Inheritance Clearance Company in Vendée

You don't understand anything anymore! Some people talk about free clearance, others say that clearing out a home is Is there a fee, who really clears away second-hand dealers and antique dealers? Associations like Emmaüs, Secour Populaire? The neighbors offer to do it for free, how can I do it? Are there anyestate clearance companies? How to avoid clearance scams? what is the right solution for clearing out a home? The evaluation of objects, furniture, household appliances in an estate clearance.

What is the right solution for clearing out a Vendée home? 

The first step consists of evaluating the objects, furniture, tools, household appliances, etc. located inside the home, without forgetting the garage, exteriors and other outbuildings, such as attics and cellars its places where older generations stored trinkets and other old toys, old-fashioned clocks etc.! 

Cellars and attics sometimes reveal very old and very rare objects, which can be very, very expensive on the antique market, which is why a (free) inheritance clearance is not necessarily the best solution for heirs following an inheritance! We sometimes come across old Louis Viton trunks which sell for between 1500 and 3000€, ultimately a discovery well above the price of the clearance itself!

Some people sometimes illegally dispose of houses suitedeath (succession), to make great finds in the cellars and attics of your ancestors.


Estate clearance – The assessment of recoverable values ​​by our company in Vendée.

Our company proceeds as follows during an estate clearancedébarras de succession
Following a request for a quote from you by email or telephone, we come to the premises to be cleared and carry out a free estimate of the objects, furniture, etc., resalable/recoverable in complete transparency, for direct purchase , if your choice is to sell, or deduction of the full clearance cost. 

Invaluable objects because they are invisible before the clearing

Invaluable objects because they are invisible before the clearing, with regard to the invisible part of the iceberg, the valuable objects found during the clearing clearing (which happens very frequently) of your home in succession, these are returned to you and valued after discovery, unless the family prefers to keep them or resell them by other meansThe State of health of the inheritance home (following death) is taken into account, 5 to 10% of inheritance clearances are carried out in unsanitary houses or apartments. The deceased suffered fromDiogenes syndrome orsyllogomania, a degenerative brain disease that changes the behavior of people. Diogenes syndrome is characterized by neglected or even unsanitary living conditions. This syndrome is also known assyllogomania and compulsive hoarding.

In cases of compulsive hoarding call (BIG CLEANING) we intervene, clear out and disinfect the so-called unsanitary accommodation. Find out more aboutcleaning an unsanitary apartment house. Sorting of belongings, packing and research of the following personal documents requires heirs, the notary or agent, during an estate clearance.

Inheritance clearance Sorting of belongings with our company.

With a company like ours the advantage during a estate clearance inheritance, is that we undertake to hand over to the heirs, notary or agent, the findings during the sorting of belongings, this can be money, sometimes large sums of cash or even boxes of jewelry etc…

You are perhaps beginning to understand why some people offer to clear out your house for free in succession? Inheritance clearance and outbuildings linked to housing, cellars, attics but also barns full of wood and other bulky items. When clearing an estate there is sometimes a pile-up of several generations, to clear it we sometimes need considerable human resources, in clearing access is very limited and only humans can access it

En conclusion une entreprise comme la nôtre lors d’un débarras de maison en succession vous garantit: une transparence sur le rachat de vos objets meubles anciens, de vous remettre votre butin en cas de trouvaille, un débarras rapide et surtout intégral, la possibilité de payer après vente du bien par votre notaire, sans oublier les options nettoyage et transport rapatriement de vos meubles ou autres sur toute la France. 

But nothing prevents you from going through a second-hand dealer who makes a living thanks to your lack of knowledge of old objects, then through an association which will only recover the merchandise in good condition to resell it, and then call on a undeclared salvager or multi-service self-employed company (specialist in clearance but also in plumbing, pruning, mechanics, etc.) which carries out clearance for you deprived of a great find.

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