managing a suicide in a home

gérer un suicide logement



Thesuicide cleanupbiohazard cleanup involves the safe cleanup of biohazardous waste , which may include infectious, toxic, corrosive and reactive materials. If someone commits suicide or there is a sudden death in your home, you should call the police and decide whether to hire an expert for cleaning or do it yourself with protective equipment and cleaning products. specific cleaning. The authorities will conduct a thorough investigation and you will need to notify the victim's family. Homeowners insurance companies generally cover suicide cleanup, and costs vary depending on the severity of the cleanup and the damage caused. Suicide cleaning guidelines are available, but it is recommended that you hire a professional company like major cleaning, who has experience cleaning biohazard contents and can handle the insurance claim for you . With grand cleaning can take care of cleaning, clearing out to restoring the home.

Arriving at the scene of a suicide can be very traumatic for anyone, especially for family members of the deceased.

Dealing with suicide in the home

If someone commits suicide in your home or elsewhere, you will need to clean up the biohazard or remains, because the law enforcement does not do this. You will first need to call law enforcement to conduct a thorough investigation. Once this is completed, you should consider hiring biohazard experts because cleaning up bodily fluids and blood is a lot of work. This requires having safety protective gear, the proper chemicals and equipment to clean thoroughly, and experts to remove decomposition, because you can't just throw them in the trash.

Une fois cela fait, vous devrez décontaminer tous les éléments utilisés lors du nettoyage. Les nettoyeurs de l’extrêmes, tels que grand nettoyage, est la meilleure solution car ils gèrent l’ensemble du processus pour vous afin que vous puissiez faire votre deuil paisiblement et sans stress supplémentaire.


What is suicide cleanup?

Suicide cleanup – is the act of having to safely clean up biohazardous waste.

This process requires precision, safety measures and decontamination. Suicide cleanup is specific to cleaning up from the aftermath of a suicide. Biohazardous waste can fall into certain categories: infectious, toxic, corrosive, reactive.


Examples of biohazardous waste:

  • Infectious: (blood , tissues, needles, anything containing body fluids).
  • Radioactive: (any waste containing radioactive waste such as uranium and thorium).
  • Flammable: ( i.e. alcohols, ether, acetone, gasoline).
  • Toxic: lead in water, chemicals from landfills, car exhaust.
  • Corrosif : inclut, sans s’y limiter, l’acide glycolique, l’acide sulfurique et le peroxyde d’hydrogène.
  • Reactive: Explosives, peroxides, and really anything that contains a component that could cause an explosion.

What should you do if someone has committed suicide in your home?

  1. Call the police.
  2. The gendarmerie advises you to call an expert to carry out the cleaning.
  3. If you plan to carry out the cleaning yourself, make sure you have protective equipment and cleaning products specific to biohazard cleaning (see the examples below above). Make sure you have the appropriate biohazard disposal bags and be sure to label and dispose accordingly (contact your local waste management company).
  4. Once you have completed your cleaning, be sure to decontaminate the supplies you used for cleaning. If you have used a broom, a mop, towels, anything that may have come into contact with biohazardous materials must be decontaminated.
  5. If you are contaminated by materials presenting a biohazard, consult immediately a doctor.
  6. Seek help if you become depressed or are grieving due to suicide. The Suicide Prevention Hotline has resources that can help you. Visit

Should I report a suicide?

Be sure to contact the authorities as they will want to conduct a thorough investigation to rule out foul play. The authorities will arrive at the scene and let you know when and if you can enter the premises, but only after being instructed to do so.

In addition, you must inform the family of the victim, as they may have relevant information and may be able to shed light on the situation to authorities or provide additional information. The family of the deceased can help manage suicide in their home.

Should you call on an approved company to carry out the cleaning for you?

There are experts trained in the disposal of biohazardous waste. They will take care of everything for you. Whether it involves carpet removal, cleaning, parquet removal, odor elimination, restoration and all your insurance requests. Visit our and our pagecleaning after suicide to find out more about our services . The advantage of using an approved and certified certibiocide company is that you will not have to worry about cleaning and disposing of blood and bodily fluids presenting a biohazard, as they can be dangerous and detrimental to your health. Disinfection following a suicide if the body remained several days before being discovered must be carried out by professionals. Disinfection can only be done by fumigation as some companies offer. Disinfection following adeathby suicide of a house cannot be carried out with organic products.

The team of grand cleaning carries out the disinfestation treatment of flying insects (flies) and crawling insects (worms) before and after their intervention.

A disinfection certificate issued bythe ministry of ecological transition thanks to our certification and approval. This disinfection certificate allows you to rent or resell your home.

Do home insurance companies cover suicide cleaning?

The Most homeowners insurance covers the costs of cleaning and decontaminating biohazards resulting from suicide in a home. Insurance companies cover the cleaning and restoration following a suicide by approved companies and certibiocide certification. Companies like approved grand cleaning and certifier certibiocide will handle complaints for you so that you can grieve with complete peace of mind.

What is the cost of suicide cleaning?| ||149

Les couts de nettoyage en cas de nettoyage à la suite d’un suicide varient en fonction de la gravité du nettoyage. Dans certains cas, les nettoyeurs devront enlever la literie, canapé, les tapis, les murs ou les sols s’il y’a infiltration, le parquet ce qui coûtera plus cher qu’un simple nettoyage sans risque biologique qui s’est infiltré à travers les surfaces.

Some scenes contain less blood than others, which helps keep costs down. Keep in mind that most home insurance companies cover the cost of suicide cleaning, so it's a good idea to contact a professional such as grand cleaning to do the job for you.

Pour une prestation de nettoyage par suicide chez grand nettoyage vous pouvez bénéficier du crédit d’impôt.

The price of cleaning following a suicide starts at €950. This service may be deductible from tax credits.

The price of cleaningfollowing a suicide by firearm in your home is from €1,500. This firearm suicide cleaning service may be covered by your home insurance.

Are there suicide cleaning guidelines that I can follow?

If you you find yourself in a situation where someone has committed suicide and you have to clean them up, you will come into direct contact with a biohazard. Bodily fluids such as blood and all other body tissues are considered a biohazard and can be dangerous because many infectious diseases are transmitted through blood.

The cleaning process is long and exhausting , as you may need to remove carpets, floor coverings or even partitions if they become soiled. You must ensure that you protect yourself with protective equipment, have the right cleaning products and chemicals against biohazards, have bags of bio-waste that do not leak and dispose of them in a place designated by your municipality .

Finally, you need to make sure that you follow all biohazardous waste guidelines. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you hire a professional company such as Grand Nettoyage, which has years of experience cleaning biohazardous contents. With our teams accompanied by construction engineers, you can entrust us with the cleaning until the restoration of your home. Grand Cleaning even files your insurance claim for you so you don't have to worry about this aspect of the process.



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