Cleaning and clearance company

Entreprise débarras nettoyage

Cleaners, house clearancers

Clearance clearance company

You are the victim of a tragedy and are faced withcleaning after thedeath of a loved one?

A member of your family hasDiogenes syndrome orSyllogomania and lives in critical conditions?

Have you been a victim of a disaster, a fire or a flood?

GRAND-NETTOYAGE is the essential company to deal with these major problems.

Parce que seule une société agréée et équipée comme GRAND-NETTOYAGE, peut rendre n’importe quel local utilisable ou logement habitable de nouveau, everywhere in France.

A professional service for major cleaning work

For major ailments, great remedies.

Grandmothers' tips for removing stains and removing dirt are effective for small jobs cleaning.

In the situation where you have anentire house to clear,disinfect et decontaminate, white vinegar, baking soda or black soap are insufficient…

The solution for refurbishing several large pieces unsanitary conditions are as follows

  • Professional equipment: vacuum cleaner, auto-washer, single-brush, sweeper, steam washer, etc.;
  • Products suitable and extremely effective: detergents descaling and descaling agents, but also alkaline and basic detergents for stripping and degreasing;
  • Trained and equipped staff: overalls and masks complying with current standards;
  • Oil elbow, time and determination.

You should know that cleaning the apartment of a person withDiogenes syndrome presents risks sanitary facilities. A home with several centimeters of trash strewn on the ground is a dangerous environment! Bacteria, fungi, germs and mold accumulate. Rats, mice, cockroaches and cockroaches proliferate.

Do not take unnecessary risks

Therefore, do not embark on extensive cleaning yourself in such conditions! A person's carelessness will require a completeclearing and clearing of the accommodation.

Same results when it comes to cleaning a || |104scène de décès, crime or suicide! A scene with blood or the presence of cadaveric lividities following an advanced phase of decomposition causes millions of bacteria. Such environments can pose health and safety risks, especially in the event of an injury.

Do not take the risk of carrying out these cleaning tasks yourself as you are taking risks to your physiological and health. psychological. These are extreme cases!

Contact us and entrust this delicate mission to the professionals of GRAND-NETTOYAGE.

The mission of GRAND-NETTOYAGE: intervene throughout France 24 hours/ 24 and 7 D/7

Whether for acleaning after a death, emptying the apartment of asyllogomane ordisinfect unsanitary housing, the rule remains the same: intervene urgently !

Disaster or moving, professionals or individuals, houses, garages, cellars... we intervene quickly and efficiently.

Our company GRAND-NETTOYAGE has the capacity to go to any France, 24 hours after your first call and seven days a week.

Our qualified staff operates express while respecting environmental management and protection. Thebig clearance of an apartment or a house does not consist of simply throwing everything into a dumpster: our teams carry out a complete sorting of thewaste and rubbish accumulated in the home.

This is an effective way of respecting the environment by using local recycling centers and recycling points.

Because a natural death or a tragedy can happen at any time, we are present day and night to act with complete discretion. We clean the scene of the tragedy but also the memories of this tragic event by removing all traces and foul odors.

The death of a loved one is one of the most traumatic events of our lives... Apost-mortem cleaning can be even more so. The sight of blood on the floor and walls, stains on the carpet, traces of bodily fluids, residue left by forensics... Don't make this worse by trying to clean it yourself.

Our company specializing indecontamination after death exists to help you and listen to you in these tragic moments.

We are available to support you! One of the key conditions to allow you to grieve with complete peace of mind.

GREAT CLEANING: intensive cleaning company, recognized throughout France

Cleaning a post-mortem scene on the Island -de-France, clear out a house in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, carry outpost-construction cleaning in Languedoc-Roussillon or post-disaster cleaning in Provence-Alpes-Côte d 'Azur… Our multiple missions bring us toagir everywhere in France thanks to numerous partners.

  • Notaries from France commissioned us during a cleaning following an inheritance;
  • The Communal Social Action Center, in the context of cleaning apartments in very unsanitary conditions;
  • The genealogists of France in order to carry out genealogical studies;
  • Public Assistance and Social Protection during major cleaning situations.

These numerous partners place their trust in us for our impeccable and our quality services.

Our professionals are present inall the cities in your department to support you. Many people get tricked by unscrupulous people offering free removal services... Don't fall for this and find out your rights!

You can call us anytime, 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week to talk to us about your situation and your problem requiringmajor cleaning. We listen to you attentively and we provide you with a clear and professional answer on the best solution to hire.

We will provide you with afree quote as soon as possible. quickly by offering you the most competitive price on the market.

Contact us

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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