Cleaning company after a death Tarn – Albi

Thecleaning company after adeath is no ordinary cleaning. It requires very specific know-how and perfect knowledge of decontamination and disinfection productsdisinfection.

Our companyGRAND CLEANING is able to intervene quickly and in all difficult situations following the death of a loved one, whether natural death, accidental death, suicide, homicide, death dating back several days or weeks.

Because being confronted with asuicideahomicide or a accident of life or adeath natural is undoubtedly one of the most | ||91traumatisantes for those who remain.

Our cleaning technicians are qualified to clean up a death scene. They follow a strict protocol and are equipped with individual and collective protective clothing.

We assure you discretion, help and listening in these painful moments.
You can be assured of our work with complete confidence.

The company ofdeath cleaningrequires theuseofdecontaminantanddisinfection specific products. They can cause, if the conditions of use are not respected,intoxication and burn for the user .

Other risks are infectious in nature. It is essential to be equipped with protective clothing to enter the scene of a death.

You want to clean a scene of death with special circumstances.  Our experts in cleaning afterdeath are at your serviceservice.

Specialists in cleaning after a death.

The company of cleaning after a death || |145ge après un décès nécessite l’intervention de professionnels qualifiés. Les techniciens de l’entreprise GREAT CLEANING  are specialists in cleaning after death.

Theynettoient and disinfect whatever is insurmountable to you, and restore soiled places after a suicide| ||156, un crime, aaccident of life or amort naturelle.

Our intervention is multiple and can consist of several targeted actions:
  • Protection of the death scene and security|| |173
  • Décontamination des lieux (insecticides, virucides, fongicides et bactéricides )
  • Remove furniture and various objects soiled by the death scene
  • Remove soiled clothing or linen remained near the remains
  • Thorough cleaning of stains of all kinds
  • Disinfestation using smoke or specific products
  • Cleaning anddisinfection| ||185 intégrale des pièces du logement touchés par le décès
  • Cleaning anddisinfection from floor to ceiling
  • Destruction of foul odors and complete deodorization of places
  • Protection and incineration of waste with an infectious risk
We eliminate and remove death scenes:
  • Blood.
  • Traces of bodily fluids.
  • Infectious materials.
  • Foul odors.
  • Residue left after police operations.
  • Dactyloscopic powder for fingerprints.
  • Tear gas.
  • Pepper spray.

GREAT CLEANING | ||226pouvons emergency intervention24/7: day or night, weekend or public holidays
We work discreetly with respect and efficiency.
We operate everywhere in France.

The discovery of a lifeless body can be psychologically violent, but you will have to find the strength to regain your senses and your reflexes, and act quickly.
You need:
– Firstly, it is necessary to call a doctor and/or the competent authorities (police or gendarmerie), to confirm the death of the person, and to know the cause of death.
– It is then essential to close the accommodation (windows and doors), contact the funeral directors (after establishing a natural death, otherwise the firefighters will take care of the transport for a possible autopsy).
– The last step is to contact the cleaning company Grande Nettoyage for a complete and meticulous cleaning.

GRAND NETTOYAGE is a death cleaning company Alpes-maritimes – Nice

Cleaning the accommodation after removing a corpse can have aggravating psychological consequences.

– Psychological risks: It is not recommended to stay on the premises for a very long time: the blood, the odors and the liquid from decomposition can have serious psychological consequences.

– Health risks: Trying to clean up yourself also puts you at risk of health risks and exposes you to pathogenic organisms ( viruses, bacteria, germs, fungi, mold…etc.)

Calling on Grande Nettoyage means ensuring that you delegate this task to professionals with the know-how to act with attention and while having discretion towards the family.

GRAND NETTOYAGE is a Cleaning Company after death Alpes-maritimes – Nice

the most important, A few minutes later death, reactions called autolysis (fermentative transformations) occur.

This gives off specific odors which are not perceptible to humans. Attracting the first insects and which will lay their eggs in natural orifices.

The appearance of the larvae can take place within a quarter of an hour.
First of all, rigor mortis begins between 30 minutes and 2 hours after death.

Over time, the deterioration of the body (putrefaction) therefore results in the release of odors.|| |276
En conséquence la putréfaction est due au développement des bactéries et champignons dans le corps, au fur et à mesure que la décomposition progresse, et enfin les réactions d’autolyse changent et les odeurs.

GRAND NETTOYAGE is a Company of Cleaning after death Alpes-maritimes – Nice

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