Cleaning company Diogenes syndrome in Loiret – Orléans- Montargis

Diogenes syndrome affects one of your loved ones

You have a loved one or an elderly parent whose living conditions seem to be deteriorating? And you needcleaning Diogenes syndrome Loiret.

Have you encountered mountains of clutter when you enter in their living space?

Does your loved one seem to neglect their own well-being?

If this is the case, your loved one may be suffering from Diogenes, also known as senile destitution syndrome.
In cases of Diogenes syndrome, it is usually up to the children or relatives of those affected to identify the first signs and seek care for those affected by the syndrome. Below are some tips to combat this condition.

What is Diogenes Syndrome?

Diogenes Syndrome is a condition that mainly affects those affected by emotional shock or aging people at the end of life. Although the exact causes of the condition are not entirely known, hoarders  usually have experienced high levels of stress or trauma before its onset.
Diogenes is characterized by several symptoms:

  • hoarding.Older people suffering from Diogenes tend to hoard a lot. Often, those affected will simply pick up trash and leave it to pile up around the house. However, some victims have been shown to extensively organize their stored materials.
  • Self-neglect.Affected hoarders tend to stop taking care of themselves and their accommodation. Self-neglect can be seen in poor hygiene, torn clothing, untreated wounds or malnutrition, while domestic neglect can be seen in dirty dishes, dirty furniture, accumulation of dust and dirt. mold.
  • Social withdrawal.People with Diogenes syndrome typically become reclusive, cutting off social connections with friends and loved ones.
  • Refusal to accept help. One of the most troubling aspects of this syndrome is that victims tend to be in total denial and will often reject any attempts at help. They can also be very suspicious of doctors, caregivers and other outside figures.

How to respond to Diogenes syndrome?

There is – unfortunately – no cure known for Diogenes, and the disease is notoriously difficult to manage. Because affected older adults typically reject help, it can be extremely difficult to manage their disorder and living conditions. These problems can be further compounded by dementia or other mental/behavioral disorders, which often coincide with Diogenes syndrome.
When responding to a case of Diogenes, here are some guidelines and tips you should keep in mind:

  • Always ask first whether or not the treatment will improve well-being and enjoyment of life of the person. As painful as it may be, sometimes the best solution with Diogenes is to let the person be, as the treatment may be too stressful for them or impossible without their consent.
  • Consider taking responsibility (or hire someone to take on) basic tasks that the person might neglect, such as meal delivery or regular cleaning.
  • If you choose to take steps to reduce the clutter in their home, make sure you take the right approach. Plan your cleaning strategy in advance, ask for help, and try to accomplish as much as possible in one trip. Be prepared for the clutter to reappear within weeks or months.
  • Diogenes usually makes social interaction with strangers stressful, so try to reduce the number of people your loved one has to interact with and limit unknown visitors to one at any time.

How much does Diogenes syndrome cleaning cost in the Loiret?

The cost in the Loiret region of cleaning following clutter in your home is carefully studied by us. Thanks to the photos and the description of what has been accumulated we offer you therates and the work to be carried out. To give you an example of a price, clearing out and cleaning a studio cluttered with waste spread out on the floor starts at €990. This price includes rubbish removal and deep cleaning. The price of a deep cleaning and clearance of books and magazines from a 50m2 apartment starts at €1,350.


Cleaning following Diogenes syndrome Is it deductible tax credit?

At grand cleaning in the Loiret region you can benefit from50% of the tax credit for cleaning service. We are approved personal services, with our approval number you will only pay 50% of your bill.

If you suspect that a loved one is suffering from Diogenes, you can also discuss your options with someone more familiar with the disease. Consider contacting a doctor or aged care specialist to discuss your options in more detail.
If you would like to know more about how we can clean and clear a home and help your loved ones,contact us 0695133111
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