cost of cleaning house for compulsive hoarder

What is the average cost to clean the house of a compulsive hoarder?


The Compulsive hoarding is a psychological condition (Diogenes syndrome) in which a person seeks to hold on to objects for long periods of time, regardless of their value. This may seem completely normal at first glance. However, when these items become too numerous and invade the person's home, it can lead to safety and health problems.

Cleaning a hoarder's house can be a mammoth task, but it is necessary. Whether the hoarder has finally decided to change their situation or desperate family members or friends have left them with no other choice, it is a task that requires a complete house cleaning.

À ce stade, il est préférable de faire appel à des nettoyeurs professionnels, mais les coûts peuvent varier en fonction de plusieurs facteurs.

How much does it cost to clean a compulsive hoarder's house?|| |66

La première étape, souvent la plus difficile, pour les accumulateurs est d’admettre qu’ils ont un problème, mais ensuite, il faut chercher de l’aide. L’aide peut provenir de la famille, des amis  ou de professionnels qui s’occupent spécifiquement de la situation.

Although the costs of cleaning a compulsive hoarder vary depending on the extent of the job , the average cost of cleaning a hoarder's house usually starts between €1,000 and €3,000 (or around €2 per M2 for wall washing) and can increase from there.

Un service de nettoyage professionnel estimera généralement les coûts sur place ou par photos et après une évaluation très approfondie. Il va sans dire que plus il y a de choses, plus c’est dangereux et plus l’accès est limité, plus le prix sera élevé.

6 Factors That Can Affect Hoarder Cleaning Costs


Several factors can affect the costs of clearing a clutter, ranging from the volume  and scope of the work to be accomplished to the difficulty, location, and type of affected house.

What is actually in the house can also increase costs, and if hazardous materials are in the home, that will almost certainly increase prices as well.

  1. Champ d’application

Probably the most important determining factor is the scale and scope of the cleanup. Not all compulsive hoarders are the same, with some being much more rigorous than others about what they keep.

With this in mind, the term “house of a waste hoarder” (the Diogenes Syndrome) can vary wildly, from a dirty house with lots of easily disposable items to a place where it's difficult to move in, let alone work and clean.

The extent of work also depends on the person's desire to continue living in the accommodation or to move. Cleaning an estate is different than cleaning a house due to court decisions, so the scale of the project will undoubtedly impact costs.

  1. Hazardous Material

If a home contains hazardous materials, this will undoubtedly result in higher cleaning costs, as cleaners may need specialized equipment.

Hazardous materials may include old chemicals stored for years, medicines, machinery, exposed asbestos and many more that require proper equipment and disposal in a specific manner.

Depending on the type of hazardous waste, it You may not be able to throw it into the regular trash. Your local waste management center will have a list of items they do not accept. Removal of hazardous materials in specialized centers may incur additional costs.

Need help with cluttered and dirty house cleaning?

GN cleaningcluttered and dirty house can help you with your needs cleaning.

  • Over 10 years experience working with compulsive hoarders
  • Company with a local team
  • Sensitive and discreet approach
  • Complete clearance and sorting service
  • Donation and recycling of items in good condition
  1. House type and condition

Clean a one-story house is much easier than a four-story terraced house, even though both contain the same amount of waste. The type of house can have a significant impact on the cost of cleaning, and this will mainly depend on the extra time involved in going up and down stairs.

The condition of the house is another critical factor . If cleaners have to carefully walk over loose or damaged floors, it will slow down the entire process, meaning they will have to be on site longer.

  1. Difficulty

This point is linked to the previous factors. Cleaning services will carefully calculate the number of hours required to clean a property, which will encompass all of the factors mentioned.

Difficulty of rating can vary, but is often dependent on the volume of items stored in the house and how quickly cleaning agents can remove them. Hundreds of thousands of small items scattered around the house will likely take much longer to dispose of than thousands of bottles kept in boxes.

  1. Removal or storage

Things can get a little complicated when it comes to getting rid of items removed from the hoarder's house. You might think that everything would go straight into the trash, but legally speaking, they remain someone's property.

Sometimes friends and family members arrange to store items removed from the house for a certain period, which allows the owner to recover them if he wishes. If this is the case, storage space will need to be rented from another company and this additional cost will need to be factored in.

If items are contaminated or thrown straight into the trash, the cleaners will likely include disposal in the cleaning service. If the items are in good condition and can be donated, this additional time will also be factored into the total cost.

  1. Location

This item may not be immediately available obvious, but it should not be overlooked. Transportation costs to dispose of trash are related to cleaning costs.

If the home is located in the heart of a major city, the cleaning service probably won't need to travel far , but you should expect higher costs if the house in question is in a remote location.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you hire someone to clean a hoarder's house?

Yes, you can hire specialist technicians to clean a hoarder's house. Our GN team has over ten years of experience handling compassionate hoarding situations with compassion and professionalism.

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