Syllogomania difference with Diogenes syndrome

Diogenes syndrome or Syllogomania syndrome?

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If you have ever heard of the terms “syllogomania syndromesyllogomanie” or “Diogenes syndrome”, you may be wondering -be what they mean and how they are related Diogenes Syndrome Syllogomania Syndrome. Syllogomania is a pathological urge to collect objects, whileDiogenes syndrome is a condition characterized by extreme hoarding. Although these two conditions are related, there are important differences between them. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at these two syndromes and explore the differences between them. We will also discuss the treatments available for each of them. So, if you are curious about syllogomania and Diogenes syndrome, continue reading!

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Le syndrome de diogène

Diogenes syndrome is a mental disorder characterized by a tendency toward social isolation and poor personal hygiene. People with this disease often live in poverty and crowding. Diogenes syndrome is named after the Greek philosopher Diogenes of Sinope, who is said to have lived in a barrel.

Three main criteria are used to diagnose someone with Diogenes syndrome. First, the person must demonstrate poor personal hygiene and live in squalid conditions. Secondly, the person must have a tendency towards social isolation and thirdly, they must accumulate objects. People with Diogenes syndrome often have difficulty getting rid of objects, even if they are no longer useful. This condition can lead to serious clutter and dirt in the home.

There is no known cause of Diogenes syndrome. However, it is thought to be linked to mental illness, social isolation and poverty. The disorder is more common in older adults, although it can occur at any age.

Diogenes syndrome has no cure, but there are treatments that can help improve the quality of life of the person. affected person. Our teams can alreadycleaning and organize your home if you suffer from this disorder.

What is syllogomania?|| |81

Comme indiqué dans un précédent article, la syllogomanie est un besoin pathologique de collectionner des objets. Les personnes atteintes de ce trouble accumulent souvent de grandes quantités d’objets, même s’ils ne sont d’aucune utilité. Cet amoncellement peut entraîner un grave surpeuplement de la maison et peut rendre difficile se déplacer.

Three main criteria are used to diagnose hoarding. First, the person must accumulate large quantities of objects. Second, the person must have difficulty getting rid of these items, even if they are no longer useful. And thirdly, the accumulation of objects must lead to serious overcrowding of the house.

So what is the difference between Diogenes syndrome and syllogomania?

Both disorders have similar symptoms, but syllogomania is generally more benign than Diogenes syndrome. People with syllogomania may live in squalid conditions, but they generally do not have the same level of social isolation and poor personal hygiene. Additionally, people with syllogomania are usually able to keep their homes relatively clean, despite the large number of objects they own.

Syllogomania can be successfully treated with cognitive therapy- behavioral, while Diogenes syndrome often requires hospitalization due to its severity.

There is no known treatment for these two disorders, but our teams regularly intervene to help people suffering from one or the other syndrome. If you suffer from any of these disorders, we can help you get your life back on track.

If you, or a loved one, suffers from any or any of these problems, do not hesitate to contact us today. We can help you improve your quality of life.

Our extreme cleaning teams regularly intervene in cases of Syllogomania or Diogenes syndrome

Our network is present throughout France and we intervene quickly in your house to clean and restore order.

If you know someone affected by these disorders, do not hesitate to contact us. We can help them get their lives back on track.

10 things to do to help and support a person with Diogenes syndrome

If you know someone affected by the syndrome of Diogenes, here are 10 things you can do to help him:

1. Learn about this disease. This will help you understand what the person is going through and how you can best help them.

2. Be patient and understanding. People with Diogenes syndrome often have difficulty getting rid of objects, even if they are no longer useful. It is important to be patient and understand that this is part of the illness.

3. Help with daily tasks. Offer help with shopping, cooking, cleaning, and other daily tasks. This will relieve the affected person of some of their burden with Diogenes syndrome and make their life easier.

4. Encourage social activities. Invite the person to go out with you, take walks, or participate in other social activities. This will help him stay in touch with the outside world and avoid isolation.

5. Offer emotional support. Listen and offer words of encouragement. This will help the person feel supported and loved.

6. Help with decision making. When the person is ready to get rid of some of their belongings, offer to help them make decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of. This will make the process easier for her.

7. Seek professional help. If the person is having difficulty coping with Diogenes syndrome, consider seeking professional help. A therapist can help the person manage their disorder and progress in their treatment.

8. Join a support group. There are support groups for people with Diogenes syndrome and their loved ones. This is a great way to meet other people who understand what Diogenes syndrome is.

9. Offer to help with decluttering. If the person is ready to declutter their home, offer to help. This can be a difficult and emotional task, and having someone there for support will be helpful.

10. Be there for the long haul. Diogenes syndrome is a disease that lasts throughout life, so it is important to be present for the person in the long term. To do this, we must offer support, understanding and patience.

Things to do to help and accompany a person suffering from Syllogomania

As we have seen above Syllogomania is different from Diogenes syndrome. Here is how to help or support a person with this disorder:

1. Learn about this disorder. This will help you understand what the person is going through and how they can cope with it.

2. Encourage social activities. Invite the person to go out with you or participate in other social activities. This will help him stay in touch with the outside world and avoid isolation.

3. Help her make decisions. When the person is ready to get rid of some of their belongings, offer to help them make decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of. This will make the process easier for him.

4. Seek professional help. If the person is having difficulty coping with hoarding, consider seeking professional help. A therapist can help the person manage this disorder and continue treatment.

5. Join a support group. There are support groups for people with hoarding and their loved ones. It's a great way to meet other people who understand what it's like to live with this disorder.

6. Be there for the long haul. Syllogomania is a disorder that lasts throughout life, so it is important to be present for the person in the long term. This means offering support, understanding and patience.

7. We can help you sort, clean and get rid of your belongings. It is important not to do this without the person's consent, as it can be a very emotional experience.

8. Offer to help make the decision when the person is ready to get rid of some of their possessions. This will make the process easier for her.


Diogenes Syndrome and Syllogomania are two disorders that can be difficult to deal with. If you know someone who is struggling with any of these disorders, there are things you can do to help them. Start by learning about these disorders and offer your support, understanding and patience. We can also offer our services to declutter and clean their home, as well as help with decision-making when it comes to getting rid of their belongings. Ultimately, the most important thing you can do is be there for the person for the long term.

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