pink mold

How to get rid of pink mold


If black mold gets a lot of attention, pink mold is a common household problem that also requires special attention. In many homes, this mold, which can also be an orange or red hue, is found in the bathroom and sometimes in the kitchen.


Technically, this Mold is a bacterial growth that thrives in damp places. This includes everywhere from the shower curtain liner to the toilet bowl to the tile floor and other areas. It's not as unsightly as black mold, but it's also not something you want growing in your home. How to get rid of pink mold?


What is pink mold?


moisissure rose

pink mold|| |72


The scientific name for pink mold is Serratia marcescens. This is a bacterial species generally present in the air. When it lands on a damp surface, a new colony of bacteria grows. When the colony is large enough, it becomes visible to the naked eye as a pinkish spot. This stain is slimy both in appearance and to the touch.

Is pink mold harmful?

Even if touching pink mold is not something you want do, it is not dangerous for most people. Most commonly, it causes urinary tract and bladder infections.


In addition, it can cause a serious infection if it enters an open wound. This is especially true for people who are immunocompromised.


Differences between pink mold and other types of mold


When Most people think of mold, they think of a green or black substance. Although they are true molds, pink mold is not.


On the other hand, pink mold is a bacterial colony. Just like you don't want mold growing in your home, a visible bacterial colony is just as undesirable and deserves your attention on cleaning day.


Why Pink Mold grows?


Pink mold is airborne, so a colony can grow in any suitable environment. The ideal environment is a space that is often humid, such as your bathroom and certain areas of the kitchen. Just one Serratia marcescens bacteria is enough to create a new colony of pink mold.


What is the most common place for pink mold to grow?





moisissure rose salle de bain

pink mold bathroom


Les salles de bains sont les pièces les plus humides de la maison, ce sont donc les endroits les plus susceptibles d’abriter des moisissures roses. Vous trouverez souvent des moisissures roses sur les baignoires, les cabines de douche, les éviers, les carreaux, les robinets, les pommes de douche, les doublures de rideau de douche, les toilettes et même les porte-brosses à dents. Étant donné que les bactéries consomment les résidus de votre savon et de votre shampoing, elles sont plus courantes là où vous prenez un bain ou une douche.




Your kitchen isn't as humid as your bathrooms, so you generally won't see pink mold growing in that room. However, it is common to see it around the kitchen sink and faucet.


How to get rid of pink mold?


Here is a step-by-step process for getting rid of pink mold:



  • Increase ventilation in the room, for example with an extractor fan or an open window.
  • Wear gloves, goggles and a mask to minimize health effects.
  • Mix one tablespoon of dishwashing liquid with a quarter cup of baking soda  to make a loose paste .
  • Scrub the visible pink mold with the paste and a soft brush.
  • Rinse the paste and residue from the surface and flush it down the drain.
  • Retirez le rideau de douche. Lavez-les et séchez-les conformément aux instructions d’entretien figurant sur l’étiquette.
  • Spray diluted bleach on the shower, tub and tiles. After waiting 10 minutes, scrub the surfaces.
  • Rinse and dry the surfaces.
  • Clean the toilet using a bleach-based cleaner or of diluted bleach.


Here's another easy way to remove pink dirt from your bathrooms using hydrogen peroxide





  • Follow the same preparatory safety instructions outlined above.
  • Déterminez quelle solution de nettoyage est sans danger pour le matériau dont sont faits votre robinet, votre évier et votre comptoir.
  • For most types of faucets as well as laminate and other synthetic surfaces, you can clean with the solutions listed above for bathrooms. However, bleach is toxic and should not be used.


How to prevent pink mold?


To minimize the growth of pink mold, wipe down any damp areas after using the bathroom. This will remove moisture and leftover soap and shampoo. Additionally, run the bathroom fan during and after each shower to reduce humidity levels.


Each week, clean surfaces with a few drops of liquid dish mixed with a solution of equal parts water and vinegar. You should also repair leaking faucets and pipes as soon as possible.




Why is my shower getting so quickly rose mold?



Pink mold thrives in damp areas, so your shower is the ideal environment. Bacteria are suspended in the air. Even if you have recently cleaned your shower, new growth begins quickly as bacteria will continue to settle on shower surfaces.


What happens if pink mold gets on your skin?


Pink mold is generally harmless on healthy skin. However, it can cause infection if there is a cut or injury. Additionally, the likelihood of pink mold getting into your eyes is higher if it is on your hands. When it enters your body through your skin or eyes, it can lead to bladder and urinary tract infections. People with weak immune systems are at greater risk.


What is the best anti-pink mold product?


L’eau de Javel est agissant pour assassiner les bactéries. Cependant, si vous ne voulez pas introduire ce produit chimique agressif dans votre maison, vous pouvez nettoyer la moisissure rose avec du vinaigre blanc dilué ou du peroxyde d’hydrogéné dilué .


The Pink mold seems to grow unexpectedly and returns quickly in some cases. If you're frustrated with your continued battle with pink mold and other signs of dirt in your home, it's time to call our team of cleaners in your area.




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