Cleaning company Diogenes syndrome in Maine-et-Loire – Angers


Diogenes syndrome suffering 

Nettoyage syndrome de Diogène par grand-nettoyage.frWe all have personalities different and each of us reacts differently to stress. Some of us lash out right away, while others hold it in until it begins to manifest outward. 

Patients withDiogenes syndrome often fall into this last category and their accumulation situation can be one of the most serious. Stress finds a place in each of our lives, but when it affects us as severely as people with Diogenes syndrome, turning a new leaf can seem impossible. Many people don't know how to start helping and, when they try, often end up bothering the victim even more. Thecleaning of theDiogenes Syndrome Maine-et-Loire by an efficient and discreet team could be the solution.

Characteristics main Diogenes Syndrome

The disorder is most common in people of high intelligence in middle age or beyond. These individuals responded to stressful situations by distrusting others, which led them to enter a state of extreme neglect, isolation, and discouragement. Because they lack the decision-making skills and sense of purpose to make maintaining their home possible, they tend to accumulate trash without any organization, and their living space becomes a sea waste,conduits à entrer dans un état de négligence extrême, d’isolement et de découragement. Parce qu’ils n’ont pas les compétences en matière de prise de décision et le sens du but pour rendre possible l’entretien de leur maison, ils ont tendance à accumuler les ordures sans aucune organisation, et leur espace de vie devient une mer de déchets, cockroaches and rot. 


The lack of organization within their homes can cause more than just physical destruction, however. The mental effects associated with Diogenes syndrome are even more serious. Because sufferers have cut themselves off socially, finding a way to helpmaybe extremely difficult. By the time others realize the extent of the damage caused, they have often fallen into catatonia – that is, a complete dissociation from their environment – ​​and are on the verge of depression. Dealing with Diogenes' victims requires tact and knowledge as well as time and patience. 

Our solution for hoarding sufferers

Notre approche envers les patients Diogène incarne toutes nos valeurs fondamentales, mais nous prenons des précautions particulières avec ce type d’accumulateur car leur situation est si délicate. Avant de commencer à nettoyer, il est essentiel que nous gagnions d’abord leur confiance, qui est souvent la partie la plus difficile de ces cas en raison de la nature naturellement suspecte du patient. Au lieu de les submerger de faits et de logique, nous essayons d’abord de les sensibiliser aux individus afin que nous puissions faire des progrès lents, mais réguliers. Une fois que nous les avons convaincus que nous sommes là pour les aider, nous pouvons commencer le processus de nettoyage et de réorganisation de leur maison. Ces mesures, combinées à des soins mentaux appropriés, donnent au malade Diogène un meilleur espoir de guérison. Nous faisons plus que simplement donner un coup de main ; we show them how to help themselves. 

Facing deportation? 

Need to clean up Diogene Maine-et-Loire Syndrome as quickly as possible? 

We provide emergency services 


Call us|| |102 aujourd’hui pour une consultation gratuite 

Service discreet 

Your privacy is important to us 

Find out how we work 

The Grand Team Cleaning is trained to handle each situation with compassion and the greatest sensitivity. We are here to restore your life, not take it away from you. 

We never make a decision about any of your possessions without first asking permission. We remain aware of the client's wishes every step of the way.  

When we are finished, you will be confident enough to open your home to guests – perhaps for the first time in years – and the feeling of relief will be liberating. Let us ease your fears by helping you see beyond the initial shock. You've already overcome the first and biggest obstacle by deciding to ask forhelp; the rest we'll take it from here. 


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