Diogene syndrome cleaning Meurthe Et Moselle Nancy


Diogene syndrome cleaning Meurthe-Et-Moselle

Grand Nettoyage is a company specialized in infrequent cleaning services, established in France, which is responsible for removing any unpleasant traces in homes where a tragic accident has occurred: suicides, homicides, accidents with blood or decomposition of a body due tounmonitored deaths,Diogenes syndrome, fires, floods, etc.


What is Diogenes syndrome?|| |120

Le syndrome de Diogène est un problème du comportement dans lequel une personne s’isole socialement et physiquement. Il correspond un isolement délibéré où la personne ne se préoccupe pas d’elle-même et de son maison en amassant de grandes sommes d’ordures et de déchets ménagers. Les personnes touchées par ce syndrome sont souvent des personnes âgées qui vivent seules et souffrent de sévères affections psychiatriques.


Comment nettoyer une maison avec une certaine d’ordures due au syndrome de Diogène Meurthe-Et-Moselle Nancy?

Cleaning Diogenes syndrome Meurthe-Et-Moselle Nancy must be carried out with great caution due to there is a risk of exposure to parasites or microbes that may be toxic. It is essential that this is not carried out by just one person as it could take days, weeks or months depending on the accumulated waste.


désinfection dératisation désinsectisation

Professionals authorized to carry out diogenes syndrome cleaning Meurthe Et Moselle Nancy

Grand-Nettoyage, société cleaning Diogenes syndrome Meurthe-Et-Moselle Nancy, has trained specialists and quality products that allow us to carry out disinfection and deodorization treatments that fully complement the cleaning of the apartments where we do Diogenes syndrome cleaning .

If you need to carry out a “Diogenes syndrome” type cleaning, the best thing to do is to connect with professionals recognized for their efficiency and versatility, as Grand-Nettoyage offers. We are a company which has sufficient capacities and large areas of action.

Ourrates are reasonable, call us for a free quote.

A team can intervene quickly to clean and clear out your unsanitary accommodation.


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06 59 13 31 11

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