clean electric vehicle charger

How to clean electric vehicle charger

In recent years, electric vehicles (EVs) have become increasingly popular in as a more environmentally friendly transport option. Along with the rise of EVs, the need for chargers for electric vehicles has also increased. These chargers, typically installed in homes, public parking lots and other public spaces, require regular cleaning to maintain their functionality and extend their lifespan. In this blog post, we will look at how to clean an EV charger and the steps to follow to keep it in good condition.

What is an EV charger?

Un chargeur de véhicule électrique est un appareil électronique qui transfère l’électricité à la batterie d’un véhicule électrique pour le charger. Il peut s’agir soit d’un chargeur portable connecté à une prise, soit d’un appareil plus permanent installé à un endroit précis. Les chargeurs de véhicule électrique sont disponibles dans différentes formes et tailles et peuvent être classés en trois types : les chargeurs de niveau 1, de niveau 2 et les chargeurs rapides CC. Les chargeurs de niveau 1 utilisent une prise standard de 120 V et peuvent prendre jusqu’à 24 heures pour charger complètement un véhicule électrique, tandis que les chargeurs de niveau 2 utilisent une prise de 240 V et peuvent charger un véhicule électrique en quelques heures. D’autre part, les chargeurs rapides CC peuvent charger une voiture électrique en seulement 30 minutes.

Importance of cleaning an electric vehicle charger

It is essential to keep a charger clean to preserve its functionality and prevent potential dangers. Over time, dirt, dust, and debris can build up on the device, affecting its performance and leading to corrosion or electrical problems. Regular cleaning can prevent these problems and extend the life of the charger. Additionally, maintaining a clean charging station can also ensure that it charges the vehicle's battery efficiently and safely.

Possible Risks and Dangers Related to Not Cleaning Your Vehicle Charger electric

If you neglect to clean your charger regularly, you risk exposing yourself and your electric car to certain risks and dangers, including:

Electric shock: Water and electricity don't mix, and a dirty charging station can trap moisture or debris inside, which can cause electric shock or short circuits.

Fire Hazards:  A dirty charger can also pose a fire hazard. Dust, dirt, and debris can build up inside the device and create a spark or electrical arc which may cause a fire.

Reduced charging performance:  A dirty charging station can hinder the efficient flow of electricity, leading to slower charging times or even a malfunction of the charging station.

Supplies needed to clean the vehicle charger electric

To clean a charger, you don't need any fancy equipment or tools. All you need are some simple supplies that you probably already have at home. Here are the supplies you will need:

Cleaning Solution

A cleaning solution is one of the most important items you will need to clean your vehicle charging station electric. It is essential to use a cleaning solution explicitly recommended by the manufacturer of your electric vehicle charging station. Using the wrong type of cleaning solution may damage the charging station and void your warranty. You can find electric vehicle charger cleaning solutions at most hardware stores or order them online.

Microfiber Cloth

Another important accessory you will need to clean your EV charging station is a microfiber cloth. Microfiber cloths are perfect for cleaning because they are soft, absorbent and will not scratch the surface of your charging station. When choosing a microfiber cloth, choose one that is clean and free of debris or dirt.


In addition to a cleaning solution and a cloth microfiber, you will also need water to rinse your charger after cleaning it. It is important to use cold, clean water for rinsing. Avoid using hot water, as it may damage the charger.

Soft bristle brush

If your electric vehicle charging station is particularly dirty or has areas difficult to access, you can also use a soft bristle brush. A soft-bristled brush can help you clean out any dirt or debris stuck in the gaps of your charging station. When using a soft-bristle brush, be sure to use gentle circular motions to avoid scratching the surface of your charger.

Cleaning your charging station is a simple maintenance task that only requires some basic supplies. By using the right cleaning solution, a microfiber cloth and water, you can keep your charger clean and in good working order for years.

Steps to Cleaning an Electric Vehicle Charger| ||104

Voici les étapes à suivre pour nettoyer un chargeur EV :

  1. Turn off the charger: Before you start cleaning, make sure you have turned off the charger to avoid electrical hazards.
  2. Unplug the charger: Unplug the charger from the power source to ensure that no current passes through it while you wish to clean it.
  3. Remove Debris and Dust: Use a soft bristle brush or dry microfiber cloth to remove debris or dust from the charger. Be gentle and avoid scratching the surface.
  4. Apply cleaning solution: Apply the manufacturer's recommended cleaning solution to a microfiber cloth. Do not spray the cleaning solution directly on the charger, as this may damage the electronic components.
  5. Clean the charger with a microfiber cloth: using the microfiber cloth microfiber, gently wipe the surface of the charger, paying attention to areas with visible dirt or impurities. Also be sure to wipe down the cords and connectors.
  6. Rinse the charger with water: Once you have finished wiping the charger with the cleaning solution, rinse remove it with water using a clean microfiber cloth. Do not use a garden hose or pressure washer to rinse the charger, as this may damage the electronic components.
  7. Dry the charger: after rinsing the charger , dry it with a clean but dry towel or microfiber cloth. Make sure it is completely dry before plugging it back in.

Tips for cleaning an electric vehicle charger

Properly cleaning a charging station is essential to ensure it functions properly effective and safe. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Avoid using abrasive materials or harsh chemicals

Avoid using abrasive materials or harsh chemicals to clean the charger. This includes anything that may scratch or damage the surface of the charging station. Abrasive materials such as steel wool, scouring pads, or harsh chemicals may scratch or discolor the surface of the charging station. It is best to use a soft microfiber cloth to clean the charger.

Do not use a pressure washer or hose to clean the charger

As briefly mentioned previously, It is not recommended to use a pressure washer or hose to clean the charger. High water pressure can damage the charger, especially if it enters any of the electrical components. This can cause electrical failures, corrosion or even a short circuit. It is best to use a damp cloth and avoid getting water into the electrical components of the charger.

Clean the charger regularly

Regular cleaning of the charger is essential to maintain its efficiency and extend its life. Ideally, you should clean your EV charging station every three to six months. If it is in a dusty or dirty environment, you may need to clean it more often. Make sure you clean the charger thoroughly, including the cable and plug.

Conclusion for proper maintenance of your electrical terminal

Regular cleaning of your electric vehicle charger is essential to ensure its proper functioning and longevity. It's not just dust, dirt, and debris that can damage electrical components. Environmental factors such as rain, snow, and extreme temperatures can also affect charger performance. It is therefore essential to maintain a clean electric vehicle charger so that it continues to function properly. Cleaning a charging station is a simple and straightforward process that people can do using household cleaning products. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your charging station is always in tip-top condition, providing a reliable and fast charging experience for your electric vehicle.

Also, keep || |150votre borne de recharge for electric vehicles also helps preserve the environment. Electric cars are becoming more and more popular due to their low carbon emissions, and by properly maintaining your charging station you are helping to reduce your carbon footprint. Have you ever cleaned your electric vehicle charger? Do you have any tips or recommendations to add? We would love to hear from you. Additionally, if you have any questions or concerns regarding electric vehicle chargers, please feel free to ask us and we will be happy to help.


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