🎆 Covid-19 / Coronavirus disinfection

Why disinfect viruses like Coronavirus or Covid-19?

Experts in prevention and action against infections suggests that it is essential to organize a team of premises managers and cleaning staff to increase and improve sanitation methods against Coronavirus.

It is essential to review each of the usual cleaning and disinfection procedures to ensure the use of appropriate products and machines for adequate disinfection.

This is why Grand Nettoyage recommends cleaning and disinfection with our cleaning system. cleaning to eliminate bacteria and viruses.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disinfection Company

We provide coronavirus treatment and disinfection services to individuals and businesses companies in all sectors.

A fast, efficient and safe service!
Your home, business, corporation or facility is coronavirus free in 24 hours.

Protect yourself from COVID-19.
Let's fight together against this global pandemic.

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Disinfection company

Grand Nettoyage is a company specializing in disinfection and plays a fundamental role in the ordinary functioning of individuals and businesses in all sectors.

Leave disinfection in the hands of experts.

Why work with a disinfection company?

Il est très frĂ©quent que des particuliers ou des non-professionnels qui ne sont pas correctement formĂ©s tentent d’Ă©radiquer un problème causĂ© par l’existence d’un certain type d’insecte nuisible. Cette situation entraĂ®ne gĂ©nĂ©ralement une perte de temps et d’argent dans des produits inappropriĂ©s et, pire encore… Pour ne pas en rester lĂ , le problème de la peste. C’est pourquoi travailler avec une entreprise de dĂ©sinfection professionnelle vous garantit une efficacitĂ© maximale dans le service.

A disinfection company has highly qualified and specialized professionals, such as senior environmental hygiene technicians , chemists or biologists, which allows them to have a perfect understanding of the problem of pest control, and therefore of public and private health.

There is a general lack of knowledge regarding the degree of professionalization in the pest control sector in general and in the disinfection sector in particular. In fact, disinfection treatments require the management of considerable levels of complexity in which safety and the solution of the problem in question are paramount.

All this leads a company like ours to comply with legal requirements in this matter, in the sense that it has qualified professionals to carry out the corresponding disinfections and associated actions.

Professional disinfection: how it works

Due to the great diversity In some cases, professional disinfection will use a wide variety of methods and products whose application and use will depend on the site and what is to be disinfected.

What is disinfection professional?

In essence, professional disinfection is characterized by the elimination and extermination of certain micro-organisms and/or insects in a given place, space or area.

By entering the scope of action of the disinfection technician, this person is responsible for identifying the type of parasite existing, the type of product to be used, the extension of the area to be worked and the methodology and the techniques to use.

En entrant dans le champ d’action du technicien de dĂ©sinfection, cette personne est chargĂ©e d’identifier le type de parasite existant, le type de produit Ă  utiliser, l’extension de la zone Ă  travailler et la mĂ©thodologie et les techniques Ă  utiliser.

Are there health risks?

In the actions of a disinfection company, when chemicals are used, it is imperative to call on specialized professionals in order to guarantee maximum safety.

To do this, it is necessary to follow the instructions before and after the disinfection treatment in question, and above all to respect the safety deadline.

Il fait partie des bonnes pratiques d’une entreprise professionnelle de dĂ©sinfection d’utiliser le produit le moins agressif pour la rĂ©alisation d’un service donnĂ© sans en altĂ©rer l’efficacitĂ©.

Cost of a disinfection service disinfection

Thecost of a disinfection service depends on multiple factors such as the level of infestation, the type of pest to be controlled, since each insect will require one type of action or another, and the dimensions of the space to be treated mainly.

In any case, when asking for a budget, it is appropriate to provide as much information as possible. information possible.

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What is disinfection?

Disinfection can be defined as the elimination of living organisms that can cause disease, i.e. pathogenic microorganisms, thereby preventing infection.

The agents necessary for the disinfection of the environment, water, drinking and inert materials are called disinfectants. And agents that disinfect the skin and mucous membranes of the body are called antiseptics.

Why disinfect

From the discovery of bacteria and viruses (discovered by the Russian biologist Dmitry Ivanovsky) and Because of their role as causative agents of many infectious diseases, scientists have sought ways to combat and eliminate them.

Aseptic techniques, disinfection, and sterilization can significantly reduce or eliminate them. completely eliminate microscopic life forms.

Biologists Michael Madigan, John Martinko and Jack Parker write in their book "Biology of Microorganisms": "We calculated that a single cell of Escherichia coli, under optimal growth conditions, would produce in less than 48 hours, a mass of microorganisms much greater than the mass of the earth."

This example is only theoretical, in real life this cannot occur through the depletion of nutrients that are so important for microbial growth.

But growth control is necessary for food industries where spoilage of food by bacteria results in large economic losses or uncontrolled growth of microorganisms on and in human and animal tissues causes cell destruction, a process called infectious disease.

What are disinfectants?

Disinfectants are natural elements or products that eliminate, clean or disinfect micro-organisms (viruses and bacteria) harmful to health.

