rat control price

Prix dératisation en 2024

What is the price of rat control in 2024?

No one knows how many rats there are in France in 2024, with estimates ranging from10 million to 120 million. And theprice of rodent control when you have rodents in your home.

These two figures are alarming and tell us that the probability that increasing number of households encountering rats in their homes is very high.


Rats cause immense damage to homes, gnawing on electrical wires, potentially causing a fire. They will also chew through water pipes, often creating leaks.

If they enter your home, they will eat and contaminate food, and they will also transmit serious diseases and parasites.

No one wants rats in their house, which is why this guide will tell you what you need to know in the unfortunate event that you discover there is an infestation in your home.

We will look at rat control prices in 2024, thecost of rat control products, as well as the different types of methods for getting rid of rats and their timelines.

Most pest control companies offer a three-step plan, an initial investigation to understand the extent of the problem, appropriate treatment, and a follow-up appointment to verify that the treatment works.

The average price of rodent control in 2024 varies from€125 to €315. The amount you pay will depend on the individual pest control company, the area you live in, and the extent of the rat infestation.

Many rat control companies offer a || |85recherche de nid or a free inspection, but others may charge for this service. The prices for rat control for a search, where companies charge for them, are35 to 45 € per hour.

A search online of“rat control near me” will indicate which pest control companies in your area will handle a rat infestation problem and what They generally charge.

What is the cost of pest control?

Coût du Nettoyage Désinsectisation

Cost of Cleaning and Disinfection Clearance Pest Control

There are many ways to get rid of pests rats without calling on a rat control company. Eliminating the problem yourself can reduce the cost of rat control, but be aware that professional pest control experts will have access to products that you may not be able to purchase as an individual.


Snap traps are the traditional way to get rid of rats in your home or business. A piece of bait is placed on the trap trigger and a metal bar is held under tension. When the bait is eaten, the tension is released and the bar lowers to kill the rat.

These traps are the most economical. Although there are several different types, the principle of these traps remains the same. The average cost of a rat trap is around €10. They can be made of wood, plastic or metal.

Humane traps ensure that the rat is killed instantly and does not suffer. It is a lure and trigger activated by a CO2 cartridge or electricity, which eliminates the rat immediately without undue suffering.

The trap then resets, ready to welcome the next rodent. However, humane death traps are expensive and prices vary between€30 and €135 depending on which one you choose.

Capture cages and release traps the rat live, which can then be taken to a remote area of ​​your property and released. They can be made of plastic or metal and cost between€10 and €30 each.

Rodenticide is the proper name for rat poison. It can be used in pellet or block form and contains toxic chemicals that kill rats over time. Depending on the type, brand and quantity you buy, the price of rodenticide is between7 and 40 €.

What are the costs costs following a rat infestation?

In addition to the prices of rat control products, there are additional costs linked to the fight against a rat infestation. While the obvious costs might be rat traps, poison bait, and the cost of hiring a pest control expert, there are other things to plan for in this type of situation.

Voici quelques-uns des coûts supplémentaires que vous pourriez encourir en raison d’un problème de rongeurs.

Damage to pipes, cables

Rats can enter a home by broken pipes. As they are excellent swimmers, sewage is not an obstacle for them. Riding rats from your home means finding out how they gain access and preventing them from reusing that entry point.

To see what's happening with your pipes, you'll need to call a qualified company and trained in civil engineering.

The cost of this service will vary depending on where you live and the scope of the investigation. A basic search will cost between€95 and €165, while a more in-depth investigation will cost between€170 and €300.

Garden Cleaning

Preventing recurring rat infestations is important, so determining the cause of your rat problem is essential. An overgrown, trash-filled yard is a rat's paradise.


It provides plenty of places to hide and plenty of cover to move around without being seen. Rats don't like being out in the open because they have poor eyesight, so they naturally look for hidden routes between food sources and their nest.

Keeping your garden clean and tidy with cut grass and hedges, you will reduce their hiding places. Removing waste and clutter also reduces the appeal of your garden. The cost of garden clearance varies depending on where you live. However, the average cost of cleaning the garden isfrom 350 to 790 €.

Clean house

In addition to maintain your garden, it is very important to keep your house clean. This will discourage rats from attempting to enter your home, but it should be done in conjunction with other measures. A clean home does not guarantee that the rates will not be affordable, but it does serve as a deterrent.

Deep cleaning your home is a good foundation for continued cleanliness, including in your kitchen and where you store food. Both indoor and outdoor bins should ideally be made of metal and have locking lids. They should also be regularly washed and disinfected with bleach.

