Moving cleaning tax credit

Who can benefit from the tax reduction for moving cleaning?

service de grand nettoyage appartement

All our private customers, provided they are domiciled for tax purposes in France, can benefit from the tax credit formoving cleaning services carried out in their residence (main or secondary) located in France, without it being necessary to own it.

The tax credit can also benefit the taxpayer financing the service for an ascendant under certain conditions (see below).


How does the moving cleaning tax credit work?

You will receive at the start of the year a tax certificate for the services paid the previous year (n-1) in order to determine the amount of your tax advantage. This certificate will be established in proportion to the sums that you have actually paid to grand-nettoyage servicenettoyage moving.

This certificate must be kept. Only the sums remaining at your expense (after deduction of any allowances, aid or compensation) must be entered on your income tax return.

The tax credit in practice for household moving

Vous n’êtes pas imposable ou votre impôt est inférieur au montant de l’avantage fiscal ?

If your tax credit is higher than the amount of your income tax, or if you are not not taxable, you will benefit from a reimbursement from the Public Treasury corresponding to the excess, or even the entirety (for those not subject to tax). For a household move by an approved personal service company, you benefit from a 50% reduction on the invoice.

What is the maximum amount of the cleaning service tax credit?|| |81

Le montant maximum du crédit d’impôt est déterminé en fonction de votre situation personnelle. Elle s’applique à tous les services personnels dont vous bénéficiez, y compris ceux délivrés par grand-nettoyage service nettoyage état des lieux. Le montant maximum du crédit d’impôt est de :

€6,000 (i.e. 50% of the annual expenditure ceiling of €12,000) in the absence of an increase ( in increments of €1,500, see below).

€6,750 (i.e. 50% of the annual spending ceiling of €13,500, after an increase of €1,500 ) :

  • If a member of the tax household is over 65 years old;
  • Or if you have a dependent or attached child1;
  • Or if you pay benefits at the home of an ascendant over 65 years old likely to benefit from the personalized autonomy allowance (APA)

€7,500 (i.e. 50% of the ceiling annual expenditure of €15,000, after an increase of €3,000) if:

  • At least 2 members of the tax household are over 65 years old;
  • Or if you are at least 2 dependent or attached children;
  • Or if you pay services at the home of 2 ascendants over 65 years old likely to benefit from APA;
  • Or if you have a dependent child and pay allowances to the home of an ascendant over 65 years old likely to benefit from APA

€10,000 (i.e. 50% of the annual ceiling of expenses of €20,000) for disabled taxpayers or whose dependents are a disabled person (living under the same roof) or a child qualifying for the supplementary education allowance (CAE).

La majoration de 1 500 €, for each dependent child (within the spending limit of €15,000 per year) benefits half (i.e. €750 per child) to each parent when the children are deemed to be equally dependent on each of their children. Parents (alternate residence).

In addition, an overall tax credit ceiling of €10,000 must be taken into account for the benefit of all tax niches combined.|| |120 plafond global de crédit d’impôt de 10 000 € doit être pris en compte au bénéfice de toutes niches fiscales confondues.

Vous pouvez bénéficier d’un crédit d’impôt pour un grand nettoyage après un déménagement de 50% de la facture.

Recover your security deposit thanks to our comprehensive end of lease cleaning and benefit from a tax reduction thanks to our personal assistance service approval.

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Tax reduction
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