cleaning body fluids

Procedure for cleaning body fluids: what does it involve?

Contact professionals of by calling 0659133111 to clean up any spills of bodily fluids presenting a biological risk in your home. 

After an incident involving bodily fluids, it is necessary to follow the proper bodily fluid cleanup procedure to remove the damage. In some cases, it is best to hire a local professional cleaning team. Biohazard cleaning companies have the skills, tools and techniques necessary to properly remove bodily fluids from absorbent surfaces and non-porous materials. is a leading company in the cleaning of bodily fluids serving all regions of France thanks to our local teams. Cleaning bodily fluids includes strict guidelines that our certified technicians follow. Learn more about the process below.

What are bodily fluids?

Body fluids include all fluids that come from the human body. Examples of bodily fluids include:

  • Blood
  • Vomit
  • Urine
  • Feces
  • Saliva
  • Amniotic fluid

Exposure to a person's bodily fluids poses serious health risks. For example, a small amount of contaminated blood on an unhealed paper cut can cause infection or transmit a disease like HIV or hepatitis.

Unfortunately, many people are unaware of the pathogens carried by the blood they carry, which increases the risk of illness for anyone coming into contact with bodily fluids. Therefore, it is essential to follow a proper procedure for cleaning up bodily fluids.

What types of personal protective equipment are required for cleaning up bodily fluids?

If a accident, illness ordeath by natural death,suicide by firearm leaves bodily fluids , whoever cleans up the mess must protect themselves. Part of following a cleaning procedure is making sure you have the right personal protective equipment or PPE. PPE refers to any item that will protect you from bodily fluids wet enough to splash on your body or larger spills.

Essential PPE for cleaning up bodily fluids includes the following:

  • Powerful disinfectant, such as bleach solution, capable of eliminating a broad spectrum of pathogens
  • Black trash bags and biowaste bags with appropriate labels
  • Waterproof suit or protective suit against biological risks (no painting work suit)
  • Waterproof disposable gloves
  • Disposable towels
  • Safety glasses
  • Rubber Boots

Sometimes biohazard cleanup crews arrive after the body fluid has dried, so there is little or no risk of splashing on them. In these cases, wearing disposable nitrile or rubber gloves and goggles without other protective clothing may be acceptable. However, large spills of bodily fluids involving raw sewage or blood with a high splash risk require rubber boots, waterproof overalls, and a dust mask.

The person supervising the project ensures that everyone working on the project has the appropriate PPE for the job. When cleaning up a spill, everyone should wear their PPE while cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and disposing of contaminated items.

How to clean up bodily fluids

Each biohazard cleaning company has its own procedure for cleaning up bodily fluids. Reputable companies adhere to biohazard cleaning regulations and best practices to safely clean surfaces and dispose of contaminated objects and furnishings. Body fluid cleansing processes include several steps, such as those below.

Bleeding large or small that someone can splash

When cleaning up a bleed of body fluid, large or small, with high splash potential, the first step is to absorb the blood using disposable towels, sand or absorbent powder. To disinfect the surface after most of the liquid has been collected, pour a broad-spectrum disinfectant over it. A solution containing 10% bleach will do the trick.

It is best to leave the bleach solution on the surface for up to 30 minutes to properly disinfect the affected area. Rub with clean towels and repeat if necessary. Place all items containing bodily fluids in biohazard bags with used PPE.

Dried bodily fluids or small spills unlikely to splash

If blood, vomit and other bodily fluids are somewhat dry and unlikely to be splashed, you can always absorb residual moisture with absorbent powder or towels. When you have absorbed as much liquid as possible, throw the used towelettes or powder into the appropriate bags. You can use a 10% bleach solution to clean and disinfect the area or any other disinfectant that will kill a broad spectrum of infectious agents.

It may be necessary to scrub the affected area more intensely than a wet spill. Cleaning the perimeter of the affected area and working inward helps prevent the spread of pathogens to unaffected surfaces.

Dispose of all used towels, powder, sand, and PPE professional recycling centers.

Hygiene practices after cleaning

After cleaning, it is necessary to take additional measures to avoid contaminating yourself or others. During the process of cleaning bodily fluids, pathogens contaminate everything they touch, including PPE and cleaning equipment.

Follow these steps to avoid accidental exposure:|| |142

  • Avez-vous soigneusement les mains avec du savon et de l’eau tiède dès que vous retirez les gants jetables.
  • Change to clean gloves often.
  • Disinfect all reusable tools and equipment. It is advisable to dispose of everything in recycling centers
  • Use a generous quantity of water and soap to clean any accidental skin contamination.
  • Wash your eyes with plenty of water if liquids come into contact with your eyes.


Disposal of Contaminated Items

The final step in cleaning up a biohazard scene is disposing of the items contaminated. It is acceptable to seal cleaning items in several dark trash bags and place them in a dumpster at a professional recycling center.

However, a spill involving a large amount of blood will require a professional cleanup crew biohazards to manage the disposal process in accordance with state Department of Health regulations. The team will follow appropriate protocol for labeling, packaging, transporting and disposing of contaminated items.

For example, hypodermic needles, shards of glass and other sharp objects may present biological hazards due to their exposure to diseases, pathogens and other dangerous agents. Proper disposal will require putting them in a puncture-proof container before throwing them away.

Benefit from the best emergency biohazard cleaning service is the essential source for professional cleaning of body fluids. Our highly trained team uses the latest industrial technology and an effective bodily fluid cleansing procedure to clean, disinfect, collect and dispose of contaminated items. We respond to emergencies within the hour and give your home the utmost care and attention. Thanks to our SPA approval you can benefit from 50% deductibletax credit.

Call0659133111to request the body fluid cleaning service . Services for individuals or professionals.

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