Unsanitary cleaning company in Isère


Unsanitary housing cleaning in Isère

Unsanitary risk: Our société de unsanitary cleaning in Isère advice to equip yourself with PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and above all not to come into direct contact with mold or other dirty liquid.

Cleaning of house, apartment, unsanitary or dirty or very dirty, cluttered, indecent or in a state of manifest unsanitary condition (after disaster-afterdeath|| |65-déchets), les odeurs sont présentes, les insectes telles que les mouches, larves, puces, peuvent être aussi dans le lieu c’est pour cela que nous traitons en désinsectisation pour éliminer tous rampants ou volants. Humidité ou moisissure occupant ou propriétaire

The intervention of “house cleaning” or “apartment”, all surfaces such as walls, ceilings and furniture, return to their initial clean and disinfected state .

From then on our intervention day or night the room of the accommodation is decluttered, cleaned, disinfected and returned to its initial state such as a piece of furniture, a frame, a trinket or even objects in their place original, thanks to the photos. Then we erase all visible traces so that the close or less close family is not confronted with the visual side. In the case of an unsanitary kitchen, bathroom, living room or bedroom, all its contents are cleaned and disinfected.

Please note:

Owners or tenants hygiene rules are identical:

Remediable unsanitary conditions: appropriate measures to remedy unsanitary conditions with deadlines for carrying out the work, may also be to impose a temporary ban on living or use the premises.

Irremediable unsanitary conditions: impossibility of remedying the unsanitary conditions with a definitive ban on living or using the premises.

The establishment of a adapted vehicle or dumpster is necessary in the event of total evacuation, a sorting is carried out to search for documents, valuables or other items delivered by hand immediately.

We are continuing to sort administrative documents, advertising, or other, then they are put in cardboard and plastic bag. In the case of removal, furniture can be dismantled, evacuated, bedding, sofa, wardrobe, so we move from unsanitary housing to thoroughly cleaned, clean and healthy housing.]

Some people want to do the unsanitary cleaning themselves.

A lot of work and organization is planned, various rooms in the home may be indecent or unsanitary on a mound of business that may touch the ceiling. Business or trash, dirt or waste is disinfected, deodorized, disinected manually and mechanically with appropriate fungicide, virucide and bactericide products.  

Any unsanitary place is not indecent with the accumulation of mold, deterioration of the supports, making it “called unsanitary”.

Waste or traces of a habitable environment and harmful to our health and therefore precautions are required when entering unsanitary accommodation.

Services against unsanitary conditions

  • Clearance and storage of various objects or personal belongings
  • Carding up of various documents that could be found anywhere| ||102
  • Désinsectisation en cas de présence d’insectes
  • Destruction of odors

How does unsanitary home insurance work?

Cleaning house or unsanitary apartment, insurance companies are reluctant to initiate reimbursements for cleaning and disinfection, which is why we help you set up a file at the end of the intervention for possible damage.DASRI clearance

First remove the waste soiled with bodily fluid (example: bed, sofa, trinket) then the DASRI packaging of the specific bags.

Services urgent après le sang

In view of the prevention objectives to be achieved, we carry out sorting and evacuation of infectious or non-infectious waste in Dasri.

In accordance with death in unsanitary conditions

Les déchets de soins sont stockés dans un local conformément à l’ « arrêté du 7 septembre 1999 relatif au contrôle des filières d’élimination des déchets d’activités de soins à risques infectieux et assimilés et des pièces anatomiques ».

Before the intervention of unsanitary housing after death

In the event of a violent death discovered in a professional place, first make the place airtight, turn off the heating, close the window and door.

Disinfection of an unsanitary place in Isèse

Carry out adisinfection by fumigation after the unsanitary condition or indecency followingdeath, requires a lot of courage as well as thorough cleaning, degreasing andstripping.

Disinfection of dirty surfaces in apartment, house, squat

Disinfection of contaminated surfaces which could be dangerous to you or a third person in contact with blood, bodily fluids, for example: staphylococcus, hepatitis C, viral hemorrhagic fevers.

Person living in unsanitary conditions

Theservices|| |146 remet en état d’origine toutes les surfaces suite au défunt surtout si l’on constate le lieu sale recouvert de salissures importantes ou de divers déchets poubelles.

Death in unsanitary housing in Isére

Thecleaning companyviolent death occurs after the lifting of the seals which is whyour services contact the police.

Unsanitary items before disinfection

Clearance applies beforedésinfection of surfaces, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, hallway, attic, cellar but also on furniture, frames and trinkets from floor to ceiling.

Precaution of homes or unsanitary apartments

When entering and leaving the home following the most significant health risks, violent deaths in unsanitary conditions discovered in decomposition.

The police advise you not to enter unsanitary places

The first reason being the psychological side, under the shock of the loss of a loved one, you cannot, in addition, visualize a traumatic scene, the second reason being the health side.| ||170


Person who wishes to enter the home after death, the odor is overwhelming and nauseating, blood or bodily fluids can lead to an infestation of insects in the home.

Discretion of homes

No information is communicated to the media, no commercial sign is disclosed!

Speed ​​of intervention

Nous réagissons rapidement pour le débarras de personne décédée au domicile ou diogène, locaux, commerces et véhicule à travers toute la France de jour comme de nuit.

But most often it is the result of cleaning

From floor to ceiling we tidy up to make the accommodation clean and disinfect by treating all odors: dirt, droppings, urine, fermented food, blood. We disinfect, deodorize and disinsect by fumigation.

The result of acleaning service| ||226 qui jette toutes les traces ou taches à la poubelles, présentation des services et price of unsanitary accommodation of in-depth work, cleaning, disinfection of dirty surfaces in the house or apartment in Lyon, Nice, Marseille and all cities in France. Waste soiled with blood or after the decomposition of human tissues, DASRI collection remains obligatory for the company ofcleaning after death which respects a day and night protocol in all cities in France.

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Tax reduction
certification biocide

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