Clean and declutter

Nettoyer et desencombrer

How to motivate yourself to clean and declutter?


Take on cleaning and decluttering your entire home can often seem like a monumental task, especially when motivation is at an all-time low. You may find yourself avoiding the task altogether, leading to greater accumulation and, inevitably, a more daunting challenge. Our methods for cleaning and decluttering your home.

However, take control of your environment is not just about cleaning and organizing; it’s also about creating a space that improves your well-being and productivity. To spark this urge, it is essential to understand the psychological underpinnings of motivation and recognize that it is not an instinctive burst of energy, but rather a cultivated state of mind that can be trained and improved over time.

With this understanding, setting achievable goals and developing practical strategies becomes not only a methodical approach to decluttering, but a transformative experience. Getting started can be as simple as adopting small, effective habits that keep your space tidy, or as complex as designing a large-scale organization system that complements your lifestyle.

It's this combination of incremental actions and larger-scale planning that can shift your environment from chaos to order, transforming the act of cleaning from a chore into a rewarding ritual. Overcoming procrastination and maintaining a clean environment ultimately comes down to finding personal inspiration and recognizing the benefits of a decluttered space – benefits that trickle down into every corner of your daily life.


Key Takeaways

  • A clean, organized space promotes well-being and productivity.
  • Motivation to clean and declutter can be cultivated through small habits and realistic goals.
  • Overcoming procrastination involves finding personal inspiration and establishing supportive routines.

Understanding the motivation and psychology behind cleanliness

When embarking on a cleaning and decluttering task, understanding what motivates you can be the key to success. Your motivation can be deeply personal and is often linked to psychological well-being and the desire for a better lifestyle.

The Psychology of Cleaning

Motivation is a very mental… it’s a state of mind. There are things that motivate you from internal and external sources:

  • Intrinsic motivation:

    you will be more likely to engage in a decluttering journey if it is rewarding on the internal level. This can come from the satisfaction of creating a peaceful environment or having control over your surroundings.

  • Extrinsic Motivation:

    Sometimes external factors motivate your cleaning efforts. These may be social expectations, such as having guests over, or financial incentives, such as preparing to sell your home.

The Benefits of Decluttering

Your environment can have a huge impact on your mental well-being. A clean, organized space is linked to:

  • Reduced stress:

    a clutter-free home has been scientifically proven to lead to lower stress levels. By eliminating unnecessary items, you create a calmer, more serene home environment.

  • Improved concentration:

    Decluttering can help reduce distractions, allowing for better concentration, productivity and better personal control in your daily tasks.

  • Improved mood:

    order can contribute to a positive mood and overall happiness, as a tidy environment often leads to a more harmonious state of mind.

How to motivate yourself to clean and declutter?

  1. Set realistic goals

To succeed in decluttering, start by setting achievable goals that guide your efforts and provide direction.

  • Identify priority areas:

    Start by determining which areas of your home need the most attention. Think about which spaces would have the most impact on your daily life if organized.

  • Zone by zone:

    divide your home into zones (like kitchen, living room , bedroom, etc.) and assess the level of clutter in each area.

  • Set clear goals:

    decide what a well-decluttered space looks like for you. This could be something like “tidy countertops” or “tidy clothes in the closet”.

  1. Make a plan and create a cleaning and decluttering checklist

The best way to tackle a big project, like cleaning and decluttering your entire home, is to create a solid plan to help you through the process. A to-do list or checklist can help you break down work into actionable steps, stay organized throughout the process, and help you reach your goal.

As you develop your plan, this is a great time to decide things like:

  • Which areas of your home do you want to declutter?
  • Which areas of your home should you declutter first?| ||162
  • Quand allez-vous commencer à désencombrer ?
  • What will you do with the items you get rid of?
  • What specific tasks do you want to accomplish in each area?

Decluttering Checklist:

  • Bathroom:soaps, hair products, medications, towels
  • Bedroom: unworn clothes in closet, dresser drawers
  • Kitchen: pantry, refrigerators, cabinets, pots, food
  • Salon :mail, magazines, coffee table

Cleaning checklist:

  • Kitchen:counters, cabinets, appliances, sink, floor
  • Bathroom:sink/vanity, toilet, shower/tub, floor
  • Bedrooms: sols, lit, tables de nuit, commode, placards, sol
  • Living room:tables, shelves, fireplace, windows, floor/carpet
  • Laundry room : wash/dry surfaces, clothes, floor
  • Garage/basement : shelves, storage bins, tools, floor|| |206
  • Espaces extérieurs : garden furniture, windows/doors, gardening tools, yard, barbecue
  1. Overcoming procrastination

Procrastination during Cleaning can come from feeling overwhelmed by the task or succumbing to distractions. Using effective strategies to stay focused and manage your time can promote a more productive cleaning routine.

