bed bug cleaning

Nettoyage punaise de lit en France

Bed bug cleaning in France

The history of bed bugs in France begins shortly before the Second World War. The Cimex lectularius  is the type of bed bug native to Europe. Bedbugs were not common in France before the 1930s and since then the problem has gotten worse. In fact, immediately after World War II, it was reported that nearly 30% of French homes were infested with these nasty insects. And finding thebed bug cleaning solution in France was not an easy task.  Such a drastic increase in their population has been attributed to the heating systems used in homes, which have created more pleasant living conditions in which they can thrive. In 2023, Le Parisiens published an article saying that “…the number of bedbugs has tripled in the past. » This is not only a problem because this seems like a near epidemic level of bed bugs in the country, but also because over time, bed bugs have become resistant to many pesticides once used to eradicate them throughout their life.

Where do bed bugs come from?

The origin of bed bugs dates back hundreds of years BC, to the time when our ancestors lived in caves. Insects were originally parasites that used bats as hosts and lived with them in caves. Then people entered the caves and transformed into another fantastic host for insects to feed on.  Over time, humans left the cave, moved to other continents, and bedbugs hitchhiked and moved as well. They spread to Europe and Asia, then to the rest of the continents.

But where they come from when they infest your home is another matter:

  • Si vous vivez dans un immeuble, cela augmente vos chances d’en avoir chez vous si votre voisin en possède déjà. Ils peuvent voyager d’appartement en appartement.
  • Another way for them to appear in your house is to bring them inside. A friend or family member can bring them if they were previously in an infested area. Bedbugs cling to clothes, bags, shoes. The worst part is that even a single female bedbug can create a complete infestation in your home.
  • Bed bugs can also be brought into your home after your vacation or work trip. If you stay in an infested hotel room, you are almost 100% guaranteed to bring them home.
  • They can also enter your home with the purchase of second-hand furniture. Bed bugs don't just live on or near beds. They can live in other furniture that people spend a lot of time on. Use extreme caution if purchasing second-hand furniture.
  • Used clothing can also contain bed bugs. And even new clothes can have them. If an infested person has tried them and you buy it, even a single bedbug can be there and then lay eggs in your home.

What Attracts Bedbugs bed?

  • These are parasites that feed on human blood, so that's the main thing that attracts them.
  • They also sense your body temperature and dioxide of carbon that you exhale, and that's how they find you at night. They use them as orientation to know where you are, they crawl on your bed and find the best place on your body to feed.
  • They will have to hide somewhere near your bed or other furniture you spent time on. Cracks in the walls, even power outlets will do, baseboards, bed frame, carpet near the bed, etc. Experts at Grand Nettoyage will advise you to keep clutter to a minimum.

Signs of bed bugs

  • Black spots on your mattress or sheets: these are the feces of bed bugs. It's disgusting, yes. And if you see black spots, those are probably them.
  • Red spots on the sheets – that would be your own blood. After they have fed and left you alone, tiny drops of your blood may have fallen onto your sheets.
  • Itchy hives – which are bed bug bites. Within 24 hours of the initial sting, you may see red hives on your body. Try not to scratch them as you risk infecting them. If the area is infected, consult your doctor, bed bug bites are a serious problem.
  • Skins and eggshells – Dead skin or empty shells are a sign of a growing infestation .
  • Eggs or live insects – Even though they are only 5mm long, you can see the insects with the naked eye. If you see a small reddish-brown bedbug on or near your bed, it's a bedbug.

Do bedbugs jump?

No, they don't jump , they don't steal. They just walk and climb. They have never been able to jump or fly and let's hope they never will.

Where do bed bugs live?

Very cluttered areas are also very populated by bedbugs. They are considered a common pest in recent years as the number of people traveling abroad has increased. Bed bugs thrive in spring, summer and early fall. Your home offers them excellent living conditions due to the climate and temperatures typical of France. They prefer dark places, so you won't see them out in the open during the day.

That's why the places in your house where bed bugs live are:

  • Votre matelas
  • The box spring of your bed
  • Walls (if wallpaper or faded paint support) near your bed or other furniture
  • Nightstands near your bed
  • Plinth
  • Parquet floor
  • All poorly maintained wall supports
  • Cupboard and clothes
  • Sheets
  • Curtains and rugs
  • Sofas, armchairs or other furniture where you spend time

How long do bedbugs live?|| |143

Les punaises de lit vivent comparativement plus longtemps que la plupart des types d’insectes. Depuis l’éclosion, la durée de vie d’une punaise peut aller jusqu’à un an dans des conditions parfaites. Dans le cas contraire, il peut vivre jusqu’à dix mois en général.

How long can a bedbug live without feeding? An adult insect can live without feeding between two weeks and more than a year, if it lives in a place with the right amount of humidity and temperature.

Do spiders eat bedbugs? bed ?

Yes. Spiders eat bedbugs. There is generally more than one type of spider in every French household and spiders mainly feed on other insects.

Other enemies of parasitic insectsare cockroaches| ||153 et les mille-pattes. Ces deux espèces sont également des parasites domestiques courants en France et se nourrissent également de punaises de lit. Mais vous ne devriez pas compter sur un autre type d’insecte pour vous aider à gagner la bataille contre les nuisibles.

How to kill bedbugs?

It's all about 'a complex problem, because it is unlikely that you will be able to eliminate the infestation alone. Bed bugs can die at very high or very low temperatures, or they are treated with an industrial strength insecticide. Home bed bug treatments often end badly, so be careful. If you suspect an active infestation, book a professional bed bug cleaning to save your home.


What is the best bed bug treatment?

Chez grand nettoyage notre protocole de nettoyage punaise de lit est le débarras intégral du logement. Ensuite notre équipe prépare le logement : démonte des plinthes, les interrupteurs, dépose du papier peint, des faux plafonds et parfois les parquets. Ensuite plusieurs passages sont programmés de désinsectisation en profondeur avec le dosage maximum autorisé. Avant chaque passage notre techniciens aspire toutes les punaises de lit morts.

At Grand Nettoyage we are certibiocidal certified and use the maximum authorized dosage to eradicate bed bugs.

Bed bug cleaning prices

Coût du Nettoyage punaise de lit

Cost of Bed Bug Cleaning

Before any bed bug cleaning operation, preparation must be carried out. Preparation includes bagging all the clothes, linens and any important belongings you want to keep. Then you have to dismantle the switches, the plinths and wash the walls.

The preparation price starts from €650 which is deductibletax credit.

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certification biocide

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