Syllogomania syndrome cleaning company in Meurthe-et-moselle – Nancy

Very oftensyllogomania is confused with another behavioral disorder:Diogenes syndrome. In reality, these are two different behavioral disorders. Patients suffering fromDiogenes syndrome certainly have a pathological accumulation behavior but several factors are added: physical hygiene often neglected, strong social isolation and indifference total response to their living conditions. This is not the case for syllogomaniacs, whose collectingism is closer to OCD. People suffering fromDiogenes syndrome then appear rather as a specific subgroup of patients who have syllogomaniac behavior.

Syllogomania is characterized by certain symptoms specific to this pathology. Little known, this psychological disorder consists of accumulating objects, without actually using them. People in this situation tend not to be able to part with these accumulated objects. Syllogomania thus presents different symptoms that we can quickly recognize:

  • The accumulation of objects, useless, worthless.
  • The need to keep these objects.
  • The impossibility of sorting.
  • Disorders present for at least six months.
  • No mental illness detected.
  • Suffering is linked to the possible separation of these objects.
  • The objects end up completely invading the living space, compromising hygiene.
  • This accumulation endangers the life of the person concerned (fires, pests, etc.).

Syllogomania is distinguished fromDiogenes syndrome in several points, but unfortunately, the error is often committed to confusing these two behavioral disorders. Syllogomania, which can also be called “collecting”, is characterized by a desire of the affected individual to excessively or even compulsively accumulate numerous objects, without having to use them afterwards. The syllogomaniac (person affected by syllogomania) therefore comes to live in a cluttered environment to the point of seeing his movements being limited. For many specialists, Diogenes syndrome would therefore be a very particular case of syllogomania.

The answer cannot be truly precise. Indeed, the causes of this pathology still remain unknown, but certain hypotheses have been established. Generally,syllogomania can appear after the loss of a loved one. This loss can be adeath, but also a divorce, a disappointment in love, etc. This loss will then create an emotional lack in the life of the person in question. The latter will then try to fill this emotional deficiency by accumulating objects in her living space. When all these objects are present, this will reassure the person suffering from syllogomania. Ultimately, they seek to fill this lack with objects, while isolating themselves from the rest of the world. This is a paradoxical case.

Secondly,syllogomania can be a consequence ofDiogenes syndrome. Indeed, patients suffering from this disease tend to neglect their living conditions. They will then lock themselves in their bubble, at their home, and live in completely unsanitary conditions.Diogenes syndrome is an extremely advanced syllogomania. Many patients frequently put their lives in danger by suffering fromDiogenes syndrome.

The consequences of syllogomania can be diverse. First of all, syllogomania brings serious socio-family consequences. The person suffering from this illness will tend to isolate themselves from others. Either out of shame or fear of the judgment of others, the individual will then withdraw into himself and become completely solitary. People with syllogomania will not only isolate themselves from their family environment, but also from their professional environment. It is not uncommon to see patients who have lost their jobs due to this disease. Ultimately, this psychological disorder isolates you from the outside world.

Secondly,syllogomania involves serious material consequences. Indeed, fires can frequently occur due to lack of maintenance of household appliances. Unsanitary housing brings its share of pests, as well as strange odors. Finally,syllogomania has serious psychological consequences. Depression can appear when the individual becomes aware of their way of living and the unsanitary conditions that surround them. A feeling of shame can then invade the individual, who will not dare to talk about it to a competent person who can help them. This depression can then persist and worsen, without ever being treated. Following this, the depression can be caught in time and the person can then benefit from hospitalization, but in some cases it is much too late.

Wilding is a real illness, which should not be taken lightly. The consequences can be serious on different aspects.

Do you need the help of a professional for cleaning a home inhabited by a syllogomaniac person?

The treatment of Syllogomania will vary depending on the cause. The person's request for care is often made by a relative or friend because the person in question is either in total denial or totally ashamed. The first thing to do is to consult a general practitioner or possibly a psychiatrist, depending on what the person prefers. Home visits can be arranged to see the extent of the damage. An appropriate treatment will then be prescribed depending on the progression of the disease.

If the cause of syllogomania isDiogenes syndrome, treatment will be carried out directly in the psychiatric unit. If syllogomania does not arise from this pathology,it is possible to avoid hospitalization, depending on the person's condition.

Tout d’abord, il est nécessaire que l’individu prenne conscience de son handicap, ainsi que de son comportement au quotidien. L’individu en question doit avoir envie de changer car si ce n’est pas le cas, la thérapie sera un véritable échec. Une psychothérapie peut ensuite être mise en place. Elle aura alors pour but de redonner confiance en soi à l’individu concerné et lui réapprendre à vivre normalement, tout en se débarrassant de ses troubles comportementaux. Pour finir, medical treatment can also be implemented including antidepressants, particularly when this syllogomania is a consequence of mild depression, which can be treated with a medical treatment.

To conclude,syllogomania is a real illness that should not be taken lightly. There are many isolated cases in Meurthe-et-Moselle – Nancy, who do not dare to admit that they really need help.

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