  • Identify distractions: To combat procrastination, start by recognizing your usual distractions. These can range from digital distractions, like social media and television, to less obvious distractions like clutter itself that discourages you from getting started. Create a list of your common distractions and place it in a visible place. Use it as a reminder to stay focused.
  • Minimize digital distractions: Turn off notifications or use apps that limit your usage during cleaning sessions.
  • Eliminate environmental distractions:Keep your cleaning space free of non-essential items that might distract your attention.
  • Focus on time management techniques: Implementing structured time management techniques can significantly increase your cleaning productivity.
  • The Pomodoro Technique: Set a timer for 25 minutes of uninterrupted cleaning, followed by a 5-minute break. Repeat this cycle until the task is complete.
  • Task Grouping: Group similar cleaning tasks together to streamline efforts and reduce time spent switching between different task types.
  1. Find images of inspiration

Pinterest is a great resource when you're looking for inspiration or a great example. A great way to motivate yourself to declutter is to create a Pinterest board of rooms that inspire you. A quick search for “living rooms/bedrooms/kitchens/etc.” Minimalists” will give you plenty of inspiration.

Pin the pieces you love. Then, whenever you feel like you're lacking motivation to declutter, look at your photos for inspiration. Let them reignite your enthusiasm for creating your own clutter-free oasis in your home!

  1. Plan a reward for yourself

Cleaning and decluttering your home can be a difficult task. But don't lose sight of the goal: the benefits of a simpler, clutter-free, and clean home are the reward for all your efforts.

However, having extra motivation can help you keep going until 'to the finish line when cleaning and decluttering becomes difficult. Think of a special reward that you will really appreciate as a reward when you finish your decluttering project.

It could be a weekend getaway, a dinner in your favorite restaurant, a massage or any other activity you enjoy. Choose something fun that will keep you motivated to achieve your goals.

Rewards in the form of experiences or treats are great motivators to free yourself from clutter after spending time time to eliminate unnecessary items from your home. However, if you have your heart set on acquiring a particular item as a reward, go for it. Simplifying your belongings doesn't mean you can never accommodate new possessions. It just means you're more intentional and selective when you do it.

  1. Find a decluttering partner

Having someone to hold you accountable is an easy way to help you stay motivated to achieve any goal, including cleaning and decluttering your messy home. A close friend or family member not only helps you stay on track to achieve your goals, but also provides inspiration and encouragement when your motivation flags.

Find a Friend , in real life or online, who also works to keep their house in order and team up to keep everyone focused on their progress.

Together, you can overcome obstacles and celebrate the small victories that mark your journey. Knowing that someone else is counting on you can give you that little extra boost when you feel like giving up.

  1. Schedule cleaning and decluttering sessions:

L’une des meilleures façons de rester motivé pendant le nettoyage et le désencombrement est de noter vos rendez-vous de nettoyage sur votre calendrier. Ajoutez-les au calendrier de votre téléphone avec des rappels, écrivez-les dans votre agenda ou affichez-les sur le réfrigérateur – tout ce qu’il faut pour consolider vos rendez-vous de nettoyage. Considérez ces séances comme n’importe quel autre engagement important.

When setting up your cleaning plan, decide what days and times work best for you. For example, you could tidy up for 15 minutes a day or do a deep clean every Saturday morning. You can also set aside a weekend here and there to declutter the entire house. Establish a routine that fits your lifestyle, put it into your schedule, then stick to that time consistently.

Scheduling cleaning sessions into your calendar allows you to structure and empower your employees. Knowing exactly when you are going to clean prevents procrastination and makes it easier to motivate yourself when the time comes. Sticking to your predetermined tidying times and having fewer things to do will help build momentum and make cleaning easier.

  1. Start small

When your motivation for cleaning starts to wane, don't take on big, intimidating decluttering projects. Tackle a small, easy task will allow you to see results quickly. Then, as your energy and enthusiasm build through these small victories, you will be ready to tackle the larger, more difficult areas that need your attention.

