House clearance

débarras maison grand nettoyage
Debarras maison

House clearance

House clearance by experts

Grand Nettoyage is an expert company inhouse clearance, we have proven ourselves with more than a hundred interventions in France. Our company is here to help you find the best solution to your clearance requests.

In order to avoid generating inconvenience between your neighbors and yourself,we carry out the work as quickly as possible with the greatest discretion. Our work team is trained and ready to resolve any type of unforeseen event or situation.

We carry outhouse clearance by people prepared for this purpose, they clear the space and leave it ready so that you can redevelop it, sell it or rent it.| ||73

Le house clearance can be carried out for different reasons; for certain unfortunate events such as floods, fires orDiogenes syndrome or in the case ofdeath. Nous le réalisons également si vous avez besoin d’avoir votre espace vide pour le vendre, le louer ou le nettoyer. Nous nous chargeons de mettre de coté les objets que vous souhaiter conservés.


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A local house clearance team

We have the tools and vehicles necessary to carry out activities quickly and efficiently by a local team. In the company we have a work team which is constantly prepared and which is capable of emptying an apartment, a house, premises and workshops. Additionally, we offercleaning services at the end of thehouse clearance if you need it.| ||98

Notre équipe est également prête à effectuer des assainissements spécifiques et exhaustifs des zones qui présentent des salissures après le house clearance; in the same way,they can also be restored and painted if desired. In addition, we apply ozone shock treatments with the aim of deodorizing the area and eliminate any fungi, bacteria and viruses that may be present there.

We take care of the removal of all kinds of objects, such as electronic devices, appliances, fabrics, carpets, metals, cardboard, plastic or any other material that you do not need. During the house clearance, we carry out selective sorting and landfill which respects the recycling of raw materials.We are the number 1 choice for clearance and cleaning of houses and apartments in France.


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Do the clearers clear out everything?

At grand cleaning, we take care of the removal of all objects, furniture, household appliances, books, clothes, tools, wood, scrap metal, etc. In the following list, we detail each of the objects that we can remove during ahouse clearance:

1. We removefurniture such as shelves, tables, chairs, bookcases and other types of furniture of any kind.
2 . We remove any object made with fabrics,such as carpets, clothing, curtains, among others.
3. We remove all types ofHousehold appliances and electrical equipment.
4. We removeindustrial shelves, metals of different types such as iron and aluminum scraps, etc.
5. We take care of the disposal ofplastic-related materials such as PET, PVC and polycarbonates.
6. We also remove archives such as cardboard andpaper with provision of a certificate of destruction.

AtGrand-Nettoyage, we are committed to the environment, which is why we tryto recycle all the things you don't want to keep after clearing out your house. We take them to clean points after classifying them and select them for that.

Machines and vehicles which are the subject of a cancellation notification from public bodies can be cleared (wreck, vehicles, agricultural machinery, boat, etc.).

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Call on professional house clearance services

Si vous souhaitez faire appel à un service de house clearance service, we can schedule a visit or establish an estimated quote using photos. To contact us, simply fill out the contact form and we will establish a detailed quote tailored to your needs.  We will call you back following receipt of your message. However, we can be reached by telephone.

We aretransparent about the procedure to follow, taking into account the volume and workload in order to establish a realistic budget for your intervention.Once the quote has been accepted, we agree on a date and duration of intervention.


We are the reference for house clearance in cases difficult

When various unfortunate events occur, such as accidents in a house, fires, floods, evacuation of a house or cases ofDiogenes syndrome, it It is a priority, essential to get rid of things in poor condition and to leave the premises in order to recover and restore them.

Cases ofDiogenes syndrome usually involve unsanitaryunsanitary objects and different materials.To provide a solution, it is important that the clearance is carried out by a team who knows the safety and health standards. In our company we have professionals trained for this. We do the work discreetly; you can completely trust us and all of our staff.

In traumatic and unexpected situations such as floods or fires, buildings can fill with soot and deteriorated waste, our team takes care of this. They have all the necessary equipment with the intention of leaving your property free for rapid reuse.


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Home Clearance






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