Carelessness in Eure-et-loir – Chartres

Etymologically, carelessness means the absence of concern for oneself or others. It is therefore a total abandonment of social conventions and extreme neglect of oneself. Carelessness is then characterized by alack of hygiene and self-care. The person suffering from this disease is completely indifferent to the consequences of their behavior. Neglect frequently appears in people suffering from psychosis, severe depression or dementia as well. This definition is the one written in medical manuals but in truth,carelessness is a more or less serious pathology depending on different elements to take into account. Above all, carelessness should not be equated with partially neglecting one's hygiene or living in more or less dirty accommodationdirty because carelessness goes much further than that. .

People suffering from neglect are totally aware of their condition but do nothing to change it. When carelessness appears, it is common for the person in question to isolate themselves and break their social ties. We must therefore be very careful about carelessness becauseit can cause the patient to enter a phase of psychosis, without necessarily realizing it. On the contrary, people suffering from carelessness can also be people suffering from theGREAT CLEANING and it then turns out to be more complicated to diagnose.

Negligence in a home can result in alarge accumulation of objects of various kinds and clutter in the home. The person in question acts in such a way that he drops all everyday things and no longer takes care of anything. Housing neglect is one of the most common but most difficult to treat forms of neglect. The accommodation is then occupied in an unsuitable manner with the presence of unsanitary morbid. The presence of animals can also be a factor and a very serious lack of personal hygiene.


Negligence in housing is a great neglect of its environment, which can sometimes shocking from an outside point of view. This form of carelessness includes neglect of domestic nuisances and accidents, furniture with frequently broken or unusable objects, discomfort in the premises or/and anaccumulation of objects (syllogomania) making circulation in the home impossible. This case can then also be compared to theDiogenes syndrome.

The accumulation of objects in the home also calledsyllogomanie, can lead to odors and the presence of pests but also risks of infections for the person living in this place. Neglect of certain devices as well as the maintenance of household appliances can lead to fire risks. The lack of personal hygiene that generally accompanies poor housing can haveserious repercussions on the health of the person in question. Infections can appear but by isolating yourself in this way from all social life, other syndromes can appear such as depression etc.

People in a situation of carelessness no longer haveno concept of time. This gradual settling into this situation means that they no longer even know when it started. However, some scientists claim that neglect is triggered by a significant event in the person's life. Finally, we can say thatcarelessness is the symptom of a psychological handicap.

First of all,ne pensez surtout pas forcer un patient victime d’incurie à vouloir se laver. Indeed, no response will be provided to his psychological difficulties.

It is important to report this case of negligence. Generally, this report is made when the clutter in the accommodation is already at a very advanced stage. It is then essential to organize a home visit from a psychiatrist accompanied by a relative of the person in question, if possible. The mayor can take care of the clearance,cleaning,disinfection and rodent control of accommodation if necessary. Concerning the person who is the victim of carelessness, it is important thathe agrees to be hospitalized in order to find the source of the problem and where this carelessness comes from. If animals are present in the accommodation, they will be taken care of throughout the hospitalization. The person will obviously be able to return home depending on the exam results but will have to be monitored by a specialized organization. Indeed,the slightest relapse into neglect can be very rapid and congestion can occur again very quickly as well.

To summarize, | ||149l’incurie touche beaucoup de personnes à Eure-et-loir – Chartres mais n’est pas assez connue. It is a real illness which can hide another such asDiogenes syndrome. It is important to get diagnosed quickly before living in an unsanitary environment that is dangerous to your health. This could indeed have serious psychological and physical consequences as well.

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