Don't underestimate the power mini-key steps. Small successes pave the way for bigger ones. Every completed task, no matter how small, brings you one step closer to your overall goal.

Instead of creating cluttered spaces like crowded storage rooms or sentimental items, start small. Set up a small area like a few kitchen cabinets, a small closet, or the bathroom.

Location doesn't matter, as long as you can declutter it quickly for a quick result. Visible, immediate progress gives you the energy to do more.

Seeing a small space transform quickly with small tasks reminds you of the satisfaction that comes from decluttering. A little success goes a long way in boosting your motivation for the next task.

  1. Make it fun

By adding a touch of fun, you can transform boring cleaning and decluttering tasks into something you look forward to. With a little creativity, you can add an element of fun to tidying up and have a good time.

Try timing your tidying time to see how many items you can eliminate in 15 minutes. Or start a friendly challenge with your family members to see who can fill the donation boxes the fastest. Create upbeat tidying playlists to listen to while you work or dance while you do chores singing silly songs or imitating Tom Cruise in Risky Business.

  1. Set realistic expectations|| |318

Lorsque vous planifiez votre routine de nettoyage, soyez réaliste quant à ce qui est possible. Vous n’avez pas eu une maison en désordre du jour au lendemain, elle ne sera donc pas non plus parfaitement rangée instantanément. Même si vous n’avez pas besoin de plusieurs années pour la maintenir propre, il faut faire des efforts constants et réguliers.

If motivation wanes, remember that small steps always count. Even 15 minutes a day of cleaning and tidying can make a difference as the weeks go by.

Don't beat yourself up over unfinished projects: celebrate each progress as a victory.

The Comparisons can be daunting, so focus on your own timeline. Every little cleaning action helps make the house cleaner overall. Some days you clean, other days you recharge – both are important.

Rather than achieving unattainable perfection, aim for sustainable habits that fit your lifestyle. Realistic expectations motivate long-term solutions rather than short-term solutions. Constant improvements add up to lasting changes. Be patient and proud of your efforts - it's the best way to stay motivated to keep your home tidy.

  1. Track your progress

Cleaning and decluttering are ongoing processes , so it's easy to overlook the progress you've made. Even large cleanups may not seem to have a huge impact.

Sometimes the transformation is imperceptible in everyday life. Taking photos while you clean gives you perspective on your hard work. Before and after photos consolidate the change for motivation. Review the first photos when the enthusiasm fades. Notice the clutter that was previously dominant but has now disappeared. Tangible evidence reminds you of the mess you overcame through consistent effort.

Try keeping a journal where you write down your completed checklists or your thoughts on what you've done. Documentation can serve as proof that you are making progress.

You can also share your documented progress for further encouragement. Family and friends who celebrate small victories give you energy to achieve more.

Progress comes gradually through constant care. Photos, journaling or sharing capture the whole story to inspire you. Celebrate every little clean – the results add up more than they seem.

  1. Just start tidying

The biggest obstacle to overcome for any housekeeping project is often to get started. If motivation wanes, diving into tidying up – no matter how small – can reignite your motivation.

When enthusiasm wanes, instead of overthinking or procrastinating, simply move on. action. Find 10 items to donate or set a 10 minute timer to tidy up. Once in motion, momentum usually follows.

Rather than making perfect plans, focus on taking the first step. Just start decluttering to create habits. Folding a load of laundry or cleaning a surface makes the next task easier.

Progress comes through small, consistent efforts, not large bursts. Start where you are: five minutes of tidying up a day counts for more than waiting for free hours. Maintain routines by regularly completing small tasks.

Don’t wait for motivation, let it inspire you through action. The most important thing is to start tidying up to keep your home and your motivation moving.

Maintain a clean environment

To have a tidy home requires two fundamental practices: adopt daily cleaning habits and declutter regularly. By incorporating these actions into your routine, you can make maintaining a clean environment no longer a chore but rather a beneficial part of your daily life.

Daily Cleaning Habits

  • Make your bed:  Start your day by making your bed. This simple action sets the tone for productivity and order.
  • Wipe Surfaces After Use:  After using a surface, wipe it down promptly to prevent buildup and maintain cleanliness.
  • Tidy for 10 minutes each day: A little concentrated cleaning time, no matter what, will help maintain a clean home.
  • Scheduled cleaning:  Allocate specific times for daily cleaning tasks, like sweeping floors every evening or washing dishes after meals.

