps on them, allowing you to easily clean your problem area!

To combat cockroaches, place glue traps purchased at retail stores places where you have noticed their activity, such as behind refrigerators or under sinks.

Benefits:Effective, safe for children and pets (provided the strips are hidden), fast acting

Disadvantages: You need to monitor the strips for a few days or weeks and change and replace them when they are filled with dead cockroaches. 

  1. Set Bait Traps to Get Rid of Cockroaches

Cockroach Bait Traps are a great way to kill cockroaches almost instantly. They are available in different sizes, shapes and colors so you can place them anywhere for an immediate effect on your pest problem!

The smell of the bait attracts the cockroaches who eat it and die. The other cockroaches will then feed on their corpses, passing the poison through the group.

Advantages: Effective, fast acting

Disadvantages: Bait traps look unattractive around a house, can be toxic to children and pets, will leave dead roaches around the house, dead roaches can be eaten by non-target species like birds and other animals – poisoning them as well.

  1. Caulk all entry points to get rid of cockroaches


A common solution to Getting rid of cockroaches involves using glue strips and bait traps, but these will be of no use if new species continue to arrive.

With the recent increase in cockroach numbers and their ability to enter homes undetected, use caulking around possible entry points such as gaps between walls or tiles for more effective pest control. Be very careful when replacing worn weather stripping on door and window sealants so you don't have new problems with these pesky insects!

Although the adhesive strips and sealing points While bait may be effective in getting rid of roaches, it won't do much good if new roaches are constantly entering your home. With this in mind, use caulk to seal gaps and possible entry points. Pay special attention to gaps between walls or tiles, worn weather stripping, or gaps in door and window joints.

Benefits:Effective, safe and affordable

Cons:caulking wears away over time, so you need to check and recheck access points regularly

  1. Call a professional local pest control

If you are looking for a cost-effective way to get rid of your cockroach infestation, calling on a professional cockroach management team like is the perfect solution.

The professional teams know how to locate and eradicate cockroach infestations safely, quickly and with as little risk as possible.

Our cockroach extermination teams at are approved. Our cockroach removal and cleaning protocol is different from other pest control companies, our team removes items where nests are nestled like a hotplate. Our protocol for getting rid of cockroaches is unique.Contact our advisor if your home is infested with cockroaches

Advantages: Effective, safe, durable, can fight against cockroach infestations inside and outside the home.

Cons:requires a larger initial investment than DIY options


Our cockroach cleaning prices

The price of a cockroach cleaning, getting rid of and disinsection protocol for a studio is from 550€.

The | ||351prix of cockroach extermination is from 129€, this cockroach cleaning price does not include the complete clearance and cleaning protocol for your home.|| |354

Le prix de débarras de blattes si votre house is dirty or cluttered is from €790.

We are the specialists to remove all waste and bulky items by an efficient and discreet team.

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