Cleaning company for health inspector in Hauts-de-seine – Nanterre

grand nettoyage de maison

Thecleaning service extreme des Hauts -de-Seine is a complete cleaning service for homes considered unsanitary, cluttered and dangerous. Our expert contractors will clear, clean and decontaminate the property, returning it to a comfortable and safe environment.

Whether you are looking to hire an extreme cleaning service in Nanterre for yourself, a family member /a relative or a tenant. in Nanterre is the leader in the field of accumulator cleaning and will guarantee you the best possible service for Diogene syndrome. In addition to working with individuals, we are recognized service providers who work in close collaboration with local authorities: Town Hall, social services. We have worked with a number of estate agents, agents and have provided clearance and cleaning of dirty and cluttered homes, helping to change the lives of countless people through to this et encombré, aidant à changer la vie d’innombrables personnes grâce à ce service.

Professional extreme cleaning in Nanterre
During our 10 years of activity, we have helped countless people return their property in the Hauts-de-Seine department to their home. Our highly experienced teams have been trained to assist hoarders during the extreme cleaning process of their property in Nanterre, Levalois. They understand that for some people this can be a very stressful process. Eliminating items that contribute to sentimental value or attachment as well as cleaning for the first time in what could potentially be years. Our teams will work alongside the client during the Hauts-de-Seine extreme cleaning service to sort property contents, identify items of monetary or emotional value and keep them secure throughout the service.

The cleaning service of
Identification of valuables
Clearance, removal and disposal of all waste
100% cleaning and decontamination of extremely unsanitary environments
Professional, approved and discreet service
Certibiocide Aged Service Providers: Certificate No.: 042151
We have been providing professional cleaning service to organizations since 2010. We are licensed and our technicians are trained to the highest industry standards. We are also fully licensed premium waste haulers. This means we are fully qualified and capable of handling all forms of waste. In addition to waste management, we also have access to appropriate means of disposal. Upon request, our customers can receive waste transfer slips which confirm that their waste has been properly disposed of.

We ensure that all waste removed from customers' property during stockpile cleaning are disposed of or recycled correctly. In accordance with departmental legislation and ensuring that waste will not cause any damage to the environment.

Personalized cleaning service in Nanterre
Discreet service providers
At, we understand that there is a certain type of stigma related to dirt, unsanitary housing or the need for extreme cleaning. This is often what discourages people who need extreme cleaning service from seeking it. Our goal is to help people in need and therefore we have designed our extreme cleaning service in Nanterre to have the ability to be carried out discreetly.

This is done to protect life client's privacy and help them feel safe and ready to take the step and receive the help they need. As part of the discreet extreme cleaning service we provide, our technicians will arrive at the property in unbranded vans and unbranded uniforms. Will not give any indication to neighbors about the nature of the service or who is providing it.

Odor Elimination
Depending on the task at hand and the customer's requirements, we can use different approaches and technologies. This is done so that the work is completed to the best standard in the shortest possible time. If lingering odors are a problem after extreme cleaning is completed, we can offer renovation work. Which guarantees 100 effective odor elimination. Our renovation work also completely decontaminates the air, eliminating all bacteria, viruses, pathogens, mold spores, fungal hyphae and more.

As part of the Hauts-de-Seine extreme cleaning service, our expert technicians will also carry out a complete decontamination and disinfection of the property. We ensure that all surfaces are left safe and clean once the clearance and disinfection is complete. The use of cutting-edge cleaning chemicals and technology ensures that all surfaces remain clean and the environment is safe and healthy. Air and surface decontamination technology can be used as well as electrostatic sprayers to decontaminate air and surfaces. While providing long-term protection against bacteria and other harmful pathogens.

Disinsection is carried out if the home is infected with rats, cockroaches or bedbugs.

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Tax reduction
certification biocide

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