Crime Scene Cleanup

nettoyeur scène de crime


Crime Scene Cleanup and Post Mortem Scene Cleanup

Crime Scene Cleanup is a necessary service that many people are unaware of. As disturbing and unfortunate as crimes requiring cleanup, professional crime scene cleaners provide a valuable cleanup process once crime scene investigators have removed seals from the area.

More of the various traumas requiring this service, a scene ofdeath must also be cleaned in a timely and urgent manner in order to reduce possible health risks in the area.

At, we are proud to help you in these unpleasant and often horrible circumstances and we operate thanks to our teams present in each region of France.

Our expert cleaning teams crime scene operators are fully accredited to handle potentially infectious materials in contaminated areas to return a crime scene to normal withdeep cleaning, speed , discretion and efficiency.

Why is it important to call on crime scene cleaning specialists?

A scene following a death is not something a property owner should be concerned about.

Aside from the need for undisturbed areas to ensure timely law enforcement investigations, these areas almost always contain biological material that may be harmful to public health.

Typically, a crime scene is particularly gruesome and can cause psychological trauma to others not trained to handle such events.

Body fluids may contain blood-borne pathogens, even if these materials come from otherwise healthy individuals, whether the victim or the perpetrator.

Something like a dead human body begins to deteriorate rapidly, and managing this certainty can be dangerous in terms of exposure to bodily fluids without proper personal protective equipment and designated disposal areas.

De plus, vous pouvez facilement vous retrouver exposé à des dangers tels que l’hépatite B et à d’autres dangers liés à la contamination.

These situations can also pose inhalation hazards potentially deadly pathogens that can enter the ambient air from biowaste.

This is why our teams use appropriate respiratory masks to avoid breathing in these hazards while we disinfect the area quickly.

How are we trained as crime scene specialists?

What are the requirements?

All our training is fully compliant to the RAS Disinfection Law.

What many people may not realize is that crime scenes such as a murder or any violent act causing bloodshed do not not limited to the immediate surface.

Crime scene cleaning involves the thorough cleaning and sanitation of floors, walls, and any other penetrable surface through which bodily fluids may enter.|| |99

Si le traumatisme ne s’est pas produit sur quelque chose comme un logement ou un lieu public, il est de la responsabilité du propriétaire de faire nettoyer les lieux. Ni la police ni les services d’urgence ne s’occupent du nettoyage et la désinfection, et c’est là que nous intervenons !

Our team has both the knowledge and training to deal with these unpleasant cleaning services with respect, discretion, safety and professional and reliable know-how.

Our cleaning team has received training on PPE protocols, bloodborne pathogen knowledge and respiratory protection, handling and transportation of medical waste, as well as in-depth knowledge regarding hazardous materials and proper handling and disposal.

What crime scene cleaning services do we offer?

Our team uses specialist equipment specially suited to cleaning Post Mortem scenes.  

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Suitable trash cans
  • Industrial grade disinfectants, disinfectant and deodorizers for clean blood and other pathogens
  • Special solvents to kill bacteria and release dried blood
  • A complete line of cleaning products for the job
  • Une gamme complète d’outils pour éliminer les odeurs

When a suicide or sudden death occurs, it can often take some time before the body is discovered. Our company and professional cleaning team are also fully trained with tools to clean up any traces of biological waste that can accumulate in these sad and unfortunate circumstances.

What preparations are needed to clean up a scene crime?

For this type of service, the only thing we would need from you is to ensure that your home, business or site has easy access leading to the cleanup site.

Never touch anything as it could contaminate legal evidence, and we cannot begin work until we receive permission from the family and the gendarmerie that they have unsealed the site.

We do not want you to experience this safety issue at all, as the disposal of blood, decomposing materials, or hazardous waste can potentially make you ill .

If you are a company that manages a rental, we can also help these companies clear any bulky objects or furniture that may block the area to be cleaned.

In short, we want to make this experience as simple and stress-free as possible so you can minimize your proximity to blood or other hazards.

Types of crime scene cleanup services we offer (suicide, death discovered late, murder, domestic violence)

  • As difficult as it is to accept that life is so precious, suicides are a daily phenomenon in France and around the world, and very often, those who commit suicide give no visible sign that they are considering such an act. This cleaning job is difficult, no matter if you are a risky cleaning company or not, and we pride ourselves on thoroughly cleaning the area with the utmost respect and dignity for those involved.
  • Deaths discovered late. A sudden death is a situation that occurs when a person dies and their body is not discovered for a certain period of time. Usually long after the rapid decomposition process has begun. If this happens, immediate removal of the corpse is just one of the major cleanup initiatives to implement. A long-decomposing corpse releases a buildup of fluids in addition to blood, gases, and decomposing flesh that pose a very dangerous health hazard simply by breathing the fumes. We are equipped to thoroughly and thoroughly clean and disinfect the immediate area surrounding the corpse.

  • Murder.  Most often, a murder scene involves a lot of blood and damage .

  • Domestic violence. No family in the world is perfect and unfortunately we have provided services to many clients experiencing domestic violence. If a family has young children in the home, this can be just as traumatic for them as it is for the victim. We can thoroughly clean and disinfect the area as well as carry out the necessary debris removal in the event of damage to the home or business.

    Our service areas                       

    Tarif nettoyage suite à un décès de 2024


    The price in 2024 for cleaning following a death by firearm starts at €1,250 with a disinfection certificate certified certibiocidal. Theprice of a crime scene clean-up when the body was discovered late is from 1650€. At grand cleaning we are approved personal services our services ofcrime scene cleaning are deductible from tax credit.

  • Thanks to our teams located in each region in France can intervene quickly withreasonable prices in 2024.

    Our prices in 2024 without additional travel costs.| ||186

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certification biocide

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