Declutter kitchen

Désencombrer nettoyer sa cuisine

20 Things in Your Kitchen You Should Throw Out Right Now


You feel overwhelmed by the mess and chaos in your kitchen? Do you want to declutter and clean your kitchen? Is your kitchen dirty and full of grease? And you wantdeep cleaning of your kitchen?  Your kitchen is the heart of your home, but sometimes it can also be a real disaster with all sorts of items hidden in corners that you may have forgotten about or don't really need. For amajor cleaning in depth you need to declutter your kitchen in order to wash the walls and ceilings, degrease all the household appliances and the doors of the kitchen furniture with an interior/exterior cleaning furniture.

Today, we are here to help youdeclutter and organize your kitchen space by identifying 20 objects in your kitchen that you should throw it away now. By getting rid of these items, you will not only free up valuable storage space, but will also create a more functional and efficient kitchen that will make it easier to prepare meals or cook meals. your favorite cake.

So grab a trash bag, set a timer for as long as you can and let's get started!

Key Takeaways:

  • Réglez une minuterie sur 15/30/60 minutes (cela peut être fait sur quelques jours)
  • Take a trash bag or donation box
  • Don't take everything out at once shot!



  1. Expired foods:

Check your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer for any expired or damaged. Discard them to make room for fresh ingredients. If you have food that is about to expire, remove it and use it for dinner. On days like this, we make an omelette or soup. Take everything out of the fridge, put them on the counter and let everyone prepare their own plate, the kids love it because they can choose what they want to eat!

  1. Chipped or cracked dishes:

Go through all your dishes and say goodbye to chipped or cracked dishes, no one should eat from cracked dishes!. These dishes need to go straight in the trash, you can have fun now and replace them with new ones.

  1. Mismatched Tupperware:

There's nothing worse than trying to find matching Tupperware when you need it for leftovers. Instead of it being a 2 second chore, you find yourself digging through your cupboards to find more and more containers without lids, missing bottoms, heavily stained containers, suddenly you end up in a giant mess for 15 minutes ! We've all been there! Today, we want you to get rid of mismatched Tupperware and invest in a set that stacks and matches perfectly – it'll make your life a lot easier!

  1. Used Kitchen Towels :

These are things we use every day, but sometimes we don't notice how dirty they get! Today, we want you to replace worn and stained kitchen towels with new ones to keep your kitchen clean and tidy.



  1. Unused Recipe Books:

If you haven't used a recipe book in a long time or ever, chances are you won't miss it once it's gone. Donate or recycle cookbooks that are gathering dust on your shelves.

  1. Expired spices:

Spices lose their potency over time, so check expiration dates on yours and throw away any that are past their prime.

  1. Old sponges:

Sponges can harbor harmful bacteria if not replaced regularly. Throw away old sponges and make new ones for hygienic cleaning. In fact, you shouldChange your sponge every two weeks!

  1. Broken utensils:

Say goodbye to broken spatulas, chipped knives and misshapen spoons that no longer serve their purpose in the kitchen. There's nothing worse than looking for a kitchen utensil and discovering it's broken! You can easilyReplace your kitchen utensils with new ones and make your life easier!


  1. Unused gadgets:

If you have gadgets gathering dust in drawers or cabinets, it's time to donate them or sell them to someone who will actually use them!

  1. Plastic Bags:

Get rid of the excess plastic bags you have and organize the ones you have left.

  1. Take-out menus:

In the age of online ordering, do you really need a drawer full of takeout menus? Keep only the ones you actually use or, better yet, see if they have an online ordering menu and recycle them all to free up space.

  1. Expired medications:

Your kitchen may be home to expired medications that need to be disposed of properly – check the dates and safely dispose of any old pills or syrups.

  1. Unused appliances and tools:|| |197

Ce presse-agrumes qui prend la poussière sur le plan de travail ou sur la table? Il est temps de laisser aller! Réduisez la taille des appareils et outils inutilisés pour un espace de cuisson sans encombrement ! S’ils sont en bon état de fonctionnement, vous pourrez peut-être les vendre ou de les données à une association.

  1. Duplicate utensils and tools taking up space

Have do you really need three whisks or four vegetable peelers? Declutter by donating or selling duplicate utensils and tools taking up valuable drawer space!


  1. Old dish sets you never use

Want porcelain tableware that collects dust in the cupboards? Get rid of old sets you never use and create space for everyday tableware that suits your lifestyle!

  1. Coffee cups overflowing from cabinets:

Des tasses à café débordantes encombrent les étagères des armoires ? Conservez uniquement celles utilisées quotidiennement et donnez les tasses excédentaires!

  1. Baking sheets

If they are no longer usable, say goodbye. Get rid of any baking sheets that are burnt, scratched or just plain usable! It's important that you use clean baking pans!

  1. Condiments and take-home utensils

If you have piles of soy sauce packets and utensils that you don't use ever, get rid of them today and make room for the things you actually use

  1. Water bottles with lost caps

Are you really going to use a water bottle without a lid? I guess no is the answer, so let's get rid of those water bottles or travel mugs that have lost their caps!

  1. Mystery Items in the Freezer

Today , it’s all about the freezer! Look for foods covered in ice. If you're not sure whether it's a steak or a block of carving ice, throw it away!

There you go, 20 Things in Your Kitchen You Should Throw Away Right Now ! By decluttering your kitchen of items you don't carry around, you'll create a more functional and organized kitchen that will make cooking a joy rather than a chore. So grab those trash bags and get ready to say goodbye to the mess.

Happy decluttering!


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