How to get rid of cockroaches in your apartment?


Cockroaches are everywhere.

Désinsectisation de cafards

Cockroach pest control

Être résilient n’est qu’un trait associé à ces insectes. Ils sont également associés à la saleté. La stigmatisation attachée aux cafards en fait l’ennemi juré de tous les habitants des appartements. Voir des cafards dans un appartement cause toutes sortes de problèmes, c’est pourquoi personne n’en veut. Heureusement, il existe des mesures que vous pouvez prendre pour vous débarrasser des cafards dans votre appartement.

Are cockroaches common in apartments?

The terrible truth is that cockroaches are common everywhere. According to Pegasus Pest Control, however, cleanliness plays a role in what attracts cockroaches to a particular residence. “There are living conditions that will be more suitable for cockroaches. Like us, they need food and water to survive. »

Having a home where food is left out or a kitchen with counters covered in crumbs is a sure welcome sign for cockroaches. Especially in an apartment building where another tenant is messy, if you don't keep things clean, cockroaches already in the building may visit you.

It's best to assume that your building has cockroaches, whether a small number or a larger population, and behave proactively in your own space to keep them at bay.

Why do I have cockroaches in my clean apartment?

Even if you have put away all your food and cleaned your kitchen meticulously, you may still end up seeing a cockroach or two. A clean apartment is a great way to deter roaches, but there's something else they want that your apartment has no matter what: water. “Roaches need moisture to survive and this search for water will bring them into even the cleanest homes.”

Leaking pipes or a dripping faucet, things you don't don't associate it at all with dirt, call cockroaches. This is why you often see them in bathrooms in addition to the kitchen. They may hide under refrigerators or air conditioners to drink the condensation, or even try to take a sip from a pet's water bowl. We may associate cockroaches with dirt, but their needs are much greater than grabbing a quick snack from leftover food.

How do I get rid of cockroaches in my apartment?

Cockroaches are fast, sneaky and adaptable parasites that are very difficult to eliminate. They are also harmful in close proximity, as carriers of bacteria and other infectious agents, which can contaminate food. For this reason, it is important to take care of the problem immediately after spotting one of these unwanted guests.

Although these are some of the most common methods for getting rid of cockroaches in apartment, you'll probably need a combination of these to get a cockroach-free home.

1. Use Cockroach Bait

Cockroach Bait



Often the safest and most effective, baits work for a long time period, killing cockroaches. They will kill on contact or use a few unlucky ones to bring the poison back to their friends. Bait gels and traps are available at your local hardware store, pharmacy or supermarket.

After you have identified where cockroaches are hiding, based on where you usually see them, place the bait, in containers, as close as possible. You can also target places where food and moisture are most readily available. For cracks or small areas, use a gel bait. Change the bait every three to six months.

If you want to take an organic approach to bait, you can make your own. Especially if you have pets or children at home, a simple recipe of baking soda and sugar  can help combat these pests.

2. Do some dusting

Sprinkling against cockroaches

Dusts are of three different types: diatomaceous, silica and boric acid. The first two damage and dry out a roach's exoskeleton while boric acid is toxic when ingested.

The safest option is diatomaceous earth, which is an insecticide completely organic that kills cockroaches, fleas, ticks and bedbugs. It's also a great preventative option if you want to avoid an encounter with roaches.

To use, sprinkle pesticide dust where roaches like to hide – inside cabinets , behind appliances and around cracks in kitchens and bathrooms. Renew the application every three to four months.

3. Setting a cockroach trap

Cockroach and cockroach traps

Traps are for brave souls who don't mind taking care of eliminating live cockroaches. You can buy them or make them at home. Sticky traps will stop a cockroach in its tracks and you can usually find them at your local hardware store or pharmacy.

A homemade option requires a jar and some tempting food. Put a piece of damp bread and a few slices of raw potato in an open jar. Next, line the inside walls of the jar with Vaseline and place it in an area where you have seen cockroaches. They will go in for the food but won't be able to come out. To kill any roaches you catch, fill the jar with soapy water and screw on a lid.

4. Call a cockroach extermination company

Grand Nettoyage intervenes in an EMERGENCY!

This is an extreme solution ideally intended for a real cockroach infestation. You must contact your trustee before taking this route because your lease may include this type of maintenance. To be effective, a technician must spray the entire building, so you should hire your real estate agent to handle the entire situation.

What can I do to keep cockroaches away forever?

Although there is no guarantee that you will never see a cockroach again, once you get rid of one, there are things you can do to ensure that they don't come back.

  • Notify your property manager that you have taken steps to control cockroaches in your own apartment. Since this is most likely a building-wide problem, your property manager should take steps to have the entire building treated. If they haven't already brought in an exterminator, it might be time.
  • Keep things dry, avoid clutterencombrement , even temporary, and store food in tightly closed plastic containers. Pick up crumbs, wipe down counters andclean up spills quickly.
  • Make sure trash is in tightly closed containers that you empty regularly . Give your apartment a facelift for small cracks in doors, windows or walls. If you find any, ask your property manager to refill them or, if you can, do it yourself.
  • Get rid of bar soap and houseplants. Roaches also love these items. You can substitute bar soap for liquid soap wherever possible, such as in the kitchen and on bathroom sinks. If you want to keep your plants indoors, apply a little petroleum jelly to the outside of the pots to make it too slippery for cockroaches to climb.

Learn how to get rid of cockroaches in your apartment

Remember, it's not if you see a cockroach in your apartment, but when. They probably already live in the walls because they are already everywhere. All you can do is keep your home as unattractive as possible to them while quickly getting rid of them if they appear.

Since cockroaches are not the only pests that can invade your apartment, adopting good habits to keep your home free of pests, in general, is always a good rule of thumb.

Pest Control Prices


Coût du Nettoyage Désinsectisation

Coût of Cleaning and Disinfection Clearance Disinfestation


Ourprices of cockroach disinfestation is from 130€ per passage. If you need to tidy up and clean before cockroach extermination, our prices start from €450. You can benefit from the 50% tax credit on your bill.

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