The average price for a deep cleaning is between€55 and €90 of the hour, depending on where you live.

Check insulation

Rats are capable of entering homes through any opening. In fact, they can squeeze through a hole just 16mm wide. Once inside, they will climb through hollow walls and can take up residence in your loft. This is a great place to nest and they will rarely be disturbed by human activity.


However, destroying rats in a loft can be extremely expensive. They will chew through electrical cables and water pipes and destroy your insulation.

Not only that, but they defecate and urinate everywhere, producing a very unpleasant smell of strong ammonia. If you discover the presence of rats in your attic, then you will need to consider replacing the insulation in your attic.

Rat and mouse control price

If you want to know how much rat control costs, you need to understand the type of rat control services you are looking for. Some rat and mouse control prices include the search and a follow-up appointment to check that the treatment is working.


Others will charge for a rat search and include two or three follow-up visits. This section only deals with labor costs in the context of rat exterminator prices and does not include any products or devices.

The hourly price of a rat exterminator is between40 and 50 €. An average daily rate is around€150 to €350, but this may be lower or higher depending on where you live in France.

Combien de temps dure une dératisation professionnelle des rats ?



Rat Control

When you realize you have a rat problem, you will want to resolve it immediately. The sooner the infestation is eliminated, the less damage will be to your home or premises and the easier you will sleep at night.

The time it takes to get rid of rats will depend on the skill of your rat exterminator, how quickly it can catch all the rats and why they come into your home.

The most effective rat control should take no more than a week. But because rats reproduce quickly and live in close proximity to each other, pest control companies sometimes have to spend an extra day or two making sure they've caught every last rat.

Une première recherche effectuée par un contrôleur antiparasitaire impliquera d’enquêter sur les preuves d’infestation de rats et leurs points d’accès potentiels et de vérifier vos drains.

The pest controller can also investigate your loft and ask about visible and audible signs of the presence of rats. The duration of this first visit will depend on the size of the property. On average, this will take between 1 and 2 hours.

Once the extent of the rat problem is understood, the rodent controler will discuss potential options, treatments and solutions with you. Some rat-infested properties may benefit from bait and snap traps, others may be better suited to rodenticide, and some guests may prefer a live catch and release method.

Le dératiseur examinera toutes les possibilités et discutera des prix et du résultat attendu.

Once the treatment has been agreed, the rat pest controller will return to carry it out. This will involve placing bait boxes, traps or cages in areas of high rat activity, ensuring they are safe from pets and children.

This part of the process should take no more than 1-2 hours, depending on the extent of the infestation and where the traps, cages or bait boxes are placed.

The treatment will be left in place for an agreed duration. This may take a week or two, or even up to a month. After this time, the rat exterminator will return to assess the effectiveness of the traps, bait boxes or cages.

Rats are neophobic, which means they are afraid of new things. It may therefore take some time for them to get used to the boxes or cages.

The length of this follow-up visit will depend on several factors, including the proven effectiveness of the solution, the restocking bait, removing dead rats or releasing live captures. Typically this can take 1-2 hours.

1 room 30-60 minutes 60-75 minutes 30-60 minutes
2 rooms 45-60 minutes 60-90 minutes 45-60 minutes
3 rooms 60-90 minutes 1-2 hours 60-90 minutes

Pest control formulas

So, how to get rid of pests rats?

What methods are available and which ones should you choose for your home?

There are two ways to kill rats, one with poison and one without. The method you use will be determined by the size of your infestation, your budget and your personal choice. Live capture and release is also a possibility.

Poisoned bait

The first type of extermination uses traps or bait boxes. The bait contains chemicals that will kill rats when ingested. Rats cannot vomit, so the poison cannot be expelled.

However, poison baits are not the best idea if children or pets come into contact with them, as the products chemicals can also be dangerous for them.

Secondary ingestion of the poison must also be taken into account. If a cat or dog eats a rat killed by poison, it may also be affected by the toxin.

This could kill them or at least make them seriously ill. Rats also become resistant to certain poisons, meaning they must use stronger or different chemicals to be effective.

When a rat is poisoned, it does not die immediately. Often, it returns to its nest or elsewhere in your home and dies there. The body will then rot and decompose, releasing a powerful and very noxious odor which persists for weeks.

In hot weather, the decomposing corpse can attract flies which will lay eggs on the body, those -these will then hatch and you will have the secondary problem of a fly infestation.

The cost of using poison bait to kill rats will depend on the size and type, but the costs averages vary between7 and 40€. Labor costs for placing poison baits average€40 to €50 per hour or€150 to €200 per day.


