clearing house leaving retirement home

Preparing to take someone to a retirement home

You've probably heard some scary things about what happens happens when your loved ones get older and need help. Moving a loved one to an institution causes guilt and worry for many families. But in truth, there is nothing to fear.

You and your elderly loved one can handle your new needs with compassion, grace, and ease. If you're helping someone transition into senior living, make the process as smooth and painless as possible by following these steps.

How to Move a Loved One to a Nursing Home ?

  1. Empower your elderly loved one

Your loved one may have reached a point where they can no longer live independently due to mobility, cognitive issues or health. Assisted living is the next logical step, but getting there requires compassion.

If a senior is having trouble communicating like they used to, it can be tempting to take control and to make all the decisions for him. However, this is the last thing you should do when your aging loved one is in this state.

You should try to empower your elderly loved one by asking them questions and taking their answers seriously. He may not always remember everything or be as sharp as he used to be, but he can always tell you what he needs, why and when he needs it.

Empowerment means keeping them involved in the whole process.

  1. Visit the nursing home, talk to residents

The Health Organization found that The world's population is aging faster than the number of births. By 2030, one in six people in the world will be over 60.

That's a good thing for your aging loved one. This means that the assisted living sector will continue to grow, with the addition of new facilities and specially trained workers as demand increases.

When you finally choose the residence where your aging loved one will be going through the last stage of their life, try to visit them as many times as possible. Visit it before even taking it there to get a clear idea of ​​life in this residence. You won't be able to tell by reading the positive comments from caregivers and receptionists about the establishment. Talk to residents.

Thanks to them, you will quickly know if this community is a good place to house your aging loved one or not.

  1. Packing, moving and clearing out their belongings

A big part of the process of moving your elderly loved one to a senior living facility is packing their bags and deciding what to do with their belongings. You can take some belongings to an assisted living facility, but not all furniture and valuables in the home.

You can call in professionals at any stage of this process, from packing to sorting, including moving. But the most important and laborious step is clearing out. This is why you will need to hire professional home clearance services before moving from home to senior living.

Need help with estate cleaning?

GN débarras maison peut vous aider avec vos besoins de nettoyage de succession dans votre commune.

  • Over 10 years of experience in clearance and cleaning
  • House clearance company with a local team
  • Caring approach to working with the family
  • Complete moving and sorting service
  • Donation and recycling of furniture in good condition
  1. Decorate their space like home

You have chosen what will be thrown away and what will stay. You can now involve your loved one in what will accompany them to a residence for the elderly.

You might think that they only want small souvenirs that have meaning, like letters or jewelry. Yet people get attached to all kinds of objects!

They might want a little piece of normality in the form of the old dining room lamp or the throw they always threw on the lit.

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of involving your aging loved one, especially so that they feel at home in their new home.

  1. Help them become familiar with their new neighbors

It is important that you get to know the staff and residents before your loved one moves into a retirement home. But it is even more important that they get to know their neighbors. They're the ones who are going to live there, after all!

Help them get to know their neighbors so you know they have friends inside to keep them company.

  1. Apprenez à connaître le personnel

Research around the world has shown that the most common, and often the most distressing, illness that people develop as they age is what is called noncommunicable disease.

These disorders affect the mind and motor functions, but are virtually invisible to others. It is essential to know the nursing home staff for this reason. If your elderly loved one is suffering from a disorder that no one can see and is losing their ability to communicate, someone needs to advocate for them.

You can't do this all the time, so make sure you to know the staff well so that they can advocate for and help your aging loved one.

  1. Remember to take care of yourself

This process also takes a toll on you. Don't forget it. Prioritize your mental well-being and remember to take plenty of well-deserved breaks. You might even consider seeing a counselor for this specific experience.

Need help getting rid of a loved one's belongings?

Getting Rid of Your Elderly Loved Ones' Belongings can be physically and emotionally taxing. But you don't have to do it alone.

Confirm your municipality below and call us to get the help you need to get through this difficult chapter in life. GN house clearance will take care of all the hard work, including heavy lifting, sorting, donating and even recycling your loved ones' belongings. By entrusting this task, you will be able to focus on helping your loved one have a smooth transition.

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