Unsanitary cleaning

Large cleaning of unsanitary house

Unsanitary cleaning service of cluttered house and apartment , indecent or in a state of obvious unsanitary conditions.
Odors are present, insects such as flies, larvae, fleas may also be in the place. This is why we treat and intervene in the case of disinfestation to eliminate all crawling and/or flying creatures and to carry outextreme cleaning.

Unsanitary cleaning company by a local team.

From then on our intervention day or night the room of the accommodation is decluttered, cleaned, disinfected and restored to its initial state such as a piece of furniture, a frame, a trinket or even objects in their original place, thanks to the photos. Then we erase all visible traces so that the close or less close family is not confronted with the visual side.In the case of an unsanitary kitchen, bathroom, living room or bedroom, all its contents are cleaned and disinfected

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Owners or tenants the rules hygiene are identical:

  • Remediable unsanitary conditions: appropriate measures to remedy unsanitary conditions with deadlines for carrying out the work, a temporary ban may also be imposed to live in or use the premises.
  • Irremediable unsanitary conditions: impossibility of remedying the unsanitary conditions with definitive ban on living or using the premises.| ||85

La mise en place d’un véhicule adapté ou benne est nécessaire en cas d’évacuation total, un tri est effectué pour la recherche de document, valeur ou autre remis en main propre immédiatement.

Nous poursuivons le tri des documents administratifs, publicité, ou autre, puis ils sont mis en carton et sac plastique. Dans le cas d’enlèvement, les meubles peuvent être démontés, évacués, la literie, canapé, armoire, ainsi nous move from unsanitary accommodation to cleaned accommodation, clean and sanitary in depth.

A lot of work and organization is planned,various rooms of the accommodation can be indecent or unsanitary on a mound of affairs which can touch the ceiling. Business or trash, dirt or waste we disinfect, we deodorize, we disinsect manually and mechanically with appropriate fungicide, virucide and bactericide products.

Services against unsanitary conditions|| |97

Tout lieu unsanitary, is not indecent with the accumulation of mold, deterioration of supports, makes it “called unsanitary”.

Waste or traces of a habitable environment which is harmful to our health and therefore precautions are required when entering unsanitary accommodation.

  • Clearance and storage various objects or personal belongings.
  • Carding up various documents that could be found anywhere.
  • Disinfestation in the event of the presence of insects cockroach, bedbugs, cleaners.
  • Destruction of odors.

How does home insurance work for unsanitary cleaning?

Les assurances sont frileuses pour entamer des remboursements pour le nettoyage insalubre d’un appartement ou maison. This is why we help you set up a file at the end of the intervention for possible damage.

Unsanitary cleaning is tax deductible?

Thanks to our approval you can benefit from a 50% tax credit. For an invoice of‘unsanitary cleaning rate of €890 you are reimbursed €445. 

Professional cleaning of an unsanitary house

Emergency cleaning services for bodily fluids, blood

We specialize in extreme cleaning if a loved one has soiled their home following bleeding,death or any other situation.

En In view of the prevention objectives to be achieved, we sort and dispose of infectious or non-infectious waste in Dasri.

Cleaning following death in unsanitary conditions

All items, furniture, household appliances and clothing soiled by bodily fluids are evacuated to the DASRY recycling center.

Then a major in-depth cleaning is carried out: washing the walls, pladonds, plinths, doors and windows with the frames. Cleaning of sanitary facilities and bathrooms, degreasing of kitchen, furniture and household appliances.

Before cleaning unsanitary accommodation after death

Lors d’un décès violent découvert dans un lieu professionnel, premier temps rendre le lieu hermétique, éteindre le chauffage, fermer fenêtres et portes.

Disinfestation of an unsanitary place

We we are certifiedcertifio-biocide to disinsection bedbugs, cockroaches, rodents etc…

Carry out a disinsection by fumigation after a death in unsanitary housing|| |157 ou l’indécence suite au décès, demande beaucoup de courage ainsi qu’un nettoyage approfondi, dégraissage et décapage.

Disinfection of dirty surfaces in apartment, house, squat

Désinfection des surfaces contaminées qui pourrait être dangereuse à vous ou une tiers personne en contact avec le sang, les fluides corporels, par exemple : staphylocoque, l’hépatite C, les fièvres hémorragiques virales.

Person living in unsanitary conditions

The service restores all surfaces to their original condition following the death of the deceased, especially if we notice the placedirty covered in dirt important or various trash waste.

Death in unsanitary housing

Thecleaning company violent death occurs after the lifting of seals is why our services are in contact with the police services.

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Unsanitary items before disinfection

Le débarras s’applique avant la désinfection des surfaces, cuisine, salle de bain, chambre, couloir, grenier, cave mais encore sur les meubles, cadres et bibelots du sol au plafond.

Precautions for homes or unsanitary apartments

When entering and leaving the home following the most significant health risks, violent deaths in unsanitary conditions discovered in decomposition.

The police advise you not to return on unsanitary places

  • The first reason being the psychological side, under the shock of the loss of a loved one, you cannot, in addition, visualize a traumatic scene.
  • The second reason being the health aspect, if the deceased carried an illness such as hepatitis, you should know that the virus still lives for hours in the blood.


Person who wishes to enter the home after death, the odor is overwhelming and nauseating, blood or bodily fluids can lead to an insect infestation in the home.

Discretion of residence

Aucune information n’est communiquée aux médias, aucune enseigne commerciale n’est divulguée !

Speed ​​of intervention

We react quickly to clear out a person who has died at home or Diogenes , premises, businesses and vehicles throughout France, day and night.

But most often it is the result of cleaning

From floor to ceiling we tidy up to put back clean and disinfect the accommodation by treating all odors: dirt, droppings, urine, fermented food, blood. We disinfect, deodorize and disinsect by fumigation.

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Tax reduction
certification biocide

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