Cleaning company Diogenes-Bernot syndrome

Very often, two behavioral disorders are confused in the common intellect, when we ask people about it. These two disorders are none other thanDiogenes syndrome andsyllogomania. These two behavioral disorders require, in the homes of the affected people,deep cleaning to repair all the damage done.

How consists precisely of Diogenes syndrome? Syllogomania? What cleaning solutions are suitable following this damage in the homes of people suffering from these behavioral disorders which, unfortunately, affect many people today? All the answers to these questions in the lines and paragraphs that follow.

Diogenes syndrome is therefore a behavioral disorder that is identified as a person's continuous neglect of their personal hygiene and the cleanliness of their living space (house, apartment, etc.). The person affected by this disorder therefore pays no attention to their own hygiene and that of their current living space. This syndrome is also characterized by a tendency to completely irrational accumulation of objects, and also a denial of reality which can lead to pronounced social isolation.

Health professionals who are responsible the task of identifying this disorder in their patient can only achieve this end after an observation of the living space of the patient in question. Please note, however, that people with Diogenes syndrome are not necessarily confined to their homes, permanently locked up. These may very well be people who work, intelligent and cunning people, but who once at home, sink into this behavioral disorder.

Syllogomania is distinguished from Diogenes syndrome in several points, but unfortunately, the mistake is often made of confusing these two behavioral disorders. Syllogomania, which can also be called “collecting”, is characterized by a desire of the affected individual to excessively or even compulsively accumulate numerous objects, without having to use them afterwards. The syllogomaniac (person affected by syllogomania) therefore comes to live in a cluttered environment to the point of seeing his movements being limited. For many specialists, Diogenes syndrome would therefore be a very particular case of syllogomania.

Whatever the disorder that affects an individual, whether it is Diogenes syndrome or syllogomania, the risks to one's health must be taken seriously into account. The living conditions of those affected can even be so harmful that they can lead to death. For the neighborhood of the affected person, this can also be disturbing in the long term, hence the need for people close to them and who have noticed this to notify the authorities as quickly as possible in order to avoid all potential risks.

It is truly the lack of hygiene which promotes the development of pathogenic organisms (bacteria, mold, fungi, germs, etc.), organisms which can cause allergies or even poisoning. And in parallel with the development of these pathogenic organisms, it is the risk of seeing animals proliferate (mice, rats) which must be taken seriously. These animals can die on site and their corpses can cause even more serious dangers.

Cleaning the home of a person affected by one of these behavioral disorders is therefore a tedious task. This cleaning involves several stages: sorting phase, getting rid of bulky and unnecessary objects, restoring the accommodation, disinfection and deep cleaning. Obviously, it is essential to use a company specializing in this type of task to obtain an effective result and restore good condition to housing made unsanitary by a person suffering from one of the behavioral disorders mentioned above.| ||113

Un protocole bien précis

The four steps to carry out when cleaning a damaged apartment following the actions of a person affected by Diogenes syndrome or by syllogomania are as follows:

1 – La phase de tri : l’ensemble des papiers officiels et importants sont triés et conservés. Cette phase peut prendre beaucoup de temps étant donné que les personnes atteintes par ces troubles du comportement n’ont pas conscience de l’importance de certains papiers et ont tendance à entasser des détritus et des objets inutiles sur ces papiers officiels.

2 – Getting rid of bulky and useless objects: As said previously, the accumulation of useless objects is one of the symptoms most often encountered in a person affected by these behavioral disorders. It may therefore be necessary, depending on the quantity in cubic meters, to use a dump truck to get rid of all unnecessary objects. It is essential, in advance, to request authorization from the town hall or prefecture closest to the person's place of residence, in accordance with the law.

3 – The restoration of housing: This The third step is the one that requires the greatest use of special machines. For this step, it may be necessary to use a single brush, an injector-extractor, a water vacuum cleaner and many other machines allowing deep cleaning of a damaged space.

4 – The disinfection and cleaning of the accommodation: This last step concerns more particularly cleaning using specific products. Several certifications may be necessary (Certifytho, or the Individual Biocide Certificate issued by the Government). Not all companies can boast of having these certificates, so take the time to check whether the company you wish to use has these specific certificates.

Cleaning and disinfection requires therefore a certain expertise. It may even be necessary to use special equipment to deal with decomposing trash or excrement. The damage is often significant and it is essential to use recognized and qualified professionals.

To find out more, do not hesitate to contact us. We will take care of communicating your request as soon as possible. 

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