  • Effective
  • Reasonably priced
  • Can be left in place several weeks


  • Danger for animals and children
  • Risk of secondary poisoning
  • No control over place where the rat dies


The second type of rat infestation does not use any toxins. It uses traps or other methods to kill rats. Snap traps operate on a pulled trigger that is loaded with bait.

When the trigger is activated, the trap is triggered and kills the rat. However, they do not always kill instantly and some people consider them inhumane.

Electronic rat traps operate on microelectronic circuit technology. When a rat enters the trap, a lethal high voltage shock is delivered and the rat is killed instantly. The trap can also be emptied without touching the dead rat.

Other traps deliver a deadly, instantaneous squeezing blow to the rat when it enters the trap to eat the bait. These traps run on CO2 gas and automatically reset after use. Up to 20 rats can be eliminated with one CO2 gas cartridge.

The cost of traps varies depending on the type and brand. Snap traps are the cheapest, costing on average between4 and € each. Electronic traps are more expensive, with prices ranging from€30 to €50.

Traps powered by CO2 gas cost around140 to 160 €. The cost of a rat exterminator to install traps is€40 to €50 per hour and on average€150 to €200| ||333 par jour.


  • Basic traps are cheap
  • Most kill instantly
  • No threat to pets or children
  • Can be placed outdoors or indoors


  • Electronic and CO2 versions are dear
  • Considered inhumane by some people

Catch and Release Cages

For people who do not wish to use poison bait or any form of death trap, catch and release cages are an alternative appropriate.

Live captures may be released in an area away from where humans and domestic animals are found, such as scrubland or forest. Rats do not like new environments and if released within half a kilometer of their original home, they will return.

Non-poisoned bait is used to attract the rat in the cage. A pressure pad on the trap is activated when the rat enters, and it is caught but unharmed.

Most live animal catch and release cages have a solid top so the rat cannot not bite or scratch you when you lift the cage. However, you should wear heavy gloves as a precaution.

The cost of eliminating rats using catch and release traps will depend on whether you use them yourself or in the part of a professional pest control service.

Cages or traps cost between€10 and €30, some capable of catching several rats at once. If you hire a rat exterminator to install the live trap cages, the cost will be approximately€40 to €50 per hour or between 150 and 200 € per day.


  • No use of poisons
  • Human
  • Le rat est indemne


  • Must be checked frequently
  • The rat should be transported to a safe distance and released


Q: What does a rat exterminator do?

A: A rat exterminator is responsible for controlling, preventing and eliminating rats from your home or business premises.

The first step in getting rid of rats should be to prevent them from entering your home. Rat control is usually about prevention rather than pest control.

If you already have an infestation and want to get rid of rats, professional rat control is necessary. A simple internet search for “rat or mouse pest control near me” will give you plenty of information on hiring a pest control specialist in your area.

Q: How do I know if Are there rats in my house?

A: There are several signs of a rat infestation, but they can be confused with other pests like mice or bats. One way to tell if you have rats is to look for droppings, chew marks and evidence of destruction.

Other signs are shredded materials used for nesting and a strong smell of rats. ammonia. Grease marks on rat fur along your baseboards are also an indication of the presence of rats in your home.

Q: Which rodent control methods are most effective?

R : Les dératiseurs utilisent des appâts, des pièges et des poisons pour éradiquer les rats. Certaines de ces méthodes sont plus efficaces que d’autres. Les poisons pour rats peuvent tuer les rats en aussi peu que 48 heures.

Rat traps allow you to kill multiple rats at once and then safely dispose of them. Traps are generally safer than poisons, but take longer to kill rats since they must be removed from the site for disposal.

Q: How can I prevent a rat infestation?

A: Prevention is better than cure. So there are steps you can take to prevent rats from invading your home. Declutter and clean your house is cluttered and dirty. Keep outdoor areas clear of trash, do not throw food waste into a compost pile or open trash cans, and use metal trash cans with locking lids.

Block all access points, such as around the pipes. Inside the house, store foods like cereal in containers, preferably glass. Do not leave food lying around on the counters and empty the bins regularly.

Do not leave your pets’ kibble near a window or door. They are attracted to the food of cats and dogs.

Q: Do rats smell bad?

A: Rats do not sweat like humans, so they release their body odor and pheromones in their urine, feces and even breath. They will urinate to mark their territory, which gives off a very strong ammonia smell.

Rats that have been poisoned and then die under the floor or in the walls will decompose and rot. This is a very unpleasant and distinctive odor that takes several weeks to dissipate.


Contact us to get rid of rats or mouse, our teams are trained and certified certibiocide. We also offer you a major cleaning following a rodent infestation.


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