Cleaning Diogenes Syndrome North Lille


How to help a loved one with Diogenes Syndrome?

Nettoyage maison encombrée et sale

Cleaning a cluttered and dirty house. a tailor-made service

A Diogenes syndrome cleaning company in Lille

Diogenes syndrome disorder is a serious mental illness that makes it difficult for people to get rid of their belongings, which results in an accumulation of Bazarde which can be dangerous and unsanitary. Cleaning up stockpiles requires special equipment, protective gear, and professional services to safely remove and dispose of items, as biohazardous materials may be present. It is important to understand the disorder and approach cleansing delicately, possibly with the guidance of mental health professionals. A cleaning kit including empty boxes and trash cans, trash bags, cleaning supplies and protective equipment should be assembled before beginning the cleaning process. Before any intervention, the works manager inspects the presence of cockroaches, bedbugs or rodents. If the home is infected, disinfestation is carried out before, during and after our intervention.

Diogenes syndrome in the North is something that most people approach with fascination, wondering how they can let their house getting so out of control. There are even reality TV shows that treatcarelessness and hoarders as a source of entertainment, to be enjoyed from the comfort of our clean, organized homes.| ||67

Le syndrome de Diogène n’est ni drôle ni même divertissante; c’est le résultat d’une maladie mentale grave appelée le trouble du syndrome de Diogène. Même si les collectionneurs reconnaissent leurs problèmes, ils trouvent impossible de maîtriser la situation. La réalité est que le nettoyage des objets accumulés est bien plus complexe que le simple fait de récupérer quelques sacs poubelles et de se mettre au travail.

Diogenes syndrome cleaning specialists in the NORTH are often needed. These diogene Lille professionals are trained to safely dispose of waste, debris, and at other times properly dispose of it, then clean, clear, and disinfect the space afterward. To learn more about the ins and outs of Diogenes Syndrome, read on.

Understanding Diogenes Syndrome Disorder

If you are trying to clean your own house or that of a relative or friend who still lives in that house, you need to understand the disorder Diogenes syndrome before you begin. Understanding what is the cause and what collectors are thinking is key to effectively clearing the space without causing extreme mental distress.

Collectors may accumulate things they think are valuable (but this value is not obvious to others), things they find unique, or they may be obsessed with compulsively acquiring free items, such as pens, leaflets, flyers, etc. Items include magazines, newspapers, other paper (such as junk mail or flyers), plastic bags, cardboard, photos, household items, clothing, and food. Some people also hoard animals, which adds a whole other difficulty when cleaning and disinfecting the space and can also result in intervention from authorities if animals are neglected. Noah syndrome is a person who has several animals who live in bulky, rubbish, in a dirty house. Sometimes animal carcasses are found under waste due to lack of care and hygiene.

There are different reasons why people accumulate. Some people do it because they want to save items, just in case they need them in the future. Other items, such as photos, may be seen as having sentimental value or as something they can use to remember a certain memory. If collectors think an item is too valuable to throw away (even if it was free or very inexpensive), they hold on to it. Eventually, things start to get out of hand and even if a collector realizes they have too many, their clutter prevents them from getting rid of the items.

Diogenes syndrome is often associated with other mental health conditions, such as OCD, ADHD, depression, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCD). Since Covid we have noticed that students, peoplewho work remotely are increasingly suffering from Diogenes syndrome or carelessness. By working from home, the person has difficulty separating work time and rest time.

All this means that it can be useful to involve health professionals, attending physician, psychology if the person is still alive and will help clean the house. If you ever arrive with a dumpster and a clean-up crew, it could cause great mental distress to the collector, so it should be approached delicately and with advice from someone who understands the mess.

The Basics of Deep Cleaning Diogenes Syndrome

Cleaning a house that accumulates trash is a very difficult task.

Cleaning a house where a hoarder lives is much more complex than just decluttering and cleaning a normal house. Special equipment, protective gear, and even professional services are usually required to truly clean the house. Here are some tips to consider.

Assess the space and strategize

Before you walk in, you need to know what you're working with . What types of objects are accumulated? What it is will dictate how you remove and dispose of it and any protective gear you need. This also gives you an idea of ​​how much human power you need to clean the space and what type of utilities you need to remove the items (e.g. dumpster, trash hauling, etc.).

Protect Yourself

Even if you think you know what you're getting into, you have no idea what's underneath it all these batteries. Eye protection, gloves, a mask and even shoe protectors and coveralls may be necessary.

There may be broken glass, rotten food, rodents, insects or droppings of animals under the piles. If you're dealing with such extreme buildup, it's wise to hire a professional cleaning company. They have the expertise, training and equipment to properly eliminate and dispose of biohazardous materials.

Prepare a cleaning kit

Make sure you have all the cleaning tools and supplies you need. Some things to include are:

  • Empty boxes and trash cans
  • Trash bag
  • Gloves
  • Mask
  • Coveralls professional
  • Broom and dustpan
  • Bucket and mop
  • Professional cleaning and disinfection products
  • Sponges and rags
  • Powerful vacuum cleaner
  • Stepladder
  • Shovel
  • Small hand tools

Start with step

Start with one room at a time and empty it completely. Identify all salvageable items and plan what to do with them (donate them, bring them back into the room, etc.). Starting with a small room, like a bathroom or closets, might help.

You can build momentum and if the person who lives in the house helps with the cleaning, they might be more likely to continue if you start small, go slowly and let her separate items on her own terms.

Deep Cleaning and Repair

Une fois que vous avez tout retiré des pièces, il est temps de procéder à a deep cleaning. Remove any old and dirty carpet, repair damage to walls and floors, then thoroughly clean and disinfect the space. If there is mold, animal droppings or any other hazardous material, call a professional. In poorly maintained and cluttered homes there are water leaks, clogged sinks, toilets clogged with excrement. In these conditions if there is water damage and the neighbor can request an inspection in order to carry out the repairs.

Cleaning Diogenes syndrome is not an easy task

Professional extreme cleaners can quickly clean any cluttered and dirty home.|| |165

Le nettoyage et débarras des maison encombrée et saleis probably more than something you can handle yourself. Due to the psychological illness of the hoarder, the magnitude of some hoarding situations, and the health and safety risks present in hoarded homes, you may need professionals to handle extreme cleaning as soon as the beginning.

At grand cleaning, we understand that Diogenes syndrome is a mental illness and our specially trained extreme cleaners know how to handle the situation with care and respect. We also work in partnership with local health services, the CCAS, adult protection associations to help work with collectors and their families.


Often in a person suffering from Diogenes syndrome we notice that the home is infected by cockroaches, rodents or bedbugs. Our major cleaning team in Lille is trained and Cetibiocide approved in order to disinect during and after our intervention.

Prices for Diogenes syndrome cleaning in 2024.

Crédit d'impôt nettoyage syndrome de diogène

Syndrome cleaning tax credit of Diogenes

The price of cleaning following Diogenes syndrome in 2024 is a single price for each situation. Thanks to the new technology of photos and videos of housing we can estimate the cost of cleaning Diogenes syndrome. Our Diogenes syndrome cleaning prices are tax deductible thanks to our SAP approval. Certain aid is offered by the APA or by the CCAS in your municipality. Some insurance policies may cover furniture or household appliances damaged following Diogenes syndrome cleaning.

For cleaning and clearing away trash spread out on the floor of a studio is from €990.

Nous avons une équipe de nettoyeurs extrême dans toutes les communes du Nord. Contact our Lille call center 7 days/ today to make an appointment.

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