Diogenes syndrome

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Diogenes syndrome cleaning

Services aide à domicile syndrome de Diogène

Cleaning services followingDiogenes syndrome

Vous n’avez jamais mis les pieds dans l’appartement d’une personne atteinte du syndrome de Diogène ? C’est tout à fait normal ! Pour la simple et bonne raison que vous ne pourrez même pas ouvrir et pousser la porte d’entrée… Pourquoi ?

Because a mound of objects and rubbish will accumulate and block this door. And not just behind, but throughout the entire apartment!! Totally impractical and unlivable accommodation! However, a person lives well here... This person suffers from Diogenes syndrome.

Are you faced with this situation with one of your loved ones? Contact us to provide you with solutions adapted to this emergency situation!

Grand Nettoyage explains in this article what you need to know about Diogenes syndrome and how we intervene throughout France.|| |70

Comprendre le syndrome de Diogène

Nowadays, it is a rare and complex case that has multiple facets, making the diagnosis quite complex for doctors and psychiatrists. One of the most obvious and striking symptoms is the state of the housing in which the person concerned lives. An accumulation of everyday objects but also trash cans and rubbish, transforming the living space into a real dump!

Diogenes syndrome most often concerns an elderly population suffering from fronto dementia -temporal close to Alzheimer's. Elderly people suffering from isolation from all social life. A situation which pushes them to neglect their personal and domestic hygiene, often extreme.

This syndrome is quite complicated for psychiatrists to analyze, because it presents itself in different situations and in different forms of compulsive disorders.

Active and passive Diogenes syndrome

The majority of people with Diogenes syndrome are elderly, but other cases may affect a younger population. A behavioral disorder that can be caused by different reasons, such as severe depression.

It sometimes even happens that Diogenes syndrome comes following a shock or psychological trauma. The cause? Thedeath of a loved one or a serious event such as a dismissal or a romantic breakup. A tragic event that can affect people of all ages and be the cause of a completely unhealthy lifestyle. However, psychiatrists detect two types of Diogenes:

  • Active Diogenes syndrome: it concerns people who have a compulsive desire to collect objects. This syndrome, often close toSyllogomania, is very difficult to take care of because the person concerned does not let anyone into their home…

  • The syndrome of passive Diogenes: much easier to detect due to the totally unsanitary state of the accommodation. However, medical management and diagnosis remain very complex. The person may also be suffering from a schizophrenic illness, an alcoholic illness or a paranoid disorder.

A situation which requires medical help for the person and the intervention of a specialized team in the major cleaning for unsanitary housing. The accumulation of trash causes a proliferation of bacteria and insects. The apartment must not only be emptied and then cleaned, but also disinfected, disinsected and decontaminated. A real clearance project that only the Grand Nettoyage company can carry out.

Intervening with a person suffering from Diogenes syndrome

A person suffering from Diogenes syndrome is often in denial . Support is often difficult because the person does not complain about their situation and does not ask for any help! This unsanitary life does not bother her at all and she does not want any other human presence, except in rare cases where the roommate suffers from the same syndrome.

Living like a Diogenes sometimes means living like a homeless person, cut off from the world, but locked in an apartment. The depression that accompanies the pathology pushes the person into procrastination and therefore stops tidying up and cleaning up after themselves. A vicious circle which causes a situation of greatunsanitary, both dangerous for the person, but also the neighborhood. Unfortunately, this situation sometimes ends tragically, when the firefighters intervene tono one responding to calls”… A macabre discovery sometimes several days after the death! You then have the accumulation of a corpse and a dump in your apartment... The Grand Nettoyage team is specialized and trained for these extreme cases. Just as for aclearance after death, payment, in accordance with the law, can be made via the service of a notary. We work with people taken care of by social services, carry out a large clearance with sorting then a major cleaning of the apartment.

Cleaning Diogenes Syndrome in France

Living like a Diogenes means living with objects and trash piled up all over the apartment and up to the ceiling. A nauseating smell emanates from all the rooms and rats and cockroaches proliferate everywhere…

Do you really want to tackle cleaning in such conditions?

The deterioration of the accommodation is such that only a company like Grand Nettoyage can overcome such a situation. The family or the owner often think that the apartment will be uninhabitable, but our company literally transforms the home of a Diogenes.

You want to sell the apartment but the last tenant had a syndrome ofDiogenes ?

Impossible to find a future owner to buy this apartment... You must restore it! Grand Nettoyage allows real estate agencies to show your apartment a few days later.

Cleaning the apartment of a Diogenes must be done by a professional!

See instead the scale of the task:

  • Transportation of a bulky waste bin for clearing out the apartment;

  • evacuation of unnecessary and bulky objects by dump truck with authorization from the town hall or the prefecture upstream;

  • recovery of objects still in condition;

  • sorting and return of official documents and important papers;

  • deep cleaning and restoration of the apartment;

  • Disinfestation and rodent control of rooms (moving rubbish causes a real invasion of insects on all the walls and ceilings!) ;

  • disinfection and decontamination of the apartment apartment with certified equipment.

Of course, such a large clearance and major cleaning project also depends on the size of the accommodation... But to imagine tackling these tasks alone would be like wanting to accomplish the twelve tasks of Hercules without help!

Cleaning for Diogenes syndrome is tax deductible?

All our cleaning, sorting and tidying services for housing with a syndrome of Diogenes can be deductible from the tax credit with our personal service approval. If you are faced with a situation of Diogenes syndrome or a loved one of yours, support for the service by social services.

Let the Grand Nettoyage team support you since we intervene thanks to our teams in each region of France, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Une équipe locale de nettoyage et de débarras du syndrome de Diogène

Help with cleaning and getting rid of Diogenes syndrome

What to remember about Diogenes syndrome Diogenes France

The apartment of a person with Diogenes syndrome is no longer a home! It’s a real waste dump that presents major physiological and health risks! Try to clear and clean the home yourself and you will be exposed to multiple dangers to your health.

The company Grand Nettoyage is the specialist in 3D intervention: Pest control, Disinfection, Pest control.

Contact us wherever you are in France! We intervene through our branches in all regions of mainland France within 24 hours of your call! Tell us about your situation and an advisor will explain how we can help you. You can call us 24/7 or contact us byclicking here

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