Disinfectants are used on inanimate objects. In the food industry, for example, ceilings, floors and the surface of equipment often need to be treated with microbicides to reduce the microbial load.

In addition, (drinking) water is usually treated with chlorine to kill harmful microorganisms.

In all of these examples, chemical agents are used to eliminate them.

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Disadvantages disinfectants

The disadvantages of these agents are that many microbicides are neutralized by organic materials, and therefore microbicide concentrations are not maintained long enough.

Light can also deteriorate it, furthermore, pathogens are often enclosed in particles and penetration of an agent may be slow or not occur at all.

Bacterial spores are much more resistant than cells vegetative. But in most cases, the use of germicides can significantly reduce the microbial load.

The most used disinfectants

We mention as the most used disinfectants:

  • Mercury dichloride. They are used to disinfect tables, bench surfaces, floors, etc.
  • Copper sulfate. Algaecide in swimming pools.
  • Iodine solution. Disinfectants for medical instruments.
  • Chlorine gas. Purification of water supply.
  • Chlorine compounds. Dairy industry, food industry equipment, water supply
  • Phenolic compounds. Surfaces, walls, especially associated with cationic detergents. They are also used for disinfection
  • hands.
  • Cationic detergents (quaternary ammonium compounds). Medical instruments, equipment for the dairy and food industry.
  • alimentaire.
  • Ozone. Drinking water.
  • Ethyl alcohol. Its most effective concentration is 70% (it is the one which best enters the bacterial protoplasm); it eliminates many bacteria, fungi and some viruses, but it does not kill spores. Disinfectant for work surfaces in a laboratory, for example.

An optimal disinfectant, in addition to killing as many germs as possible, must meet the following conditions:

  • Be soluble in water or alcohol
  • Non-corrosive or toxic to fabrics
  • Have the most commercialprice low
  • Have a pleasant smell
  • Be colorless.

What is the Human Microbiome?

Bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa…

All these microorganisms surround us in quantities impossible to imagine.

The human body is covered with numerous microscopic life forms and, like water or culture on agar, it also provides a good medium for the growth of microorganisms.

The human farm is composed of various species of bacteria (most), viruses, fungi, protozoa that live in and on the surface of the body.

This collection of all life forms is called the human microbiome. As an example, I would like to cite some of the data that were published in the scientific journals “Nature” and “New Scientist”.

They showed that human beings have about 100 trillion cells and that most of them are bacteria, which means that the amount of human microbial cells is 10 times that of the cells that make up the human body (around 10 trillion cells). Their diversity is also surprising: 200 different types that we have in the skin, 400 species in the colon.

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Characteristics of bacteria

Au Within bacteria, there are several evolutionary branches, which include all disease-causing prokaryotes (pathogens) and most bacteria normally found in soil, water, the digestive tract of animals, and many others environments.

Some of these organisms contain pigments that allow them to use light as an energy source through a process called phototrophy, others rely on organic compounds as an energy source, and some can even use inorganic chemical compounds as fuel to carry out cellular processes.

Some have acquired special structures, such as spores, to enhance their survival. Aerobic (O2-containing) and anoxic or anaerobic environments can be inhabited by different species of bacteria.

What are opportunistic microorganisms?

In our time, it It is fashionable to call some of the microscopic life forms "opportunistic microorganisms".

What does this mean?

The different species of coconut (streptococcus, staphylococcus), the yeast Candida albicans, the genital and labial herpes simplex virus and many other germs reside in our home and do us no harm. Until the day when, for different reasons, the body's defenses or the immune system fall.

Now is the right time for these life forms to take advantage of our body's weaknesses to attack and infect us. This is why they are called opportunistic microorganisms.

At this point, harmless germs become pathogens, developing their function as an agent of infection.

An example that I would like to quote: when antibiotics are administered orally, the growth of the microbiota can be inhibited as well as that of pathogens; then the continued movement of intestinal contents results in the loss of pre-existing bacteria and virtual sterilization of the intestinal tract.

In the absence of these microorganisms, the microenvironmental conditions of the large intestine change and microorganisms opportunists such as Staphylococcus, Proteus and the yeast Candida albicans can take hold.

These organisms generally do not grow in the intestinal tract because they are not able to compete with the microbiota.

Parfois, l’Ă©tablissement de ces pathogènes opportunistes peut entraĂ®ner une altĂ©ration prĂ©judiciable de la fonction digestive, voire une maladie.

Chemical Growth Control: The Effects of Antimicrobial Agents on Growth
The growth of microorganisms can also be controlled using chemical agents or disinfectants. Disinfectants are products that kill or inhibit the growth of pathogens.

Three different classes of effects of the agent on the microorganism can be observed.

Agents Bactericides kill bacteria, but cell lysis or rupture does not occur. There are also fungicidal agents (which kill the fungus) and viricidal agents (which kill the virus).

Agents which do not kill and only inhibit the growth of microorganisms are called bacteriostatic, fungistatic and viristatic.

Bacteriolytic agents induce death by cell lysis. An example is penicillin, an antibiotic that inhibits the synthesis of cell walls.

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