Declutter regularly|| |383

  • Désencombrement quotidien en cinq minutes : Spend five minutes each day focusing on cleaning one area, like a drawer or shelf.
  • Monthly Sessions of decluttering:  Set aside time each month to review and sort your belongings, deciding what to keep, donate or throw away.
  • Sort by category: Tackle decluttering by category (clothes, books, papers) and not by room, to avoid moving clutter from one area to another.

Common Reasons People Lose motivation to clean and declutter

Loss of motivation to declutter can often derail our efforts to create a tidy and organized home.  It's helpful to examine the reasons for this loss of motivation, as it can provide insight into the mental and emotional blockages that may be hindering our progress. The reasons are many: People lose motivation

  • Feeling overwhelmed: Decluttering and deep cleaning a home is a large project that can seem intimidating. People can feel discouraged when faced with a very disorganized or messy living space.
  • Lack of system:  Without an organized approach or system to decluttering, it is easy to lose speed. For example, we don't know where to start or what elements to tackle first.
  • No Progress: If decluttering efforts don't seem to be working, they can sap motivation over time. Not being able to see progress makes the outcome uncertain.
  • Competing priorities:  work, family obligations, and other commitments take precedence over decluttering tasks, causing that it's easy to repeatedly put them off.
  • Perfectionism: the desire to clean and organize meticulously rather than complete small, manageable tasks leads to procrastination .
  • Sentimental attachment:  It is difficult for many people to get rid of items with emotional significance or perceived value, even if they are bulky.
  • Lack of space: Without proper storage options, clutter easily accumulates after decluttering. The work then seems futile.
  • Health Concerns:  Chronic pain, lack of energy, and other issues can make decluttering physically difficult. This naturally decreases motivation.
  • Feelings of deprivation:  People may feel like decluttering requires sacrificing items they love, which hurts their motivation .

Find inspiration and support

To successfully declutter your home, it can be very helpful to tap into various sources of inspiration and seek support from others . These tips can provide you with the motivation you need to initiate and maintain your decluttering efforts.

Inspiring Resources

  • Books and Blogs:  check out books and read blogs dedicated to organizing and decluttering. Authors like Marie Kondo have developed methodologies that can transform the way you view your belongings.
  • Quotes and Vision Boards: Use effective quotes about decluttering andcleaning and create a vision board that represents your ideal space. Visualizing the end goal can spark the desire to start and keep going.

Seek support from others

  • Decluttering groups:Join forums in online or local groups where members share tips and progress, which can offer both inspiration and a sense of community.
  • Friends and family: involve your friends or family in the process. They can lend a hand or encourage you, making the task less daunting.

Keep it simple

A complete lack of motivation to get your house back to tip-top shape is common .

The key to a clean home is to keep it simple. Once you declutter, cleaning becomes easier and takes less time. Look for simple ways to do this and enjoy your home today.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, you will find targeted tips and strategies to effectively address the common challenges associated with cleaning and decluttering.

What strategies can help overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed by clutter?

To combat the feeling of being overwhelmed by mess, start with a small space and set achievable goals. Using a timer for short decluttering sessions can provide a sense of structure and progress.

What are the psychological benefits of cleaning and decluttering our living spaces?

Cleaning and decluttering can reduce stress and anxiety, increase focus and promote a sense of accomplishment. A tidy space can improve mental clarity and mood.

Can you suggest a simple method to begin the decluttering process?

Start the decluttering process by choosing a single drawer or shelf. Remove everything, sort items by category and put back only what you need or like, throwing out or donating the rest.

What should you consider when deciding whether to keep an item or let it go?

Consider the usefulness, value and frequency of use of the item the object. If an item has not been used in more than a year and has no significant sentimental value, it may be time to part with it.

Could you provide a list of easy-to-use items to start decluttering a space?

Start with the items that require less emotional decision-making: expired produce, duplicate kitchen utensils, outdated electronics, and worn-out clothes. Starting with these items can give you a faster sense of accomplishment.

What are some effective approaches to maintaining motivation for cleaning and decluttering?

Schedule appointments regular schedules, listen to upbeat music to keep your energy levels high, and reward yourself after completing your tasks. Don't forget that you have the vision of a clutter-free space to keep you motivated.

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All our cleaning and decluttering services are deductible intax credit.

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