Diogenes Syndrome cleaning company in Vaucluse – Avignon

Your Best Cleaning Company in Vaucluse-Avignon.

Our Intervention and cleaning in a case of | ||57syndrome de Diogène in Vaucluse
Very often, people confuse Diogenes syndrome andsyllogomania. These two disorders
behavior require extreme, deep cleaning to repair ALL damage
perpetrated over time.

You may be wondering, what are Diogenes syndrome?

You may also be wondering, what are Diogenes syndrome cleaning solutions? in Vaucluse who can repair damage to their homes?

Don't move, we answer all your questions below!
Diogenes Syndrome is characterized by:
– Neglect of personal hygiene as well as one’s living space.
– The completely irrational accumulation of objects
– A significant denial of reality which unfortunately leads to social isolation.
And yet, people with Diogenes syndrome are quite intelligent people
and cunning, who have a stable work situation, but who once home, sink into this catane
behavioral disorder!
As for Syllogomania…
Syllogomania, also called “collecting”, is distinguished from Diogenes syndrome.
It is characterized by:
– A desire to excessively or even compulsively accumulate HUGE objects without profit
you might as well use them afterwards...You know a lot of people like that, eh? Yes there are
a lot in this case!
Consequently, the syllogomaniac finds himself living cluttered on all sides, even if it means not being able to
move around the house freely!
For many specialists, Diogenes syndrome would therefore be a very special case of

Significant health risks

That a person is affected by the syndrome
Diogenes or syllogomania, their health is at stake, and to be taken very very seriously, because it can go
to the point of causing death! It’s not to be taken lightly and say “oh it will pass”. It's better
prevention rather than cure…
It is therefore a question of life or death, that relatives inform the authorities to avoid all risks
The considerable lack of hygiene attracts pathogens such as germs, fungi,
mold, bacteria... Well, everything we hate!
In addition, as if this were not enough, the development of these pathogenic organisms leads to
allergies and even poisoning..The worst happens when animals start acting out
appearance in places (mice, rats). These animals can die on the spot and there is no need to
say it’s a disaster…
Just imagine the foul smells there can be...The house is so cluttered that it's beautiful
search but the corpses cannot be found for a very long time because they are hidden
in the pile of immense clutter.

A cleaning of the EXTREME Diogenes Vaucluse syndrome is necessary.

Cleaning the home of the person affected by one of these disorders of the behavior is done by
from top to bottom as quickly as possible
It is done in several stages, namely:
1. The sorting phase: All official and important papers are sorted and preserved. This phase
takes time and attention since people affected by these disorders no longer have
aware of the importance of these documents and tend to pile them up with useless rubbish on
these official papers.
2. Getting rid of bulky and useless objects: As said previously, accumulation is a
of the most common symptoms in people affected by these disorders. We take care
to bring a dump truck to get rid of all unnecessary objects. In accordance with the
law, it is imperative to request authorization from the town hall closest to the place of residence of the
3. Refurbishing the home: This step is the one we like the most! This is the step that will
restore your house and get it back on its feet! We use special machines like a
single-brush, an injector-extractor, a water vacuum cleaner to thoroughly clean the damaged space.
4. Disinfection and cleaning of the accommodation: This last step is done using products
specific. Several certifications such as Certifytho, or Individual Biocide Certificate issued
by the Government) are necessary to carry out its work. We are qualified and have
all arrangements to come to your rescue. We know how bad the damage can be
important and you can trust us with your eyes closed, we take care of everything in one
If you want to take the plunge, don't hesitate any longer and contact our team which operates throughout the Vaucluse region. We will respond to you within
as soon as possible.

Prices for a cleaning of Diogenes syndrome Vaucluse

Theprices for a cleaning and clearance of waste and all soiled elements for a studio is from 980€

Theprice of washing walls and ceilings of a studio is from 780€

Some examples of before/after cleaning a person with Diogenes syndrome

We can help you, contact us 👇| ||155

Tax reduction
certification biocide

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